Could Trumps court take us back to the 60’s where we belong?

You mean to the Vietnam War days, with violent protests across the country, sit in on college campuses, riots and violence at national political conventions, blacks having to use separated drinking fountains and not being allowed into public schools, president assassinated, his brother and a major peaceful civil rights leader assassinated as well. Did you live back then or just read about it? It wasn't all you guys crack it up to be, but yes trump might take us back to it.

Nope. You leftists want to take us back to those days. The early 60's were perfectly fine, until the unwashed, unhinged Marxist rabble starting going ape shit in the streets.

Pretty much like they're doing today, even in spite of the fact that they have the most left-wing "woke" administration ever seen in this country's history. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads.
To a time when Americans were likeminded, when we all spoke the same language, when we put God, family and family values first, when a moral order was the law of the land, when children in classrooms spoke openly and proudly about their relationship with God instead of their sexual preferences and pronouns, when foreign invaders were treated like criminals and not assets to America?
All good core Americans owe Trump a big THANKS, not for this ruling on Roe but for what’s to come from this court over the next several decades.
Back to the 60’s we come!
Gone are the days when the MINORITY extreme left forces the rest of the country to choke down their extreme left world view. FU leftists.
The Jan.6 hearings are having the predicted effect on this board's members at least, but is it any more wide ranging throughout the country? Hate and racism is reaching epidemic proportions.

The threats with guns and the continuing string of thread that are just repeats of the same topic leaves me suspicious of the 'thread deleting' moderator's political motives.

Back to the 60's indeed! Which president or ex-president will the left/right murder first? And how will half the country celebrating with the other half mourning, be tolerable to either side?

"Could Trumps court take us back to the 60’s where we belong?"

To a time when......when we all spoke the same language, when we put God, family and family values first.... when children in classrooms spoke openly and proudly about their relationship with God ..... Back to the 60’s we come!
The early 60's would be great!
I loved the early 60's.


Ah, nope.
You go.
I'll stay here.
I like my laptop, the internet, cell phones, my TV remote, Alexa, Siri, my local river being much cleaner, the air cleaner too, my income, my net worth, my 'stuff'!

Hell, I don't wanna go back to those olden times. In my humble opinion, that nostalgia fantagasm is for retrogrades who struggle to make a good life for themselves or their families in the here and now. They pine for something they think they they remember.

No offense intended towards any of those good-old-days self-deluders.

Just sayin'.
Why not the 1760s?
and have to trade in my AR15 for the standard military weapon of the day?


I thought y'all didn't want us having access to military weapons.
Nope. You leftists want to take us back to those days. The early 60's were perfectly fine, until the unwashed, unhinged Marxist rabble starting going ape shit in the streets.

Pretty much like they're doing today, even in spite of the fact that they have the most left-wing "woke" administration ever seen in this country's history. Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads.
Me thinks you watch too much Andy of Mayberry. Most people in early 60s didn't even have air conditioning, TVs took a minute for the tubes to warm up, just to get a mediocre picture on 3 channels, everybody had a kid in their class with braces due to polio, people liked the Democrat President so well, he got shot in Dallas, oh, yeah man, it was a wonderful peaceful time, yeah right. You can keep the 60s. Been there. Done that.
I'm so happy for you...
Now go piss up a rope...
Trump is the best.
The CULT is strong
Your numbers are dwindling, as common sense brings some back to recognizing the true facts about lying con man pos trump, but some CULT members will never let go.

When are you CULT members going to pick a CULT name?

KKK is already owned by southern hicks.
As long as we’re going back to the 60s, let’s be sure to bring back 90% tax brackets and strong union membership.

I get the feeling those aspects will not be embraced with open arms….
"First, as to putting the clock back. Would you think I was joking if I said that you can put a clock back, and that if the clock is wrong it is often a very sensible thing to do? But I would rather get away from the whole idea of clocks. We all want progress. But progress means getting nearer to the place where you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turning, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man. We have all seen this when doing arithmetic. When I have started a sum the wrong way, the sooner I admit this and go back and start over again, the faster I shall get on. There is nothing progressive about being pigheaded and refusing to admit a mistake. And I think if you look at the present state of the world, it is pretty plain that humanity has been making some big mistake. We are on the wrong road. And if that is so, we must go back. Going back is the quickest way on."

- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, p. 22 (paperback)
Me thinks you watch too much Andy of Mayberry. Most people in early 60s didn't even have air conditioning, TVs took a minute for the tubes to warm up, just to get a mediocre picture on 3 channels, everybody had a kid in their class with braces due to polio, people liked the Democrat President so well, he got shot in Dallas, oh, yeah man, it was a wonderful peaceful time, yeah right. You can keep the 60s. Been there. Done that.
Nobody cares.
The CULT is strong
Your numbers are dwindling, as common sense brings some back to recognizing the true facts about lying con man pos trump, but some CULT members will never let go.

When are you CULT members going to pick a CULT name?

KKK is already owned by southern hicks.
Whine elsewhere. We've found that it's getting tedious.

"Could Trumps court take us back to the 60’s where we belong?"


Ah, nope.
You go.
I'll stay here.
I like my laptop, the internet, cell phones, my TV remote, Alexa, Siri, my local river being much cleaner, the air cleaner too, my income, my net worth, my 'stuff'!

Hell, I don't wanna go back to those olden times. In my humble opinion, that nostalgia fantagasm is for retrogrades who struggle to make a good life for themselves or their families in the here and now. They pine for something they think they they remember.

No offense intended towards any of those good-old-days self-deluders.

Just sayin'.
They dream of moving us back sixty years in a world that is passing us by.

That's how terrified, isolated and paranoid they are.

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