Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

I am thinking when it is official that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has been appointed. The DNC will be looking at a storm, a sh.t storm.

I'm looking forward to the complete meltdown of student Bernie supporters on Prog Campuses across the country. If they need counseling for seeing Trump written in chalk, just image when hiLIARy steals the nomination!
Yes, Hillary is very likely to win the nomination and Sanders seems the likely VP choice. Sander's strong appeal to young voters would certainly help Hillary. Unlike the Republican primary favorites, the Democratic front runners aren't attacking their opponents families and calling each other liars and cowards.
Sanders will not be the VP

He is older than Hillary and has a constituency Hillary will take anyway. Look for a young Julian Castro as her running mate

Someone she can pass the torch to
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote

And that demograph is shrinking each day.
I am thinking when it is official that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has been appointed. The DNC will be looking at a storm, a sh.t storm.

I'm looking forward to the complete meltdown of student Bernie supporters on Prog Campuses across the country. If they need counseling for seeing Trump written in chalk, just image when hiLIARy steals the nomination!
Yes, Hillary is very likely to win the nomination and Sanders seems the likely VP choice. Sander's strong appeal to young voters would certainly help Hillary. Unlike the Republican primary favorites, the Democratic front runners aren't attacking their opponents families and calling each other liars and cowards.
Sanders will not be the VP

He is older than Hillary and has a constituency Hillary will take anyway. Look for a young Julian Castro as her running mate

Someone she can pass the torch to
You're probably right a younger male would be a better match, however I'm not sure Hillary still has the appeal with younger voters she once had..
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
I am thinking when it is official that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has been appointed. The DNC will be looking at a storm, a sh.t storm.

I'm looking forward to the complete meltdown of student Bernie supporters on Prog Campuses across the country. If they need counseling for seeing Trump written in chalk, just image when hiLIARy steals the nomination!
Yes, Hillary is very likely to win the nomination and Sanders seems the likely VP choice. Sander's strong appeal to young voters would certainly help Hillary. Unlike the Republican primary favorites, the Democratic front runners aren't attacking their opponents families and calling each other liars and cowards.
Sanders will not be the VP

He is older than Hillary and has a constituency Hillary will take anyway. Look for a young Julian Castro as her running mate

Someone she can pass the torch to
Wow you must have copied that from someone who knew what he was talking about.
BUt that is right. Sanders would be a poor choice. She will need someone who excites younger voters. Id' suspect Corey Booker. And he's almost as corrupt as she is.
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
I am glad you RW loons have faith in Donald. It will keep you excited until November. Then comes the big smack down.
Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Reasons why the GOP is in shambles and the liberals/ progressive are salivating over this election cycle. The Republicans are either bat shit crazy themselves ( actually most are) and/or their supporters and surrogates are:

Glenn Beck: Ted Cruz Is Divinely Anointed And Has Been 'Raised From Birth' To Save This Nation Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 3/25/2016 2:58 pm Glenn Beck dedicated an entire segment of his radio program today to responding to a Breitbart article criticizing him for telling Mormons while campaigning for Ted Cruz in Utah recently that they must rise up and save this nation because evangelical Christians in the South "are not listening to their God." - See more at: Glenn Beck: Ted Cruz Is Divinely Anointed And Has Been 'Raised From Birth' To Save This Nation

Cruz-Aligned Pastor: Execute Girl Scout Leaders For 'Promoting Homosexuality' Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 3/14/2016 12:30 pm Kevin Swanson, the pastor courted by Ted Cruz who has repeatedly called for the execution of gay people, including just minutes before speaking with Cruz at an event last November in Iowa, dedicated a radio program last week to attacking the Girl Scouts for supporting women’s and LGBT rights, saying that the group’s leaders are worthy of death. - See more at: Cruz-Aligned Pastor: Execute Girl Scout Leaders For 'Promoting Homosexuality'

Tony Perkins: Leave Your Church If Your Pastor Likes Obama
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Thursday, 3/10/2016 3:30 pm
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has once again attacked the faith of Christians who back President Obama, this time telling a caller on his radio show yesterday that she should leave her church because her pastor likes the president.

After the caller said that, among other issues, her pastor “thinks Obama is the greatest,” Perkins advised her to begin “praying about changing churches and finding another church.”

- See more at: Tony Perkins: Leave Your Church If Your Pastor Likes Obama

'The Door Of Disconnect': How Glenn Beck Turned His Own Audience Into A Bunch Of Terrified Trump Supporters Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 3/25/2016 11:04 am For months now, Glenn Beck has been mystified by the rise of Donald Trump and has been especially confused by the fact that many people in his listening audience seem to be backing the billionaire mogul despite the fact that he is a "progressive" who represents everything that Beck has been warning about for years. Earlier this week, Beck had a discussion on his radio program with a longtime listener who sought to explain why he is supporting Trump. Despite his best efforts, Beck was simply unable to dissuade this caller from backing Trump and so, on Wednesday night, he brought a couple of "psychology experts" onto his television program to try to explain what is going on in the minds of Trump supporters. - See more at: 'The Door Of Disconnect': How Glenn Beck Turned His Own Audience Into A Bunch Of Terrified Trump Supporters

The GOP's Islamophobia Problem Is Much Bigger Than Donald Trump Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 3/21/2016 1:10 pm Months before Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called for a total ban on the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims from entering the U.S., the billionaire mogul claimed at an Iowa conference that President Obama had banned Christians from immigrating to the country. “Muslims can come in but other people can’t; Christians can’t come into this country but Muslims can,” he said. “Now what’s that all about? What is that all about? I mean, something’s gotta be coming down from the top. When I heard that, I couldn’t believe it.” - See more at: The GOP's Islamophobia Problem Is Much Bigger Than Donald Trump

Ted Cruz Extends Anti-Gay Endorsement Bonanza With Religious Right Intellectual Leader Robert George
Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Thursday, 3/17/2016 4:43 pm
As we have noted repeatedly, Ted Cruz has enthusiastically welcomed the endorsements of and associated with a lot of extreme anti-gay activists, including the kind who scream from the stage that gay people should be executed. But not all anti-gay activists are of the ranting sort; some are prominent lawyers who draft legislation and devise legal strategies for restricting equality. Today, Cruz trumpeted the endorsement of the most prominent of these “respectable” anti-gay activists, Robert George.

- See more at: Ted Cruz Extends Anti-Gay Endorsement Bonanza With Religious Right Intellectual Leader Robert George

Donald Trump Taps Figure Tied To Militia Group As Foreign Policy Adviser Submitted by Brian Tashman on Monday, 3/21/2016 1:40 pm After explaining that he consults his brain on foreign policy, Donald Trump told the Washington Post today that one of his advisers on foreign affairs is “counter-terrorism expert” Walid Phares. It shouldn’t be that surprising that an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist like Trump is taking advice from Phares, who believes that the Obama administration is “being advised and suggested to by Muslim Brotherhood either fronts or advisers or sympathizers” and “has decided to quit the ideological confrontation” against terrorist groups. - See more at: Donald Trump Taps Figure Tied To Militia Group As Foreign Policy Adviser
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Perfect Storm?

The rightwing hissy fit against their party will cost them the White House, Senate and Supreme Court for a generation
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
The nice thing about you, Nutjobber, is that you are so stupid and ill informed it's easy to pwn you every single day.
The Great Democratic Age Gap
Hillary’s Woman Problem
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
Move. Move. Mooove those goalposts.
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
I find it hard to believe they have anything that hasn't already been uncovered. Cruz and Rubio threw everything they had at him.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

You also get wide open borders and the end of the United States as we know it.
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.
All he has to do is keep hammering Hillary about persecuting Bill's sexual assault victims. She won't getting much of the women's vote after that.
Sanders is not Hillary's woman problem

She pulls 60% over Trump
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
Move. Move. Mooove those goalposts.
The goal is getting elected President and Hillary kills Trump among women, blacks, Hispanics and young people

Not gunna be pretty
Thanks for admitting I was correct. Hillary polls terribly among young women and young people in general.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
Move. Move. Mooove those goalposts.
The goal is getting elected President and Hillary kills Trump among women, blacks, Hispanics and young people

Not gunna be pretty

Apparently you believe repeating that 1000 times will make it true.
Rabbi pulling a Rabbi again

Hillary kills Trump among women and the young
All that matters isn't it?
Nutjobber going nutty again. I make a statement that I support with articles and he changes the topic and accuses me f deflecting.
Hillary is a loser with young people because they dont remember the Clinton years.
Polls: Trump Clobbered by Hillary Among Women, Nonwhites, Millennials
Move. Move. Mooove those goalposts.
The goal is getting elected President and Hillary kills Trump among women, blacks, Hispanics and young people

Not gunna be pretty

Apparently you believe repeating that 1000 times will make it true.
Repeating facts 1000 times still makes them facts

Women and Hispanics will cost Trump the election

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