Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

I support Bernie fuckwit.

The solution to the perfect storm is to seed the clouds early and control the time of the rains. The GOP could rightly declare "the last man standing" after serious violations of requirements of candidates have been done by Tiny Hands and his current nemesis "The Waxen Puppet". Who would be left standing of course is the sober, experienced and qualified candidate John Kasich.

The GOP needs to stop saying "Kasich just can't win, the math isn't on his side" and start talking about Ted Cruz's Canadian birth certificate and how those who used to support Cruz (with their "anyone but Trump vote) should now go to Kasich. THEN there would be enough abandoned delegates and amassed delegates for Kasich to force a vote at the convention for the best man to beat Hillary in the Fall.

And the polls show clearly and consistently that this man is John Kasich. Anything less would tarnish the GOP brand so harshly that it would cease to exist. John Kasich would re-establish and strengthen the brand in everyone's eyes and re-adjust the political equilibrium so vital between the two sides of the aisle.

Of course John Kasich is NOT the Cheney/Rove pick. Because anyone with eyes can see he'd tell them to fuck off if their nefarious plans might hurt the US as a whole. So this, and no other thing, is the cause of "the obvious angst in the GOP". There really is no angst. 99.999999999% of the establishment know that Kasich would save the party and win this Fall. it's just that .000000001% named "Dick Cheney and homies" that there seems to be this big uproar on the right.

But how much more will the entire republican party sacrafice for this evil .000000001% of their ranks? (Assuming a 5-time draft-dodger, gay marriage promoter, raised by democrats, Obama-praiser can be considered "GOP establishment"..). Want to talk about hurting the brand and where all the Trumpsters came from? There you go..

I agree with Kasich being the best choice for th GOP, the Phrump supporters are rabid and won't go away. And Donald will definitely launch a third party run if the GOP brass walk away from him. Basically, the Republican Party is...,..Screwed. want a spineless jellyfish to give you what you dice.............He wants the TPP........amnesty............he's in the race only to force a brokered convention.

Nope....Kasich gives the GOP the best chance, but the GOP is stuck with Phrump. Democrats love Phrump. He is totally screwing the Repub Party.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

I support Bernie fuckwit.

Who is Bernie fuckwit?
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.

And hiLIARy's 3 legged stool consists of: Her Vagina, Goldman Sachs, and Race Baiting.
The ship sank & everyone died in the Perfect Storm.

Is this your idea of a good thing? The sinking of our nation? Oh wait.... yall elected Obama twice.

And what were the alternatives?

Oopsie. Didn't think of that didja?

We don't know, never got a chance to find out. What we do know is Obama said he would fix it in 4 years. 7 years later, he still lies


You "never got to find out" who was on the ballot?

And more to the point, what was going on in the economic sector in late 2008, the last few months of the year? Any idea?
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

I support Bernie fuckwit.

Who is Bernie fuckwit?

Bernard Goldberg, lol
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.

And hiLIARy's 3 legged stool consists of: Her Vagina, Goldman Sachs, and Race Baiting.

Oooh, that's gotta hurt.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.

And hiLIARy's 3 legged stool consists of: Her Vagina, Goldman Sachs, and Race Baiting.

lol, one more big business loving neocon climbs aboard the Trump bandwagon, jettisoning principles as she goes.
He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

I support Bernie fuckwit.

Who is Bernie fuckwit?

Bernard Goldberg, lol

You gotta love Bernard Goldberg; "Conservative For Hire."
Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.
NAFTA was a Job Killer..................Ross Perot was right...........and the TPP is NAFTA on steroids..............

You vote for Hillary.............You get the TPP.............that's the you stand for jobs here or abroad............because if you elect her and the TPP own don't bitch about it later.............

I support Bernie fuckwit.

Who is Bernie fuckwit?

Bernard Goldberg, lol

You gotta love Bernard Goldberg; "Conservative For Hire."

Yes. He's a Conprostitutionalist.
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.

And hiLIARy's 3 legged stool consists of: Her Vagina, Goldman Sachs, and Race Baiting.

Your poor little binary brain can't grok that dislike of hiLIARy doesn't mean support for Trump.

Bzzzztttttt. You lose.

lol, one more big business loving neocon climbs aboard the Trump bandwagon, jettisoning principles as she goes.
If nothing else Trump is proving that the GOP platform of the last 20 years is obsolete.

He has many scratching their heads. No one has ever seen a clueless candidate as Phrump. As I heard on NPR this am, the real concern should be WHO supports Phrump, rather than Phrump himself. Scary to think that they "Walk Among Us."

Trump's 3 legged stool is standing on protectionism, anti-immigration, and his celebrity.

Remember, Perot was able to get 20% in 1992 with what was almost (not quite but almost) a one-issue campaign...

anti-NAFTA. Trump is that with some add-ons.

btw, anyone who remembers 1992 might remember how much Perot was hated... conservatives, conservatives of Rush Limbaugh wing anyway. He hated Perot more than he hated Clinton.

And hiLIARy's 3 legged stool consists of: Her Vagina, Goldman Sachs, and Race Baiting.

Your poor little binary brain can't grok that dislike of hiLIARy doesn't mean support for Trump.

Bzzzztttttt. You lose.

lol, one more big business loving neocon climbs aboard the Trump bandwagon, jettisoning principles as she goes.

1961 called. It wants its slang back.
He will lose the womens vote, the Black vite, the Hispanic vote, and embarrass the GOP as never before. The Republican Party brains know it , and they are going crazy.
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
I am thinking when it is official that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton has been appointed. The DNC will be looking at a storm, a sh.t storm.

I'm looking forward to the complete meltdown of student Bernie supporters on Prog Campuses across the country. If they need counseling for seeing Trump written in chalk, just image when hiLIARy steals the nomination!
Yes, Hillary is very likely to win the nomination and Sanders seems the likely VP choice. Sander's strong appeal to young voters would certainly help Hillary. Unlike the Republican primary favorites, the Democratic front runners aren't attacking their opponents families and calling each other liars and cowards.
You know that Phrump will come up with some anti-woman zinger when he debates Hillary. He can't help himself. He is a Pig.

Trump cannot help himself

He will go personal and turn Hillary into a victim. Hillary will get 60% of the women's vote, more if Trump can't contain himself
Hillary polls poorly in every demographic group except old white women. That shouldnt be encouraging to Dems.
Making shit up again Rabbi

Hillary polls well with women, blacks, Hispanics, minorities, young voters

Leaves Trump with the angry white male vote

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