Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

i think there are always better options than not voting

Not when my vote hasn't been earned, there isn't.

ok. like I said, though. i'm not sure what cruz would do to "earn" your vote.
Cruz or Trump, what a choice, worst than Clinton or Sanders. This was the year for Republicans to win the White house and look what they came up with.

This is the tragedy for Republicans
They know this is their year
They get to run against Hillary

And they pick Trump
Are you now admitting that Trump will take the nomination.............
Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP

Last edited:
Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.
RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.

Shows how pathetic the radical right is

After years of mocking traditional Republicans ...they get their chance


I ain't making this shit up
Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
If there every was a Republican in name only, it's Trump.

Chelsea Clinton is saying that her mother is going to save America from the crush costs of know, the legislation we had to pass so we could find out what is in it.
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.

Shows how pathetic the radical right is

After years of mocking traditional Republicans ...they get their chance


I ain't making this shit up
Radical right...............from a Radical left

You want people who will bow to you..........I don't need to put up the Tea Party's Radical mission............It's SOOOOOO RADICAL.......

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.

Liberals always want the RINO because the RINO wants to be liked like their guys. Cruz is their worst nightmare because he does not give a shit of what they think of him.
I did great under Bush. I've done terrible under Obama

So you're the one?

Make that two of us. The Bush years were awesome. I didn't lose anything during the Obama years, but my gains were much harder to come by - much like the overall economy. Obama can't retire and build his library soon enough.

You didn't lose anything when the housing market crashed and the stock market lost half its value and 750,000 a month were losing their jobs?

You are a fucking liar

Many of us are still trying to recover from the mess that the recovering alcoholic left us. It was the worst economic downturn since the great depression. Now the GOP says...

Except the dnc was in control.

See how easy it is to play this retarded fucking game?

Grow up

You are really slow. The DNC caused the recession? That was a dumb a comment as I have ever read.
Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Unfortunately if the establishment candidate were to run third party against HRC and Trump., it could split the Electoral votes enough that none of the candidates could reach the magic 270, and then the House of Representatives gets to try a contingent election.
And that would the end of the Electoral college. Most people still believe the candidate that get's the most votes wins the election. WRONG! A few educated voters believe the candidate that get's the most electorial college votes wins the election. WRONG!. To be elected as president or vice president, a candidate must have an absolute majority (50%, plus one vote) of the electoral votes for that position. If no candidate has a majority of votes, 50% +1, the the House of Representative picks the president from the the top 3 candidates and the Senate picks the Vice President from the top 3 candidates. So, Mickey Mouse can be picked as president and Donald Duck as Vice President.

Keep in mind that electors in 29 states can can vote for anyone they chose. They are not bond by law to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their state.

The Electoral College - Fairvote
Last edited:
Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
If there every was a Republican in name only, it's Trump.

Chelsea Clinton is saying that her mother is going to save America from the crush costs of know, the legislation we had to pass so we could find out what is in it.
Hope Hillary can make it better

Republicans sure don't give a shit
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.

Liberals always want the RINO because the RINO wants to be liked like their guys. Cruz is their worst nightmare because he does not give a shit of what they think of him.
Cruz is your worst nightmare

Because even Trump can beat him
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.



You cumming in your jeans about this?????

It was already known in 2014 the democrats would probably retake the senate this year and after the do nothing leadership it is a givin.

The federal government will be exactly the same as 2012 with the liberals crying about obstructionist if hillary wins...

The only difference would be the republicans would still hold over 50% of the state governorship and legistrators ...

You are a retarded dumb Fuck.
Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
If there every was a Republican in name only, it's Trump.

Chelsea Clinton is saying that her mother is going to save America from the crush costs of know, the legislation we had to pass so we could find out what is in it.
Hope Hillary can make it better

Republicans sure don't give a shit
After the BS your side has done in the recent past.........Yeah we don't give a shit what you think on.
RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Back then, the hard Left took over the Democrat Party. There is no change going on in the GOP......they are just dominated by too many RINOs who would be considered Democrats pre-1968.

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
If there every was a Republican in name only, it's Trump.

Chelsea Clinton is saying that her mother is going to save America from the crush costs of know, the legislation we had to pass so we could find out what is in it.
Hope Hillary can make it better

Republicans sure don't give a shit
After the BS your side has done in the recent past.........Yeah we don't give a shit what you think on.
We know you don't give a shit about healthcare

Been waiting for a Republican plan for seven years
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.



You cumming in your jeans about this?????

It was already known in 2014 the democrats would probably retake the senate this year and after the do nothing leadership it is a givin.

The federal government will be exactly the same as 2012 with the liberals crying about obstructionist if hillary wins...

The only difference would be the republicans would still hold over 50% of the state governorship and legistrators ...

You are a retarded dumb Fuck.

Yes, gerrymandering is keeping the GOP from going away like the Wigs.
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

RINOs are the true Republicans
They are laughing that you would nominate Trump
If there every was a Republican in name only, it's Trump.

Chelsea Clinton is saying that her mother is going to save America from the crush costs of know, the legislation we had to pass so we could find out what is in it.
Hope Hillary can make it better

Republicans sure don't give a shit
After the BS your side has done in the recent past.........Yeah we don't give a shit what you think on.
We know you don't give a shit about healthcare

Been waiting for a Republican plan for seven years
Options were given during the so called meetings to make had a chance to pass something that wouldn't have to be repealed later...............but you said get to the back of the bus.......

Obamacare is a disaster.......
aka Please don't kill our precious RINO's.............they are our friends....


Guess what?

We get to see what happens when RINOs don't pick the candidate

Poor smeagle.............didn't get a RINO to run against.........knocks the chess board over and shits on it......still calls it a game.
After years of mocking RINOs
You finally get your candidate

You pick TRUMP
Actually my first pick was Carson..............but given the final options............Yeah I pick Trump because he's going against the grain...........The establishment need to be tarred and feathered..............

Your side wants a so much.

Liberals always want the RINO because the RINO wants to be liked like their guys. Cruz is their worst nightmare because he does not give a shit of what they think of him.
Cruz - worst nightmare? Nah. Even his own party thinks he's an asshole. He has no appeal to anyone who isn't an ultra right wing loony.
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
I thought you rightwingers all ascribed to the one drop theory where one drop of black blood means you're black. Explains the right's psychotic hatred of the man.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.



You cumming in your jeans about this?????

It was already known in 2014 the democrats would probably retake the senate this year and after the do nothing leadership it is a givin.

The federal government will be exactly the same as 2012 with the liberals crying about obstructionist if hillary wins...

The only difference would be the republicans would still hold over 50% of the state governorship and legistrators ...

You are a retarded dumb Fuck.

Yes, gerrymandering is keeping the GOP from going away like the Wigs.


Yea I see the GOP flocking in droves all the time to blue states with high taxes.

The Damn federal government is becoming a joke no matter who is in charge. They are all the same.
Pretty much accurate methinks, except that it's possible the RP does not (can not) stop Rump from taking its nomination and that spurs a third party run with a genuine conservative -- either way we get three major candidates, which has the same siphoning effect. As Ross Perot put it, a giant sucking sound.

The Republican Party is undergoing the same familial schism that the Democratic Party went through in the 1960s. Back then it was Wallace playing the part of Rump. In both cases they need(ed) the same thing --- eventually you have to take out the trash, or it starts to stink.

Unfortunately if the establishment candidate were to run third party against HRC and Trump., it could split the Electoral votes enough that none of the candidates could reach the magic 270, and then the House of Representatives gets to try a contingent election.
And that would the end of the Electoral college. Most people still believe the candidate that get's the most votes wins the election. WRONG! A few educated voters believe the candidate that get's the most electorial college votes wins the election. WRONG!. To be elected as president or vice president, a candidate must have an absolute majority (50%, plus one vote) of the electoral votes for that position. If no candidate has a majority of votes, 50% +1, the the House of Representative picks the president from the the top 3 candidates and the Senate picks the Vice President from the top 3 candidates. So, Mickey Mouse can be picked as president and Donald Duck as Vice President.

Keep in mind that electors in 29 states can can vote for anyone they chose. They are not bond by law to vote in accordance with the popular vote in their state.

The Electoral College - Fairvote

Right. There might be some question as to what happens if neither has can reach a quorum to even vote on a contingent election. Presumably if neither a POTUS or Veep were elected, it would fall to the Speaker of the House. All the more reason for Dems and young folks to pay attention to House races and VOTE in them.

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