Could the Democratic Party be looking at the "Perfect Storm?"

This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people. One of those Democrats is a socialist and the other failed her own 3am phone call leading to American deaths.

I'm not going to make predictions for November, but I can easily predict one party does not stay in power forever. Eventually people need someone to blame for their troubles which is why the GOP took the House and Senate again.
The ship sank & everyone died in the Perfect Storm.

Is this your idea of a good thing? The sinking of our nation? Oh wait.... yall elected Obama twice.

The GOP is on the ship.
The Democrats are in the water already.

If Phrump is driving the GOP ship, they are SCREWED.
Yep...say it again a million times and it just might become fact.
Pretty sad that your candidate Hillary sucks so bad you have to destroy her opposition to have a chance of winning.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

Whistling past the graveyard.
Two term incumbents almost never have a successor from the same party.
The Democrats have fucked up the economy, the number one issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress, and likely the WH too.
The Democrats have fucked up national security, the number 2 issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress and likely the WH too.
Democrats have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their front runners are white geriatrics. Their leaders are white geriatrics. They are the party of old white people telling young people and Blacks that old white people are out to rule over them.
The only way is if Trumps coattails are really, really short


Don't you mean...

Most people probably don't give a shit about the obstruction of the Supreme Court nominee. They will have forgotten all about it by November. They have memories like that of goldfish. I bet less than ten percent could even tell you his name right now.

If Trump is the GOP nominee, a lot of Cruz, Kasich, Bush, and Rubio voters will stay home. If anyone but Trump is the nominee, a lot of Trump voters will stay home.

But...if Clinton is the Democratic nominee, a lot of Sanders voters will stay home.

Regardless of who is the nominee, a lot of Americans have already decided to stay home.

As I have been saying for years, the political landscape has become so toxic that elections are now decided by which party pissed off the least number of their own voters.

Each party has a hard central core who will always vote for the party's nominee, no matter who it is. Their party's nominee could be caught throwing live puppies into rush hour traffic, and they will still vote for him.

A small minority of Americans self-identify as Democrats. An even smaller minority self-identify as Republicans. And fewer and fewer of those minorities are voting any more.

The nature of rubes, though, is that their lack of intelligence is more than made up for by energy. The retard horde shows up at the polls in disproportionate numbers, and thus have an out of balance influence on the electoral process.

So the strategy of both parties these days is to forget about trying to win over the intelligent voters. Their focus is now on the hardcore passionate rabble.

Trump exploits this truth like many a huckster in history. The party elite have long felt they need to pander to these flaming idiots, but they never had the demagogic audacity of a Trump who has stripped all the pretense of "code words" from his rhetoric.

The difference between the horrific Trump and and the corrupt Clinton is the way they are perceived by the rubes. Clinton's stains and warts are plainly visible after a quarter century of relentless attacks have eroded her protective layer. Trump's glaring sarcomas, however, are still concealed by his newness and thick cover of gloss.

But like all slick cons, Trump's game depends on momentum and a lot of fast talk. All cons depend on the rapidity of the ripoff before the rube catches on.

There is a time limit to Trump's gambit.

Will it last to November? Who knows. Every time I think the rubes are finally going to catch on, they prove me wrong.

Hillary needs Bernie, no doubt about it. How she snares him, I dunno.
And Phrump's electability is the reason establishment Republicans are spending millions to stop him. But Dems think.....GO DONALD!
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

Whistling past the graveyard.
Two term incumbents almost never have a successor from the same party.
The Democrats have fucked up the economy, the number one issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress, and likely the WH too.
The Democrats have fucked up national security, the number 2 issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress and likely the WH too.
Democrats have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their front runners are white geriatrics. Their leaders are white geriatrics. They are the party of old white people telling young people and Blacks that old white people are out to rule over them.

So how is the weather on Mars these days?
The Democrats have fucked up the economy, the number one issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress, and likely the WH too.

You mean like.... 2008? :popcorn:

The Democrats have fucked up national security, the number 2 issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress and likely the WH too.

.You mean like..... 2008?

Democrats have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their front runners are white geriatrics. Their leaders are white geriatrics. They are the party of old white people telling young people and Blacks that old white people are out to rule over them.

This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The race card, eh? Identity politics? Okay.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three. The GOP front runners are all males.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
And Phrump's electability is the reason establishment Republicans are spending millions to stop him. But Dems think.....GO DONALD!
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.

Whistling past the graveyard.
Two term incumbents almost never have a successor from the same party.
The Democrats have fucked up the economy, the number one issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress, and likely the WH too.
The Democrats have fucked up national security, the number 2 issue, so badly the GOP will sweep Congress and likely the WH too.
Democrats have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their front runners are white geriatrics. Their leaders are white geriatrics. They are the party of old white people telling young people and Blacks that old white people are out to rule over them.

So how is the weather on Mars these days?
Is it not true the two Dem candidates are well over 65 years old?
Is it not true the Dem leader in the senate is over 70?
Is it not true the Dem leader in the House is over 70?
Is it not true Dems have lost 900 seats nationwide since 2009?
Is it not true the two term president is seldom followed by someone from his party?
So which of those things is not true?
This thread is hilarious given the two top Democrats are two old white people.

The GOP front runner is the second oldest and whitest of the three.

Why don't you find out how many people of color are in Congress under the GOP banner, and then how many are in Congress under the Democratic banner, and get back to us?
That proves only that colored people vote Democrat.
How many black presidential candidates have the Dems had in the last 12years?
How many black presidential candidates have the GOP had in the last 12 years?
The correct answer to the first question is "none"
The correct answer to the second question is "three"
Is there anyone foolish enough to believe that, no matter what the outcome of the election, the parties will suddenly join hands in "Kumbaya"?
Is it not true the two term president is seldom followed by someone from his party?

The GOP couldn't beat one of the most incompetent and inexperienced politicians in American history. They lost to him TWICE.

So...if they have all this stuff going for them which you claim they have, what will it say about the GOP if they lose the White House against all these odds again?
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.


You are assuming quite a bit of racism from the black and Hispanic voters. They may be fed up with Hillary's lies. We will see...
Is it not true the two term president is seldom followed by someone from his party?

The GOP couldn't beat one of the most incompetent and inexperienced politicians in American history. They lost to him TWICE.

So...if they have all this stuff going for them which you claim they have, what will it say about the GOP if they lose the White House against all these odds again?
He was also the first black president. Given the media groundswell it wouldnt matter how incompetent he was.
I really think that events are adding up to a "Perfect Storm" for the Democrats to succeed in November. Here is why:

-Trump will be the GOP Nominee. There is no way the establishment will be able to stop him, and if they do, Donald runs as Third Party. The Dems will crush the GOP and win the Senate in either case. Trump is polling 16% among Hispanic voters and less than 20% of the Black vote. He will need 90-100% of a shrinking white vote to win the White House. The GOP knows this and they and frantic.

-The obstruction that the GOP is blatantly illustrating to all voters concerning the Supreme Court appointment will finally convince voters that the Republican Party is a party of "NO!" 2 out of 3 people feel that the Senate needs to hold hearings and confirm Obama's nominee.

These are two HUGE considerations that will play a big part in what happens in November. The Dems should win the White House and the Senate back easily. And with Phrumo as the face of the GOP, the GOP will lose a HUGE number of seats in the House.


You are assuming quite a bit of racism from the black and Hispanic voters. They may be fed up with Hillary's lies. We will see...

"You are assuming quite a bit of awareness of racism from the black and Hispanic voters. They may be fed up with Hillary's lies. We will see..."

All fixed.

No charge this time. Next time it's $33.72.

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