Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.
Only liberals are fixated on race. The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is. Like you. It doesnt bother me a bit you're part squirrel and part retarded ape.
The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.
Not the nation. Just the Repug party. Oh wait... y'all elected Bush twice.
I did great under Bush. I've done terrible under Obama

So you're the one?

Make that two of us. The Bush years were awesome. I didn't lose anything during the Obama years, but my gains were much harder to come by - much like the overall economy. Obama can't retire and build his library soon enough.

You didn't lose anything when the housing market crashed and the stock market lost half its value and 750,000 a month were losing their jobs?

You are a fucking liar

No I'm not a liar you fucking idiot. You don't lose on your 401K until you actually cash in - assuming you cash in on a down swing. Same for stocks when you decide to sell. The value of my house has gone down a little of course, but I plan on staying long term so I may never see the decrease. Plus I sold my first house to buy my current house at the absolute height of the market (which netted me a huge profit) which more than makes up for the decreased value in my current home. If I take my entire history of buying and selling homes which occurred during the Bush era I still come out ahead. Depending on the line of business you're in and if you made smart decisions and didn't panic you should have come out OK. But as I stated and it's absolutely true, I did very well during Bush's years and merely held serve during Obama.
So what did you do to prosper during the Bush disaster years? Invest heavily in Haliburton stock?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.
I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.
So says the Liberals who keep the Donald plastered all over the boards.........Why aren't you posting on how great Hillary is.........hmmm...............or how your Super Delegates make the Bernie primary a complete and utter joke............

We know to admit your candidate sucks.
I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.

That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

We were told constantly the Democrats lost Congress because of redistricting. In 2012 we lost despite every indication we would win because of massive black turnout in key states. That was the ONLY reason Obozo won again.
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

OK, let's start talking about real topics and not the size of Trump's "hands."

What is yoopi
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?
The rest of us don't give a shit what color or ancestry someone is.


That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.

How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"

Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

OK, let's start talking about real topics and not the size of Trump's "hands."

What is yoopi
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?

Explain why Phrump will get 20% or less of the black vote.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

OK, let's start talking about real topics and not the size of Trump's "hands."

What is yoopi
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?

Explain why Phrump will get 20% or less of the black vote.
Race baiting asshats like you...................and the rhetoric TO UNITE US from the left...........

Your normal tactics............

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

OK, let's start talking about real topics and not the size of Trump's "hands."

What is yoopi
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?

Explain why Phrump will get 20% or less of the black vote.

Because, they will wise up and not vote for the person who called them super predators and said they need to be brought to heel. Since when did a Republican get more than 20 percent? Trump is different. I made it simple for folks, I posted a video showing how Mrs. Tuzla treats black, I will post it here in a moment.

It's right there in this post's quotes. Holy SHIT.

OK, let's start talking about real topics and not the size of Trump's "hands."

What is yoopi
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?

Explain why Phrump will get 20% or less of the black vote.

The ship sank & everyone died in the Perfect Storm.

Is this your idea of a good thing? The sinking of our nation? Oh wait.... yall elected Obama twice.

And what were the alternatives?

Oopsie. Didn't think of that didja?

We don't know, never got a chance to find out. What we do know is Obama said he would fix it in 4 years. 7 years later, he still lies

The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?
You butthurt, bro? Still wincing after the bitch slapping I gave you over 2 years ago because you post stupid shit.

The one where it took me 1.36 seconds to expose your point as not having one?

Kinda like I just did here, huh?
See the pattern.

Phrump loons are like Donald. If you start talking about actual policies and issues, they change the subject and begin calling names.

Bush had a more diverse cabinet then any president before him.

Maybe some people don't think the color of their skin is a trait to measure a man, you know like MLK said.

But others think that blacks are super predators that need to be brought to heel. I assume under the whip of their white democrat masters.

Care to discuss that bit of real politics?

Explain why Phrump will get 20% or less of the black vote.

Need to play that one to the BLM group..........that would be a hoot.
The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?

In the end, the nominee is the party's nominee. How they select their nominee is up to the party, not the people. The democrats tried to tie the nominee to the primary elections but they didn't like the outcome so they rigged the system so the party does select the nominee. Mrs. Tulza has been selected no need to talk about Bernie.
The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?

In the end, the nominee is the party's nominee. How they select their nominee is up to the party, not the people. The democrats tried to tie the nominee to the primary elections but they didn't like the outcome so they rigged the system so the party does select the nominee. Mrs. Tulza has been selected no need to talk about Bernie.

Considering that the Dems have been criticizing the Electoral College for not being based on the popular vote, it's rather hypocritical for them not to choose their own candidate via such a method.

Just sayin'.
The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?
Stop trying to compare the campaign of Hillary and Bernie to the GOP Clown Show
The OP shouldn't feel so complacent. The Dems have their very own Civil War underway. Bernie has a lot of some point, the Super Delegates may defect from hiLIARy.

And WTF is up with Super Delegates anyway? It's just a way to rig the election for the Establishment Favorite. How is that DEMOCRATIC?
Stop trying to compare the campaign of Hillary and Bernie to the GOP Clown Show

Here's a little story about that: No.

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