"Could You REPOOT The Question?"

She is almost 80 years old.
Her cognitive skills have been in decline for at least the past 3-4 years.
You see videos of her just 5 years ago, and the difference is undeniable. She was sharp, quick and accurate to the questions presented.
Over the past few years, she sometimes slurs words, mispronounces words, misunderstands the question... forgets words etc. etc.
She is simply ageing. And unfortunately many people her age are more affected mentally than physically.

She's a democrook.

She never has had any cognitive capacity. She lacks a frontal lobe just like every other bed wetting moonbat parasite.

It's only being reported because younger leftist apparatchiks are pushing her towards retirement.

Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge

Yup, that would be akin to Misery Loves Company.
Haters are miserable, which is why they love Trump.

LMAO The only haters I see are you idiots. You hate Trump. Haters ARE miserable and you should know.
Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The means justify the ends. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge

Yup, that would be akin to Misery Loves Company.
Haters are miserable, which is why they love Trump.

LMAO The only haters I see are you idiots. You hate Trump. Haters ARE miserable and you should know.
Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The means justify the ends. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

For fucks sake.... you have some kind of repressed sexual attraction to Trump or something?
Good God man.... hour after hour shotgunning this entire forum, attempting to turn every topic about Trump.
You need help.
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge
/----/"drives the Yahoos over the edge" Yeah over the edge of or chairs laughing our asses off.
For fucks sake.... you have some kind of repressed sexual attraction to Trump or something?
Good God man.... hour after hour shotgunning this entire forum, attempting to turn every topic about Trump.
You need help.
I have the Obamas and Cintons on line 1 conference call
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge

Yup, that would be akin to Misery Loves Company.
Haters are miserable, which is why they love Trump.

LMAO The only haters I see are you idiots. You hate Trump. Haters ARE miserable and you should know.
Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The means justify the ends. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

Well, you do have somewhat of a point. I, for one, hate how you liberals don't have any fricken common sense.
I used to be able to belch-talk. Poot-talking would be much more of a challenge.

For fucks sake.... you have some kind of repressed sexual attraction to Trump or something?
Good God man.... hour after hour shotgunning this entire forum, attempting to turn every topic about Trump.
You need help.
I have the Obamas and Cintons on line 1 conference call

Hillary no doubt? Bill wouldn't help you say stupid stuff, would he?
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge

Yup, that would be akin to Misery Loves Company.
Haters are miserable, which is why they love Trump.

LMAO The only haters I see are you idiots. You hate Trump. Haters ARE miserable and you should know.
Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The means justify the ends. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

WTF does this even mean? Can we get someone to translate this into a cogent thought?
For fucks sake.... you have some kind of repressed sexual attraction to Trump or something?
Good God man.... hour after hour shotgunning this entire forum, attempting to turn every topic about Trump.
You need help.
I have the Obamas and Cintons on line 1 conference call

Hillary no doubt?
You can't possibly be as dumb in real life as you are online. If you were, I am sure you'd be an illegitimate luv child of DJT
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge

Yup, that would be akin to Misery Loves Company.
Haters are miserable, which is why they love Trump.

LMAO The only haters I see are you idiots. You hate Trump. Haters ARE miserable and you should know.
Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The means justify the ends. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

WTF does this even mean? Can we get someone to translate this into a cogent thought?
the means justify the ends. the ends of civility, decency, respect LOL (watching you jump through hoops is amusing)

Ever read Trump's Tweets? Hate on steroids and you people are haters. He even told you so during a thank you tour - thanking you for being violent and hateful

The ends justify the means too. Your leader admitted as much and you cannot erase that fact

Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics


Pelosi trips over ‘soy beans,’ asks reporter to ‘repoot’ question

'As the noose seems to be tightening on her prospects to return to party power after the November elections, the House Minority Leader stumbled over words, suffered brain freezes and stared at reporters during a Thursday press conference.'




Doctors Reveal Studies Show Trump-Hating
Dementia Is TERMINAL, As The Mind
Eventually breaks Down Under The Pressure
Of Extreme Irrational Hatred And Denial.


WHAT'S WRONG WITH NANCY? Pelosi trips over 'soy beans,' asks reporter to 'repoot' question - The American Mirror
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge
/----/"drives the Yahoos over the edge" Yeah over the edge of or chairs laughing our asses off.
View attachment 201805
sure. believe what you want. I bet yew yahoos believe Trump's comments about his inaugural crowd size and how the clouds parted and it stopped raining while he spoke



Clouds parting and rain stopped? You're definitely getting Trumps inaugural speech confused with Obama's.


Pelosi trips over ‘soy beans,’ asks reporter to ‘repoot’ question

'As the noose seems to be tightening on her prospects to return to party power after the November elections, the House Minority Leader stumbled over words, suffered brain freezes and stared at reporters during a Thursday press conference.'




Doctors Reveal Studies Show Trump-Hating
Dementia Is TERMINAL, As The Mind
Eventually breaks Down Under The Pressure
Of Extreme Irrational Hatred And Denial.


WHAT'S WRONG WITH NANCY? Pelosi trips over 'soy beans,' asks reporter to 'repoot' question - The American Mirror
As much as I would like to laugh we all get old and many of us suffer such things. Sadly we are likely stuck with her since her constituents are clearly not very bright.


Pelosi trips over ‘soy beans,’ asks reporter to ‘repoot’ question

'As the noose seems to be tightening on her prospects to return to party power after the November elections, the House Minority Leader stumbled over words, suffered brain freezes and stared at reporters during a Thursday press conference.'




Doctors Reveal Studies Show Trump-Hating
Dementia Is TERMINAL, As The Mind
Eventually breaks Down Under The Pressure
Of Extreme Irrational Hatred And Denial.


WHAT'S WRONG WITH NANCY? Pelosi trips over 'soy beans,' asks reporter to 'repoot' question - The American Mirror
As much as I would like to laugh we all get old and many of us suffer such things. Sadly we are likely stuck with her since her constituents are clearly not very bright.

Yup. As long as the old hag runs for office those moonbats will vote for her.
For fucks sake.... you have some kind of repressed sexual attraction to Trump or something?
Good God man.... hour after hour shotgunning this entire forum, attempting to turn every topic about Trump.
You need help.
I have the Obamas and Cintons on line 1 conference call

Hillary no doubt?
You can't possibly be as dumb in real life as you are online. If you were, I am sure you'd be an illegitimate luv child of DJT

Wow, how'd you know Trump was my daddy? Actually, any president that can improve a country like Trump has can be my daddy...dumbass.
Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge
/----/"drives the Yahoos over the edge" Yeah over the edge of or chairs laughing our asses off.
View attachment 201805
sure. believe what you want. I bet yew yahoos believe Trump's comments about his inaugural crowd size and how the clouds parted and it stopped raining while he spoke



Clouds parting and rain stopped? You're definitely getting Trumps inaugural speech confused with Obama's.
well actually

Donald Trump Says God Wouldn't Let It Rain During His Speech

Gotta love Nancy and how she drives the Yahoos over the edge
/----/"drives the Yahoos over the edge" Yeah over the edge of or chairs laughing our asses off.
View attachment 201805
sure. believe what you want. I bet yew yahoos believe Trump's comments about his inaugural crowd size and how the clouds parted and it stopped raining while he spoke



Clouds parting and rain stopped? You're definitely getting Trumps inaugural speech confused with Obama's.
well actually

Donald Trump Says God Wouldn't Let It Rain During His Speech

And did it?

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