Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

I think if the GOP loses the White House again, they will still fail to learn. I think they will still refuse to look in the mirror for who to blame.

Trump is proof of this. He is telling them all their problems are the fault of the Mexicans, which is one of the most hilarious blaming games ever.

Even after they royally fucked up the 2012 election, the rubes refused to look in the mirror and decided they lost "because gifts".

Rubes love scapegoats.
Imo that is what is drafting Ryan. Or allowing Ryan to let himself be drafted. Bottom line is we need to reform the tax code to make the base of what is taxed broader and give the middle class a tax cut along the way.

But that is heresy for Norquist.

You ever notice Norquist's pledge says nothing about promising not to increase spending?

Yeah! Read it for yourself and see.

Very revealing.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Anyway, the tax thing is the only reason I would vote for Cruz. I mentioned this a week or so ago in a topic I started.

I detest Cruz, but Trump has managed to make even Cruz look good. If the election is Trump v. Clinton, I will leave the top of my ballot blank. If the election is Cruz v. Clinton, I just might vote for Cruz, and solely because of his tax plan to eliminate almost all tax expenditures.

His 10 percent flat tax bracket is beyond moronic, but I suspect Cruz picked that number as a negotiating starting point so he can give the illusion of comprising when a higher number is settled upon.

why would you vote for someone who shut down the government costing us billions while professing to be fiscally "conservative"?
I dont know why Democrats continue to support Obama.

the president isn't running for a third term.

he's an ok president. no where near the failure of your last.

thanks for playing.
I think if the GOP loses the White House again, they will still fail to learn. I think they will still refuse to look in the mirror for who to blame.

Trump is proof of this. He is telling them all their problems are the fault of the Mexicans, which is one of the most hilarious blaming games ever.

Even after they royally fucked up the 2012 election, the rubes refused to look in the mirror and decided they lost "because gifts".

Rubes love scapegoats.
Imo that is what is drafting Ryan. Or allowing Ryan to let himself be drafted. Bottom line is we need to reform the tax code to make the base of what is taxed broader and give the middle class a tax cut along the way.

But that is heresy for Norquist.

You ever notice Norquist's pledge says nothing about promising not to increase spending?

Yeah! Read it for yourself and see.

Very revealing.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Anyway, the tax thing is the only reason I would vote for Cruz. I mentioned this a week or so ago in a topic I started.

I detest Cruz, but Trump has managed to make even Cruz look good. If the election is Trump v. Clinton, I will leave the top of my ballot blank. If the election is Cruz v. Clinton, I just might vote for Cruz, and solely because of his tax plan to eliminate almost all tax expenditures.

His 10 percent flat tax bracket is beyond moronic, but I suspect Cruz picked that number as a negotiating starting point so he can give the illusion of comprising when a higher number is settled upon.

why would you vote for someone who shut down the government costing us billions while professing to be fiscally "conservative"?
I dont know why Democrats continue to support Obama.

the president isn't running for a third term.

he's an ok president. no where near the failure of your last.

thanks for playing.
He doesnt have to run.He can just sign an EO.

1. First ever candidate under FBI investigation
2. Obama turning over the biggest economic disaster in human history to his successor
3. She's a pathological lair

Looks like Trump can win all 57 states even without releasing the photos of Bill on Epstein's Lolita Sex Slave Island
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Guess which party has 2 Muslims serving in Congress. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 11 Asian Pacific Islanders serving in the House. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 6 gays serving in Congress. Guess which party has none (that we know of).

Guess which party has 24 Hispanics currently serving in the House of Representatives. Guess which party has 8.

Guess which party has 18 Jewish members serving in the House. Guess which party has 1.
Guess which party has produced policies that have harmed every minority you mentioned.
I guess you expect them to vote for the party which demonstrates how much it HATES them every single day.
I think if the GOP loses the White House again, they will still fail to learn. I think they will still refuse to look in the mirror for who to blame.

Trump is proof of this. He is telling them all their problems are the fault of the Mexicans, which is one of the most hilarious blaming games ever.

Even after they royally fucked up the 2012 election, the rubes refused to look in the mirror and decided they lost "because gifts".

Rubes love scapegoats.
Imo that is what is drafting Ryan. Or allowing Ryan to let himself be drafted. Bottom line is we need to reform the tax code to make the base of what is taxed broader and give the middle class a tax cut along the way.

But that is heresy for Norquist.

You ever notice Norquist's pledge says nothing about promising not to increase spending?

Yeah! Read it for yourself and see.

Very revealing.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Anyway, the tax thing is the only reason I would vote for Cruz. I mentioned this a week or so ago in a topic I started.

I detest Cruz, but Trump has managed to make even Cruz look good. If the election is Trump v. Clinton, I will leave the top of my ballot blank. If the election is Cruz v. Clinton, I just might vote for Cruz, and solely because of his tax plan to eliminate almost all tax expenditures.

His 10 percent flat tax bracket is beyond moronic, but I suspect Cruz picked that number as a negotiating starting point so he can give the illusion of comprising when a higher number is settled upon.

why would you vote for someone who shut down the government costing us billions while professing to be fiscally "conservative"?
I plainly said I detest Cruz. I am for Kasich. But Trump has made even Cruz look good.

My options on Election Day are 1) Vote for Cruz and 2) Don't vote.

I have not made up my mind. If Trump wins the nomination, it will have been made up for me.
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Guess which party has 2 Muslims serving in Congress. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 11 Asian Pacific Islanders serving in the House. Guess which party has 0.

Guess which party has 6 gays serving in Congress. Guess which party has none (that we know of).

Guess which party has 24 Hispanics currently serving in the House of Representatives. Guess which party has 8.

Guess which party has 18 Jewish members serving in the House. Guess which party has 1.
Guess which party has produced policies that have harmed every minority you mentioned.
I guess you expect them to vote for the party which demonstrates how much it HATES them every single day.
They already do that.
I think if the GOP loses the White House again, they will still fail to learn. I think they will still refuse to look in the mirror for who to blame.

Trump is proof of this. He is telling them all their problems are the fault of the Mexicans, which is one of the most hilarious blaming games ever.

Even after they royally fucked up the 2012 election, the rubes refused to look in the mirror and decided they lost "because gifts".

Rubes love scapegoats.
Imo that is what is drafting Ryan. Or allowing Ryan to let himself be drafted. Bottom line is we need to reform the tax code to make the base of what is taxed broader and give the middle class a tax cut along the way.

But that is heresy for Norquist.

You ever notice Norquist's pledge says nothing about promising not to increase spending?

Yeah! Read it for yourself and see.

Very revealing.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Anyway, the tax thing is the only reason I would vote for Cruz. I mentioned this a week or so ago in a topic I started.

I detest Cruz, but Trump has managed to make even Cruz look good. If the election is Trump v. Clinton, I will leave the top of my ballot blank. If the election is Cruz v. Clinton, I just might vote for Cruz, and solely because of his tax plan to eliminate almost all tax expenditures.

His 10 percent flat tax bracket is beyond moronic, but I suspect Cruz picked that number as a negotiating starting point so he can give the illusion of comprising when a higher number is settled upon.

why would you vote for someone who shut down the government costing us billions while professing to be fiscally "conservative"?
I plainly said I detest Cruz. I am for Kasich. But Trump has made even Cruz look good.

My options on Election Day are 1) Vote for Cruz and 2) Don't vote.

I have not made up my mind. If Trump wins the nomination, it will have been made up for me.

i think there are always better options than not voting
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

You forgot that Trump is extremely unpopular with the general electorate, both men and women. Recent polls by Fox, Wall Street Journal, CBS/New York times, and Gallup all agree. What is most disturbing is how much women hate him. Since women voters outnumber men, November is likely to be a landslide for Clinton and if so, Republicans are going to loose seats in congress.

When Hillary is in office next year this time, Trump supporters are going to be asking themselves whether their protest vote against the establishment was worth it.
The dems need to realize their young voters aren't appeased by corporatism. What is happening to the GOP will happen to the dems as well.
People are tired of you guys bullshit. Not everyone American wants to live in a third world shithole

The Dims will simply embrace more socialism. Dingleberry Bernie is but a taste of your future.

Governments are like stars. They just get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. The star explodes or it collapses on itself and forms a black hole the engulfs everything nearby into nothingness.
i think there are always better options than not voting

Not when my vote hasn't been earned, there isn't.

Look at it this way. The candidates are interviewing for a job, and I'm telling Trump, "YOU'RE FIRED!"
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

You forgot that Trump is extremely unpopular with the general electorate, both men and women. Recent polls by Fox, Wall Street Journal, CBS/New York times, and Gallup all agree. What is most disturbing is how much women hate him. Since women voters outnumber men, November is likely to be a landslide for Clinton and if so, Republicans are going to loose seats in congress.

When Hillary is in office next year this time, Trump supporters are going to be asking themselves whether their protest vote against the establishment was worth it.
You would think so

But recent elections show they are unable to accept the blame. Expect the blame for Trumps disastrous defeat to the evil media, free stuff and being cheated
The dems need to realize their young voters aren't appeased by corporatism. What is happening to the GOP will happen to the dems as well.
People are tired of you guys bullshit. Not everyone American wants to live in a third world shithole

The Dims will simply embrace more socialism. Dingleberry Bernie is but a taste of your future.

Governments are like stars. They just get bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until one of two things happen. The star explodes or it collapses on itself and forms a black hole the engulfs everything nearby into nothingness.
Yea.. Sometimes I wonder if just naive about why they like him..
i think there are always better options than not voting

Not when my vote hasn't been earned, there isn't.

ok. like I said, though. i'm not sure what cruz would do to "earn" your vote.
Cruz would eliminate almost all tax expenditures, which are a HUGE drain on the economy and on the American taxpayer.

That alone will earn my vote.

We are getting to a place where there is so much debt and dysfunction that our choices will be made for us.

I think that is their goal.
i think there are always better options than not voting

Not when my vote hasn't been earned, there isn't.

ok. like I said, though. i'm not sure what cruz would do to "earn" your vote.
Cruz would eliminate almost all tax expenditures, which are a HUGE drain on the economy and on the American taxpayer.

That alone will earn my vote.

We are getting to a place where there is so much debt and dysfunction that our choices will be made for us.

I think that is their goal.

okie dokie
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
i think there are always better options than not voting

Not when my vote hasn't been earned, there isn't.

ok. like I said, though. i'm not sure what cruz would do to "earn" your vote.
Cruz would eliminate almost all tax expenditures, which are a HUGE drain on the economy and on the American taxpayer.

That alone will earn my vote.

You won't have a chance to use the plan. Phrump is standing blocking the door. And even if he is somehow moved out of the way, he is nasty and vengeful enough to sabotage the GOP with a Thrd Party run.
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Huh? The Dems didn't have a black presidential candidate in the last 12 years? How do you explain the black incumbent Democratic President then?
You have to excuse Rabbi....his knowledge of the political scene is twisted by hatred

He equates a party having token black candidates who received no delegates to a two term president of the United States

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