Pelosi puts the blame where it belongs

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

But how did the criminal get his gun? Originally from someone who bought it legally, no?? A personal sale perhaps, with no background check needed on him? ...from another person who bought it in a personal sale or gun shop sale, to sell to him in a personal sale?

it seems like common sense to require gun sellers, to do a background check on who they are selling the gun to, unless it is immediate family, perhaps....?

Will it end gun violence? Heck no! But it will stop some of it.... make it a little harder for guns to make it to this gun black market, where guns are a dime a dozen...
How about all the guns stolen during robberies? How about guns brought in from over the border or overseas? Do you really think that the only guns in the world are those sold in the U.S.? I mean seriously?

Democrats know this bill won't solve many problems. It's just one small step towards total gun confiscation.

View attachment 278771
ty! an informative chart!

But my question would be, how do the guns get to the black market? Who is supplying them? same with the illegal category?
Ask Obama and Holder. They put a few hundred thousand on the black market.
NO! Not a few hundred thousand! :eek:

During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000 firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.


For lawful gun purchases they will be. Sure, there are cracks, no law is 100% effective, hardly an excuse.

The person you're replying to doesn't have a clue about the laws in our nation.

No branch of the military can do any policing in America. The law is called the POSSE CAMANTAIUS ACT.

Any post to that person is a total waste of time because it's either very uninformed about there laws in our nation or it just likes to lie.
But how did the criminal get his gun? Originally from someone who bought it legally, no?? A personal sale perhaps, with no background check needed on him? ...from another person who bought it in a personal sale or gun shop sale, to sell to him in a personal sale?

it seems like common sense to require gun sellers, to do a background check on who they are selling the gun to, unless it is immediate family, perhaps....?

Will it end gun violence? Heck no! But it will stop some of it.... make it a little harder for guns to make it to this gun black market, where guns are a dime a dozen...
How about all the guns stolen during robberies? How about guns brought in from over the border or overseas? Do you really think that the only guns in the world are those sold in the U.S.? I mean seriously?

Democrats know this bill won't solve many problems. It's just one small step towards total gun confiscation.

View attachment 278771
ty! an informative chart!

But my question would be, how do the guns get to the black market? Who is supplying them? same with the illegal category?
Ask Obama and Holder. They put a few hundred thousand on the black market.
NO! Not a few hundred thousand! :eek:

During Operation Fast and Furious, the largest "gunwalking" probe, the ATF monitored the sale of about 2,000 firearms, of which only 710 were recovered as of February 2012.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

You are being naive if you think that is the only instance of "gun walking" that is going on. THEY WANT illegal guns on the streets for a reason!

I did a search, they wiped out another instance. . . but traces remain.

BING search this, "Exclusive Report: Documents indicate ATF, FBI allowed Indiana ‘crime gun’ sales."

(Remember, we are on the same side here.)
Are you going to give me access to NICS at no charge?
What would the charge /price be for a background check, do you know?

The issue of background checks on all weapon sales including private sales was on the ballot in my state a few years ago. It passed with a very large margin. I voted in the majority.

That law requires that all weapon sales get a background check. The private sales background checks go through the police and state patrol. All a person has to do is contact, either call or go on line, the police or state patrol to do the background check. It's quick and easy. The seller doesn't do the check, the police or state patrol does it.

I don't know if there's a charge.
I think the gvt should allow personal sale sellers do the check for free or make the buyer pay for it...? It should be part of the actual legislation.
You want gun owners to pay a private company for permission to enjoy the Bill of Rights?

Brilliant, Einstein....

How about we set up a private company and allow the MSM to pay for a license to report the news? You OK with that?

So weapon sellers are just giving those weapons away? No one has to pay a penny for that weapon?

Intelligent people know that YES weapon owners pay a private company for the permission to enjoy the Bill of Rights. People pay money to the weapons dealer for the weapon they buy.

So once a person gives anyone any money for that weapon, that person is paying a private person or company for the permission to enjoy the Bill of Rights.

How stupid do you have to be to know that private business is there to make money and they never give their product away for free? Weapons aren't free. They are sold for a profit by a private business.

I know you russian bots are stupid but wow. You've taken stupidity to a whole new level.
There is no law that will prevent shootings.

Gun control is not about guns, it's about control.
yea, control of the shootings, by reducing them.... no one has ever claimed these background check laws were going to eliminate the shootings and mass murders... just reduce them... save some lives.

It certainly will not stop any law abiding and sane citizen, from owning a gun for self defense or hunting.
The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

We can't stop drug dealers so lets just make all opioids OTC.


Then be a good little partisan hack and explain this:

1. How would that bill that Nancy Pelosi want the Senate to vote on would have stopped the Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas or the San Bernadino mass shooting or Fort Hood Mass shootings?

2. How many of those mass shootings were done by NRA members or Republican voters??

3. When will you realize criminals do not care about your laws and all you are doing is creating more criminals???


Also the left is suggesting people must be approved by a panel, get a psych evaluation and have so many hours of training, so will you also require criminals to do this?

My point?

Simple, all the nonsense you want will not prevent the next mass shootings or terrorist attack, so why keep on passing bullshit laws?

The problem with the terrorist organization NRA is that they fight gun control legislation to make these guns accessible to these mass shooters

A person illegally carrying can be arrested before they pull the trigger. Instead of traffic stops for DUIs, lets just check afer an accident to see if the driver was drunk.

Simple, you and the Democratic Party are owned by the Prison Industry and want to keep feeding it with new criminals...

No wonder why you love China so much...
An example: Dylan Roof got his gun because the bckground check did not come back within 3 days. The new bill extended it go 10 days.

That was the failure of the State and should be left to the state and not to partisan hacks like you...
There is no law that will prevent shootings.

Gun control is not about guns, it's about control.
yea, control of the shootings, by reducing them.... no one has ever claimed these background check laws were going to eliminate the shootings and mass murders... just reduce them... save some lives.

It certainly will not stop any law abiding and sane citizen, from owning a gun for self defense or hunting.

Uhhh sorry, it won't stop criminals either. A determined person will get a gun, it's just that simple.
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy


The NRA is a terrorist group now only to mental midgets...

Also Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on something he knows Trump will veto and the Senate will not be able to override, so he ( Mitch ) is acting like Harry Reid when Obama was President...

Nancy Pelosi need to do her job and get the trade agreement to the floor for a vote and send it to the Senate and not try passing gun control Bill's that will never make it through the Senate...
a REAL Senate Leader does what is best not cower to the President.

You people have become so pathetic.

Holy shit!

Did you write that about Reid when he was doing the same exact thing for Obama?

Of course not, so which one of us falls under the title of pathetic?

That would be YOU!

If you had no issue with Reid doing the same exact thing why are you complaining about Mitch McConnell?

Oh, he is Republican and only Democrats can be the biotch of the Oval office only when a Democrat is in that seat...

When did Reid say he would only bring bills to the floor that Obama would sign? NEVER.

Nearly 400 House bills stuck in Senate limbo

Read the article where Harry Reid held up over two hundred bills in the Senate and yet you do not think it was not at Obama request...

Sure thang Davey...
The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.
Could you explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion?
Which part flew over your head? Perhaps if yoiur turbabn was not wrapped so tight.

Wow, what a bigoted comment... your Alt-right is showing Davey...
His avatar shows him in a turban. That is not bigoted.

Yea, your comment was bigoted as can be and you know it but as usual a Progressive denies what he is...
The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.


For lawful gun purchases they will be. Sure, there are cracks, no law is 100% effective, hardly an excuse.

The person you're replying to doesn't have a clue about the laws in our nation.

No branch of the military can do any policing in America. The law is called the POSSE CAMANTAIUS ACT.

Any post to that person is a total waste of time because it's either very uninformed about there laws in our nation or it just likes to lie.

Yeah, it's a trend/lifestyle choice among the wingnuts here to lie and obfuscate about pretty much everything.
Democrats know this bill won't solve many problems. It's just one small step towards total gun confiscation.

View attachment 278771

What % of those guns in the black market were originally purchased privately? While were at it, let's get rid of straw purchases as well.

In your own words, strawman purchases are already illegal.


strawman purchases? Ok.

What I'm saying is that straw purchases are abundant and often times gun dealers have reason to believe the purchase of guns is for someone else. If there is a pattern of gun dealers falling into these types of sales then they are a problem and should be shut down.

So you want to hold a dealer responsible for a person lying on a form? Are they supposed to be physic?


If there is a repeated pattern then I think it's prudent that law enforecment take a look at it.

What do you think ATF audits are for? It's already part of the law.

Typical gun nutter argument.

If UBCs don't cover every gun exchange under every circumstance (including stolen guns)...they aren't worth having at all?

That makes sense?

Of course not. It's a dishonest argument

Yeah, just push another law that won't be and can't be enforced. That's all you commies are good for.

The NRA is no where near strict enough.
If a true constitutionalist gun group gets the spotlight, you bedwetters will move on to shitting yourselves.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.

We can't stop drug dealers so lets just make all opioids OTC.


Then be a good little partisan hack and explain this:

1. How would that bill that Nancy Pelosi want the Senate to vote on would have stopped the Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas or the San Bernadino mass shooting or Fort Hood Mass shootings?

2. How many of those mass shootings were done by NRA members or Republican voters??

3. When will you realize criminals do not care about your laws and all you are doing is creating more criminals???


Also the left is suggesting people must be approved by a panel, get a psych evaluation and have so many hours of training, so will you also require criminals to do this?

My point?

Simple, all the nonsense you want will not prevent the next mass shootings or terrorist attack, so why keep on passing bullshit laws?

The problem with the terrorist organization NRA is that they fight gun control legislation to make these guns accessible to these mass shooters

A person illegally carrying can be arrested before they pull the trigger. Instead of traffic stops for DUIs, lets just check afer an accident to see if the driver was drunk.

Simple, you and the Democratic Party are owned by the Prison Industry and want to keep feeding it with new criminals...

No wonder why you love China so much...
An example: Dylan Roof got his gun because the bckground check did not come back within 3 days. The new bill extended it go 10 days.

Was there anything in NICS that would have prevented him form getting the gun? A simple yes or no will do.

The NRA is already in disagreement with gun measures such as universal background checks that already have 80-90% approval.

Tell ya what commie, when you can legally require are criminal to do a background check when he sells a stolen gun to another criminal, then and only then will I discuss more background checks for the law abiding.


That is already illegal. What's your point...fascist :5_1_12024:?

It's simple commie, your universal background checks won't be so universal, will they? So it's not about safety, it's about control and further burdening law abiding citizens. You commies don't care about gun safety, if you did you'd have the national guard helping police in commie controlled cities. That's where the majority of gun violence occurs.


For lawful gun purchases they will be. Sure, there are cracks, no law is 100% effective, hardly an excuse.

The person you're replying to doesn't have a clue about the laws in our nation.

No branch of the military can do any policing in America. The law is called the POSSE CAMANTAIUS ACT.

Any post to that person is a total waste of time because it's either very uninformed about there laws in our nation or it just likes to lie.

Wow, your ignorance is showing. The National Guard are trained in police tactics and can be called on by the Governor of the State to assist police.

A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy
A reporter asks Pelosi why she did not recall the House back to DC on guns.

She rips Moscow Mitch a new one with her response.

The House acted in February. Moscow Mitch did nothing. He is responsible for these newer deaths.

Watch Nancy Pelosi burn Mitch McConnell and a reporter who asked a silly question

The NRA is not better than a terrorist organization backed by Republicans that they have purchased over the years like McConnell.

Blood is on their hands.

Way to go Nancy


The NRA is a terrorist group now only to mental midgets...

Also Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote on something he knows Trump will veto and the Senate will not be able to override, so he ( Mitch ) is acting like Harry Reid when Obama was President...

Nancy Pelosi need to do her job and get the trade agreement to the floor for a vote and send it to the Senate and not try passing gun control Bill's that will never make it through the Senate...
a REAL Senate Leader does what is best not cower to the President.

You people have become so pathetic.
oh the irony

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