Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers

Bernie is more the equivalent of Rapist Bubba Clinton.
Now you are just acting ridiculous

Bernie is not going to win. He never had a chance. What he is doing is forcing Hillary to face liberal issues instead of remaining safely in the middle

The only reason Bernie won't win is if hiLIARy is able to steal the nomination via a rigged game of Superdelegates.
Any way you slice the delegates, Hillary is ahead by a large margin
Your problem is that the same applies to Trump
With a third of a lap head start why wouldn't she........

In regards to the GOP process........they steal after the votes have been tallied..........both corrupt........not often used.........but it still is rigged..............
Stop trying to compare the campaign of Hillary and Bernie to the GOP Clown Show

Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.
You honestly need to take advice from someone

You had a legitimate chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Instead you put on a spectacle reminiscent of a Jerry Springer highlight reel.
Again..........I don't need your advice.............the War is against the establishment corrupt rule.........and nothing else long as they run the show the shit doesn't get fixed.......ever.............

Bingo. Our government basically operates as an Organized Crime Syndicate. Pay up or Go To Jail so that they can funnel half of your productivity to themselves and their cronies.
An image says a thousand words, here is an image of Sanders in this election.

The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?
Stop trying to compare the campaign of Hillary and Bernie to the GOP Clown Show

Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.

Meade sent a message to Lee, attack us in the middle, we are weak, yeah that's what you should do. Just trying to help.
Lee was desperate as Vicksburg was falling......and in desperation he pushed an attack where the enemy clearly had the advantage...........and lost.............desperation leads to stupid moves and gambles............Perhaps Cruz is Lee now.............Rubio most certainly was desperate when he changed got Rubio slaughtered...........Cruz maybe not as much but the campaign is getting more desperate..........
Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.
You honestly need to take advice from someone

You had a legitimate chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Instead you put on a spectacle reminiscent of a Jerry Springer highlight reel.
Again..........I don't need your advice.............the War is against the establishment corrupt rule.........and nothing else long as they run the show the shit doesn't get fixed.......ever.............

Bingo. Our government basically operates as an Organized Crime Syndicate. Pay up or Go To Jail so that they can funnel half of your productivity to themselves and their cronies.

When a Gov't stops being the Referee, and decides the winners and losers.........then the country is done.............

The solution to the perfect storm is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for Kasich to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go..
Stop trying to compare the campaign of Hillary and Bernie to the GOP Clown Show

Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.
You honestly need to take advice from someone

You had a legitimate chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Instead you put on a spectacle reminiscent of a Jerry Springer highlight reel.
Again..........I don't need your advice.............the War is against the establishment corrupt rule.........and nothing else long as they run the show the shit doesn't get fixed.......ever.............

Of course conservatives never take advice. They know everything.

If your objective was to win in 2016, that opportunity is gone
If you objective was to break the Republican Party, looks like you have succeeded
Here's a little story about that: No.
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.
You honestly need to take advice from someone

You had a legitimate chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Instead you put on a spectacle reminiscent of a Jerry Springer highlight reel.
Again..........I don't need your advice.............the War is against the establishment corrupt rule.........and nothing else long as they run the show the shit doesn't get fixed.......ever.............

Of course conservatives never take advice. They know everything.

If your objective was to win in 2016, that opportunity is gone
If you objective was to break the Republican Party, looks like you have succeeded

My position is there is only 1 party...................I will not cry if a valid 3rd party rises from the ashes of the advice...........You are on the other side of the fence...........why the hell should I listen to you anyway....

I want the establishment Tarred and you get that are going to vote for the worst of the establishment who shouldn't be allowed to run for a girl scout troop leader...............
Once again we have conservatives struggling with equivalencies

Bernie claiming he is more liberal than Hillary is not the equivalent of Little Marco, Lying Ted and Stumpy Fingers
When we need the enemies camp advice we'll take it from you....................You have 1 candidate...........enjoy the forgery show.
You honestly need to take advice from someone

You had a legitimate chance to beat Hillary in 2016. Instead you put on a spectacle reminiscent of a Jerry Springer highlight reel.
Again..........I don't need your advice.............the War is against the establishment corrupt rule.........and nothing else long as they run the show the shit doesn't get fixed.......ever.............

Of course conservatives never take advice. They know everything.

If your objective was to win in 2016, that opportunity is gone
If you objective was to break the Republican Party, looks like you have succeeded

My position is there is only 1 party...................I will not cry if a valid 3rd party rises from the ashes of the advice...........You are on the other side of the fence...........why the hell should I listen to you anyway....

I want the establishment Tarred and you get that are going to vote for the worst of the establishment who shouldn't be allowed to run for a girl scout troop leader...............

James Mattis for President!

This Man Can Save Us From Trump—and Clinton
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
We will have to see what coat tails Trump will bring. Doesn't look like much as mainstream Republicans will endorse him but will not hit the streets for him.
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
The Mud slinging has always been that tactic..............always has been...........It's their standard bearer............
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
The Mud slinging has always been that tactic..............always has been...........It's their standard bearer............
Dems don't have to say a word

Republicans have done their mud slinging for them
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
The Mud slinging has always been that tactic..............always has been...........It's their standard bearer............
Dems don't have to say a word

Republicans have done their mud slinging for them
Taken a look at Hillary's baggage lately...........didn't think so..........
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
The Mud slinging has always been that tactic..............always has been...........It's their standard bearer............
Dems don't have to say a word

Republicans have done their mud slinging for them
Taken a look at Hillary's baggage lately...........didn't think so..........
Republicans have tried their mudslinging against Hillary too

It may have worked better if they could have kept the news focused on Hillary's investigation instead of the latest ridiculous Trumpism.
My guess is that the Democrats are just biding their time, hoping Trump gets the nomination, and collecting enough opposition research to bury him.

They're probably looking at much more than just Trump, too - no doubt they're thinking down-ballot.
The Mud slinging has always been that tactic..............always has been...........It's their standard bearer............
Dems don't have to say a word

Republicans have done their mud slinging for them
Taken a look at Hillary's baggage lately...........didn't think so..........
Republicans have tried their mudslinging against Hillary too

It may have worked better if they could have kept the news focused on Hillary's investigation instead of the latest ridiculous Trumpism.
Right now we are busy beating the living hell out of each other.........the winner will go after Hillary's baggage..........which is target rich..........

The solution to the perfect storm is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for Kasich to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go..

I agree with Kasich being the best choice for th GOP, the Phrump supporters are rabid and won't go away. And Donald will definitely launch a third party run if the GOP brass walk away from him. Basically, the Republican Party is...,..Screwed.

The solution to the perfect storm is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for Kasich to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go..

I agree with Kasich being the best choice for th GOP, the Phrump supporters are rabid and won't go away. And Donald will definitely launch a third party run if the GOP brass walk away from him. Basically, the Republican Party is...,..Screwed. want a spineless jellyfish to give you what you dice.............He wants the TPP........amnesty............he's in the race only to force a brokered convention.

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