Could you study Martial Arts three nights a week and not be able to defend yourself?

You obviously don't know much about this subject, but you aren't going to learn shit without spending a year or two doing it, and that's assuming you have a good instructor.

You need to spend two years learning something before you figure out if you learned anything? Not me.



The Onion?

Dems say unemployment stimulates the economy....and I proved it


Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

No Democrats said "unemployment" stimulates the economy. What was said was the money that comes from unemployment insurance that people paid into stimulates the economy more than no money at all.

And you are one of those the Onion was making fun of.

God you're dumb. Just as dumb as "duck shit".
You need to spend two years learning something before you figure out if you learned anything? Not me.
If you are naive enough to believe everyone who takes martial arts classes will handily win every fight they get in I'd put no limit to what things in life you can't figure out.

So I'll ask a third time, how long was he taking his martial arts classes?

Who said that? Oh, wait, no one did. You just pulled it out of your ass.

Since he was taking three a week, then he had to take at least three and "a week" infers more than one week, that's six classes minimum. Duh! See what I mean about Right wingers and learning? No wonder their economic policies are such disasters.

How right wingers can go to "SIX" classes and not learn anything is no surprise. And they defend "stupid". Wow, what a shock!

The photo of 5'8" 170 to 190 lbs., George Zimmerman, before the 100 lb. weight gain awaiting trial.

Let's try this again:

George Zimmerman weighs 170#; Trayvon Martin 160# - Charleston Charleston Conservative

The police put Martin at 6' and 160 lbs and Zimmerman at 5'9" and 170.

And I haven't seen a single picture of Martin where he didn't look super skinny. The numbers came from the police. And they had Trayvon's body in the back room for three days. I'm sure they measured it at least once just to see what was "bagged". Imagine a white guy sitting in the back with a cell phone and student ID. Just kidding. You can't. It would never happen.
You need to spend two years learning something before you figure out if you learned anything? Not me.
If you are naive enough to believe everyone who takes martial arts classes will handily win every fight they get in I'd put no limit to what things in life you can't figure out.

So I'll ask a third time, how long was he taking his martial arts classes?

Who said that? Oh, wait, no one did. You just pulled it out of your ass.

Since he was taking three a week, then he had to take at least three and "a week" infers more than one week, that's six classes minimum. Duh! See what I mean about Right wingers and learning? No wonder their economic policies are such disasters.

How right wingers can go to "SIX" classes and not learn anything is no surprise. And they defend "stupid". Wow, what a shock!

So go take 6 classes, then pick a fight with someone, use your 6 session knowledge, and get stomped out by your opponent with ease. Please have someone record it and post it here for our amusement.
If you are naive enough to believe everyone who takes martial arts classes will handily win every fight they get in I'd put no limit to what things in life you can't figure out.

So I'll ask a third time, how long was he taking his martial arts classes?

Who said that? Oh, wait, no one did. You just pulled it out of your ass.

Since he was taking three a week, then he had to take at least three and "a week" infers more than one week, that's six classes minimum. Duh! See what I mean about Right wingers and learning? No wonder their economic policies are such disasters.

How right wingers can go to "SIX" classes and not learn anything is no surprise. And they defend "stupid". Wow, what a shock!

So go take 6 classes, then pick a fight with someone, use your 6 session knowledge, and get stomped out by your opponent with ease. Please have someone record it and post it here for our amusement.

Well, if I'm packing and my opponent is a skinny unarmed teenager who is trying to run away from me, I bet I win.
I grew up in a extremely rural country & never had any fight training. But when I was a teen I would go to different towns & whip Marines & martial artist on the weekends for fun. The key is to stop beating when the other party gives up the fight. To continue means you are a thug, you are breaking the law & deadly force is justified to stop you. Apparently Trayvon watched to many videos of thug rappers beating, kicking & stomping incapacitated victims to death.
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I grew up in a extremely rural country & never had any fight training. But when I was a teen I would go to different towns & whip Marines & martial artist on the weekends for fun. The key is to stop beating when the other party gives up the fight. To continue means you are a thug, you are breaking & deadly force is justified to stop you. Apparently Trayvon watched to many videos of thug rappers beating, kicking & stomping incapacitated victims to death.

Oh you are so right. That's why Trayvon had to be "chased down" and "shot dead". I get it. And looking at his parents, they're thugs to, right?

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I enjoy the baroom stories of loud-mouths claiming they "kicked a blackbelt's ass the other night". They didn't. Either they are lying or the guy they fought was a phony. I doubt many of you here have ever seen a genuine blackbelt fight because if you had, you'd want no part of him. And if you'd ever seen two blackbelts fight each other, you'd know it was over in the blink of an eye.

I'm a GoJu Ryu blackbelt (Shodan)...old school, 4 years in to reach that plateau. Every belt testing was harder than the last...if you didn't lose your lunch at least once, you weren't putting out...or taken seriously or allowed to test for months after. I have no idea what goes on in the mall dojos these days but back in the 70's most schools were either Japanese (GoJu, Shotokan, Okinawa Te) or Korean. Most of the Tang Soo Do and later Tae Kwon Do instructors were imported ex-ROK soldiers, and the lessons were brutal. And they trained terrific fighters. Then came the Kung Fu schools which changed the landscape and were more acceptable to Americans who would not tolerate the spartan Japanese or Korean training. This is where fighting technique was lost to forms, "kata" to us and little jiyu-kumite was practiced for liability issues. Nowadays "karate" training is usually considered a compliment to soccer practice for kids who's parents are busy living their own lives. Can these kids fight? Rarely.

What always happens in marital arts training is once technique is learned, it must be applied in sequences....block/counter/block/counter/"ippon" or point. This should go on for at least 3 months until the first recognition is GoJu, a yellow belt. We didn't let anybody spar until they gained two more ranks to green. First night of sparing was always where you lost half your class. That night, it got real-world and guys got hit sometimes hit hard. Was that the purpose? Of course not...but even after 6 months in, few knew their range against a live moving target. You can hit a bag or makawara pad until your knuckles are the size of golf balls (a sign back in the day to recognize a fellow Karateka). But until you free-style fought another guy, you hadn't learned your range....and so chipped teeth, busted beaks, a cracked rib or two later, you'd thinned down your class and your income. And this even wasn't full-contact. There is dojo range and there is street-range....3 inches in in a real other words, if I'm punching you in the forehead, I'm going ear-deep.

Before this post turns into a novel, the point I was getting to is that first night of free-style sparring, guys almost instantly revert back to the way they fought before they had any training. Gone are the fighting stances, gone are the controlled movements, the hip-snap on the punches and kicks...POOF. So the sensei lets this go on for an hour or two and then ends it. Sits the class down in front of him and asks what was learned here tonight. For the most part, the uke (student) knows what's he's seen and how he himself reacted. The next night of sparring is a little better, the next better yet, until the remaining students are sticking with what they've been taught.

Could Zimmerman fight? doesn't seem so but then I can train you for years but I can't train you to not get knocked onto queer-street by a sucker punch. That's all about how good a jaw you got.
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I think The Dean invented pre-fail threads.
Then proceeds to shove his size 9 loafers right in his yapper.

lmao....funniest post evAr!!!!:D:D:up:

All the real limpwristers in here are indeed light in the loafers......everything in life is tragic to these people, thus, their world view.:gay:

The feminists have been very effective over the past 40 years......gayified a whole generation of males.
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And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old?

Uhh...Zimmerman doesn't look big or tall, to me. I thought I would check it out though, and came upon this. Also Trevor Martin, stood 6'3" tall.....:eek:

George Zimmerman has gained 110 pounds since the shooting, when he described himself as 5 feet, 8 inches tall and 194 pounds.

Read more: George Zimmerman gains more than 100 pounds since fatally shooting Trayvon Martin* - NY Daily News

According to the autopsy, Trayvon Martin was 5 foot 11 inches and weighted 158 pounds. A fairly thin/skinny kid under 6 feet tall! No big giant. Not a thug. Just a fairly ordinary kid with some relatively small problems with behavior at school. You people try to paint him as some murderous, ganster, thug because it fits your agenda. A poor dead kid, someone's teenage are beyond despicable. He was a unarmed, innocent civilian, just like anyone else, walking home from the mini-mart. What happened to him could happen to you, to me, to anyone because of a crazy ass wanna be cop/hero with a history of violence and a dependence on drugs to keep him psychologically stable. He should never have been allowed to own or carry a gun or be a neighborhood watch volunteer.

And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old?

Uhh...Zimmerman doesn't look big or tall, to me. I thought I would check it out though, and came upon this. Also Trevor Martin, stood 6'3" tall.....:eek:

George Zimmerman has gained 110 pounds since the shooting, when he described himself as 5 feet, 8 inches tall and 194 pounds.

Read more: George Zimmerman gains more than 100 pounds since fatally shooting Trayvon Martin* - NY Daily News

According to the autopsy, Trayvon Martin was 5 foot 11 inches and weighted 158 pounds. A fairly thin/skinny kid under 6 feet tall! No big giant. Not a thug. Just a fairly ordinary kid with some relatively small problems with behavior at school. You people try to paint him as some murderous, ganster, thug because it fits your agenda. A poor dead kid, someone's teenage are beyond despicable. He was a unarmed, innocent civilian, just like anyone else, walking home from the mini-mart. What happened to him could happen to you, to me, to anyone because of a crazy ass wanna be cop/hero with a history of violence and a dependence on drugs to keep him psychologically stable. He should never have been allowed to own or carry a gun or be a neighborhood watch volunteer.

Oh Gawd!!

Are the limpwristers not so predictable?:coffee:

How do these people navigate in the real world while living in a perpetual world of fantasy? Fuccking fascinating!!:up:

And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old?

Uhh...Zimmerman doesn't look big or tall, to me. I thought I would check it out though, and came upon this. Also Trevor Martin, stood 6'3" tall.....:eek:

George Zimmerman has gained 110 pounds since the shooting, when he described himself as 5 feet, 8 inches tall and 194 pounds.

Read more: George Zimmerman gains more than 100 pounds since fatally shooting Trayvon Martin* - NY Daily News

According to the autopsy, Trayvon Martin was 5 foot 11 inches and weighted 158 pounds. A fairly thin/skinny kid under 6 feet tall! No big giant. Not a thug. Just a fairly ordinary kid with some relatively small problems with behavior at school. You people try to paint him as some murderous, ganster, thug because it fits your agenda. A poor dead kid, someone's teenage are beyond despicable. He was a unarmed, innocent civilian, just like anyone else, walking home from the mini-mart. What happened to him could happen to you, to me, to anyone because of a crazy ass wanna be cop/hero with a history of violence and a dependence on drugs to keep him psychologically stable. He should never have been allowed to own or carry a gun or be a neighborhood watch volunteer.

Republicans can't see past his skin color. That's the truth. The same rhetoric they used to describe Martin, they use to describe the President. And recently, there was an entire thread about Mrs. Obama not dressing white enough and how she looked like a ho. They even used examples of two white women. Republicans are 90% white and based in the deep south. The CNN camerawomen they threw peanuts at and said, "This is how we feed the animals" at the GOP convention said it didn't surprise her considering who they are. Remember, it was the Secret Service who threw them out, not the Republican Party. They even let this guy sit in their political rallies. Maybe it's their version of "diversity".

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I grew up in a extremely rural country & never had any fight training. But when I was a teen I would go to different towns & whip Marines & martial artist on the weekends for fun. The key is to stop beating when the other party gives up the fight. To continue means you are a thug, you are breaking & deadly force is justified to stop you. Apparently Trayvon watched to many videos of thug rappers beating, kicking & stomping incapacitated victims to death.

You would beat up people for "fun"? Marines who enlisted to protect the country? Either you're a liar or an moron.
According to the autopsy, Trayvon Martin was 5 foot 11 inches and weighted 158 pounds. A fairly thin/skinny kid under 6 feet tall! No big giant. Not a thug. Just a fairly ordinary kid with some relatively small problems with behavior at school. You people try to paint him as some murderous, ganster, thug because it fits your agenda. A poor dead kid, someone's teenage are beyond despicable. He was a unarmed, innocent civilian, just like anyone else, walking home from the mini-mart. What happened to him could happen to you, to me, to anyone because of a crazy ass wanna be cop/hero with a history of violence and a dependence on drugs to keep him psychologically stable. He should never have been allowed to own or carry a gun or be a neighborhood watch volunteer.

Republicans can't see past his skin color. That's the truth. The same rhetoric they used to describe Martin, they use to describe the President. And recently, there was an entire thread about Mrs. Obama not dressing white enough and how she looked like a ho. They even used examples of two white women. Republicans are 90% white and based in the deep south. The CNN camerawomen they threw peanuts at and said, "This is how we feed the animals" at the GOP convention said it didn't surprise her considering who they are. Remember, it was the Secret Service who threw them out, not the Republican Party. They even let this guy sit in their political rallies. Maybe it's there version of "diversity".


Coming from R "Republicans are 90% white!" Dean that's hysterical

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