Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
You have to excuse Rabbi....his knowledge of the political scene is twisted by hatred

He equates a party having token black candidates who received no delegates to a two term president of the United States
Says the guy who blames Mormons for his troubles.
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

Why are you agonizing over Obama. Shouldn't you be worried about Phrump?
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
Tell us Rabbi

tell us how he is "halfrican"
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
You have to excuse Rabbi....his knowledge of the political scene is twisted by hatred

He equates a party having token black candidates who received no delegates to a two term president of the United States
Says the guy who blames Mormons for his troubles.
The Osmonds have never given me any trouble
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
Tell us Rabbi

tell us how he is "halfrican"
That's funny, Nutjobber. Did you read that somewhere or did someone show you a video?
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

Why are you agonizing over Obama. Shouldn't you be worried about Phrump?
I am not agonizing over Obama nor am I worried about Trump. History eventually takes out the trash.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.


I agree

I also think Trump has alienated most mainstream Republicans. While they may give him reluctant endorsements, they will not pound the pavement and get out the vote in their states. While most Republicans (other than some women) will not vote Hillary, they will not come to the polls in large numbers. Romney had a big drop off in voters from McCain. I expect Trump to lose even more

It will be interesting to see the FoxNews impact. As a rule, they throw softballs to the Republican candidate while they trash the Democrat 24/7. Trump has burned his bridges with Fox management.....he should get lukewarm support at best
I think that's the winner. While the dems have probably a better than 50-50 chance of taking the senate if Donald is the gop nominee, and I suspect in the end he will be, still the only way the dems take the House is if historic (perfect storm) numbers of gopers stay home in gerrymandered House districts.

And having nothing to do with partisan bs, as a nation we have to demand that redistricting be done non-partisan. This is killing us.

I really doubt the Dems can take the House. The GOP gerrymander is too strong

The only way is if Trumps coattails are really, really short and it is obvious a week before the election, that Hillary is looking at a landslide. In that case, dejected Republicans stay home in large numbers and all seats go up for grabs
Agreed – republicans keep the House regardless, and democrats will likely win the Senate; the GOP is defending 24 seats to the democrats’ ten during a GE where voter turnout (democratic) will be high.
The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
Tell us Rabbi

tell us how he is "halfrican"
That's funny, Nutjobber. Did you read that somewhere or did someone show you a video?
No just something I picked up from the racists after Obama was elected
The ship sank & everyone died in the Perfect Storm.

Is this your idea of a good thing? The sinking of our nation? Oh wait.... yall elected Obama twice.
Not the nation. Just the Repug party. Oh wait... y'all elected Bush twice.
I did great under Bush. I've done terrible under Obama

So you're the one?

Make that two of us. The Bush years were awesome. I didn't lose anything during the Obama years, but my gains were much harder to come by - much like the overall economy. Obama can't retire and build his library soon enough.
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.
Tell us Rabbi

tell us how he is "halfrican"
That's funny, Nutjobber. Did you read that somewhere or did someone show you a video?
No just something I picked up from the racists after Obama was elected
DNC or Debbie Wasserman Schultz's own website?
The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

Why are you agonizing over Obama. Shouldn't you be worried about Phrump?
I am not agonizing over Obama nor am I worried about Trump. History eventually takes out the trash.

Yup, Phrump will be gone after he loses in November.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

I do admit that the more I hear the more it does look like the Democrats will take the Presidential election. Even so, I wouldn't really go as far as to say that they will win back Senate or House majorities. I still believe that the majority of the country is primed with Conservative ideals, and i think that will be reflected when the votes come out and the seats are filled...I just think (hope?) that more and more people will realize just how disastrous Trumpian politics will lead us to, and so, avoid such a scenario.

On a personal note, at this early stage I'm thinking I'll vote Democrat for President and House and go Republican for the Senate seat up for grabs in my state.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.


so what do you have?? an old woman with false teeth and crotch oder or the old bastard who's one step from full care nursing. you are a funny guy. i could take you on the road and make a fortune !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
Obama isn't black, dumbshit. He's mixed race. But he was sold to you rubes as the Great Black Hope and you drank his piss.

Why are you agonizing over Obama. Shouldn't you be worried about Phrump?
I am not agonizing over Obama nor am I worried about Trump. History eventually takes out the trash.

Yup, Phrump will be gone after he loses in November.
To Ted Cruz. Because the Dems will pick him once Hillary is hauled off to jail.
Yet another thread of how the left doesn't like Republicans and all the other lemmings join in. Really, if anything you said were true, which most cases isn't, then the lines at the polling stations would be low but they are not.

The American people have seen what you people have done for 7 long disastrous years, Obama's lost years. They are not as stupid as you folks seem to think. And what I see in this thread is a whole bunch of wishful thinking.
Trump has been written off time and time again..........None of them have been right........It is obvious that the 1 party system is against anyone challenging their power...........and why the lines have been very long in a primary..........The establishment has been attacking relentlessly from both sides of the Isle......aka the 1 derail him...........and he has used that to his advantage............

What I see is the curtain drawn back to see who is behind the curtain......and more people are seeing it as well............

We'll see...............America doesn't need more of the same...........They need someone with a tattoo on his dick.


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