Could you study Martial Arts three nights a week and not be able to defend yourself?

Republicans can't see past his skin color. That's the truth. The same rhetoric they used to describe Martin, they use to describe the President. And recently, there was an entire thread about Mrs. Obama not dressing white enough and how she looked like a ho. They even used examples of two white women. Republicans are 90% white and based in the deep south. The CNN camerawomen they threw peanuts at and said, "This is how we feed the animals" at the GOP convention said it didn't surprise her considering who they are. Remember, it was the Secret Service who threw them out, not the Republican Party. They even let this guy sit in their political rallies. Maybe it's there version of "diversity".


Coming from R "Republicans are 90% white!" Dean that's hysterical

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

Republicans Remain Disproportionately White and Religious

And hilarious!
For what it's worth.
I got in a fight in highschool with a karate bob type.
He tried to kick me,I grabbed his leg,pulled him towards me and broke his nose.

But on the flip side I've seen a tall skinny guy who did know his shit,Whip the hell out of three college football players.

How good you are has a lot to do with your athletic ability to begin with.
I grew up in a extremely rural country & never had any fight training. But when I was a teen I would go to different towns & whip Marines & martial artist on the weekends for fun. The key is to stop beating when the other party gives up the fight. To continue means you are a thug, you are breaking the law & deadly force is justified to stop you. Apparently Trayvon watched to many videos of thug rappers beating, kicking & stomping incapacitated victims to death.

You would beat up people for "fun"? Marines who enlisted to protect the country? Either you're a liar or an moron.

What else is there to do in a small town of 200 people on a Saturday night? Everything was closed but the bar & we were under the age of 21. So partying in a parking lot or out in the field or in a barn somewhere near main-street was standard procedure. Then someone would start strutting around telling us all how they were a lean mean killing machine challenging people to fight. I never backed down from a challenge & never lost on either. The only time I got beat was when I was sitting in a lawn chair wasted & 2 douche-bags I took down a month before sucker punched me & double teamed me. I was drunk & never even fought back but they kept on kicking & stomping me with their boots like loser thugs do. I never got wasted again at one of those parties.

Soon no-body wanted to fight because they knew who the top dudes were. So we traveled to other areas looking for action. The best we found was 20 guys to take on 5 of us on a parking lot on their turf. Once we took down the first 10 the rest went running.
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Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

The final witness for the day was Lindzee Folgate, a physician's assistant who examined Zimmeman on the day after the shooting. She said that Zimmerman was taking MMA (mixed martial arts) lessons three days a week and that when she suggested that he see a psychologist, he mentioned that he was already seeing one.

I was reading Fox News and came across this interesting bit of news.

This is where Zimmerman said Martin had "jumped out from behind bushes".


George Zimmerman making a "gang sign".


And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old? Good thing he was able to remove the "safety" off the gun. Unless it was already off? Why else chase someone with a gun if you don't intend to use it?


Looks like murder is a REALLY good way to lose weight.



So can you really study Martial Arts three nights a week and the only thing you learned is "I've fallen and I can't get up"?

De la Rionda asks about Zimmerman seeing a psychologist. She says he was already established with a psychologist.
De la Rionda asks about the MMA exercise.
O’Mara objects to being outside the scope.
The attorneys approach for a side bar.

She says she also suggested him seeing a psychological consult and that he was already seeing a psychologist.

She says she doesn’t remember an injury on Zimmerman’s chin.

George Zimmerman Trial Day 15: Live Updates | News 13

well it did not work for still were Tea Bagged by those Republicans in High School....:dunno:
The trial is going against the prosecution. You can dream up anything else you want, but it is still going against the prosecution.
Three nights a week and he's too fucking stupid to know he isn't learning anything?
He can be learning things, yet not nearly enough to guarantee he'll win every fight he picks. When you walk by one of those suburban mcdojos and see all the people thru the window going thru whatever motions they go thru, do you really think to yourself that every one of them could beat up whoever they choose since they are taking that class?

So let me ask you again... how long had he been taking the classes? You seem to think he was practically Chuck Norris, surely you know how long he'd been at it.
Bruce Lee got his ass handed to him by a Street Fighter once.....hence the reason he devised Jeet Kune Do....
Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

The final witness for the day was Lindzee Folgate, a physician's assistant who examined Zimmeman on the day after the shooting. She said that Zimmerman was taking MMA (mixed martial arts) lessons three days a week and that when she suggested that he see a psychologist, he mentioned that he was already seeing one.

I was reading Fox News and came across this interesting bit of news.

This is where Zimmerman said Martin had "jumped out from behind bushes".


George Zimmerman making a "gang sign".


And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old? Good thing he was able to remove the "safety" off the gun. Unless it was already off? Why else chase someone with a gun if you don't intend to use it?


Looks like murder is a REALLY good way to lose weight.



So can you really study Martial Arts three nights a week and the only thing you learned is "I've fallen and I can't get up"?

De la Rionda asks about Zimmerman seeing a psychologist. She says he was already established with a psychologist.
De la Rionda asks about the MMA exercise.
O’Mara objects to being outside the scope.
The attorneys approach for a side bar.

She says she also suggested him seeing a psychological consult and that he was already seeing a psychologist.

She says she doesn’t remember an injury on Zimmerman’s chin.

George Zimmerman Trial Day 15: Live Updates | News 13

Sure, I got into a fight with a kid in high school who took martial arts at some strip mall and I beat the shit out of him.
According to the autopsy, Trayvon Martin was 5 foot 11 inches and weighted 158 pounds. A fairly thin/skinny kid under 6 feet tall! No big giant. Not a thug. Just a fairly ordinary kid with some relatively small problems with behavior at school. You people try to paint him as some murderous, ganster, thug because it fits your agenda. A poor dead kid, someone's teenage are beyond despicable. He was a unarmed, innocent civilian, just like anyone else, walking home from the mini-mart. What happened to him could happen to you, to me, to anyone because of a crazy ass wanna be cop/hero with a history of violence and a dependence on drugs to keep him psychologically stable. He should never have been allowed to own or carry a gun or be a neighborhood watch volunteer.

Republicans can't see past his skin color. That's the truth. The same rhetoric they used to describe Martin, they use to describe the President. And recently, there was an entire thread about Mrs. Obama not dressing white enough and how she looked like a ho. They even used examples of two white women. Republicans are 90% white and based in the deep south. The CNN camerawomen they threw peanuts at and said, "This is how we feed the animals" at the GOP convention said it didn't surprise her considering who they are. Remember, it was the Secret Service who threw them out, not the Republican Party. They even let this guy sit in their political rallies. Maybe it's their version of "diversity".


Republicans can't see past his skin color

this coming from a guy who says this in 90% of his posts....." Republicans are 90% white"....oh shit ....look he said it in this one too.....
The kid was a trained street fighter who was so proud of his fighting technique that he posted You Tube videos of himself fighting.
Three nights a week and he's too fucking stupid to know he isn't learning anything?
He can be learning things, yet not nearly enough to guarantee he'll win every fight he picks. When you walk by one of those suburban mcdojos and see all the people thru the window going thru whatever motions they go thru, do you really think to yourself that every one of them could beat up whoever they choose since they are taking that class?

So let me ask you again... how long had he been taking the classes? You seem to think he was practically Chuck Norris, surely you know how long he'd been at it.

When my younger brother was in his teens he would get in trouble for fighting all the time. He was quite good at it. He never took any kind of martial arts, and he would kick the asses of people with black belts all the time. It's one thing to take a karate class, but in a fight you need the killer instinct to win.
Oh, okay. In deanyland because someone's taking martial arts classes they should be able to defend themselves, apparently, at all times. A likely conclusion if one is a dumbass who know's little about mixed martial arts or fighting in general.

People who've followed the various MMA fights over the years have likely seen bouts where two highly trained professionals square off in the ring or cage and suddenly one guy, by skill or luck, lands a punch to the head that puts an opponent on his back. Not out cold but disoriented enough to not be able to put up much defense. That's what happens. The person down might know what he wants to do but can't. Motor skills, coordination, etc. no longer respond as normal. Got to let the cob webs, so to speak, clear before being able to react in the desired manner.

Another swing and a miss for the deany.
Last edited:
Oh, okay. In deanyland because someone's taking martial arts classes they should be able to defend themselves, apparently, at all times. A likely conclusion if one is a dumbass who know's little about mixed martial arts or fighting in general.

People who've followed the various MMA fights over the years have likely seen bouts where two highly trained professionals square off in the ring or cage and suddenly one guy, by skill or luck, lands a punch to the head that puts an opponent on his back. Not out cold but disoriented enough to not be able to put up much defense. That's what happens. The person down might know what he wants to do but can't. Motor skills, coordination, etc. no longer respond as normal. Got to let the cob webs, so to speak, clear before being able to react in the desired manner.

Another swing and a miss for the deany.

I love it when right wingers of your ilk make up something and then, in a lame attempt, try desperately to mock someone for supposedly saying something you just "made up". It is entertaining.

These white wingers, so fearless behind a keyboard. No wonder they voted for Mitt. A guy who got five big guys to hold down one gay so he could give the scared kid a hatchet hair cut.
I bet, over the years, it turned into Mitt, by himself, holding down 5 guys and shaving their heads bald for kicking a stray cat.
Every story they make up gets bigger and more wild with each telling. Look at what they say about Obama. Or scientists. Or Bush. Or just about anything really.
Republicans can't see past his skin color. That's the truth. The same rhetoric they used to describe Martin, they use to describe the President. And recently, there was an entire thread about Mrs. Obama not dressing white enough and how she looked like a ho. They even used examples of two white women. Republicans are 90% white and based in the deep south. The CNN camerawomen they threw peanuts at and said, "This is how we feed the animals" at the GOP convention said it didn't surprise her considering who they are. Remember, it was the Secret Service who threw them out, not the Republican Party. They even let this guy sit in their political rallies. Maybe it's their version of "diversity".


Republicans can't see past his skin color

this coming from a guy who says this in 90% of his posts....." Republicans are 90% white"....oh shit ....look he said it in this one too.....

They are. Look at how many white wingers complained that 90% of blacks voted for Obama. You can bet that 100% of the 90% who are Republican voted white.
Three nights a week and he's too fucking stupid to know he isn't learning anything?
He can be learning things, yet not nearly enough to guarantee he'll win every fight he picks. When you walk by one of those suburban mcdojos and see all the people thru the window going thru whatever motions they go thru, do you really think to yourself that every one of them could beat up whoever they choose since they are taking that class?

So let me ask you again... how long had he been taking the classes? You seem to think he was practically Chuck Norris, surely you know how long he'd been at it.

When my younger brother was in his teens he would get in trouble for fighting all the time. He was quite good at it. He never took any kind of martial arts, and he would kick the asses of people with black belts all the time. It's one thing to take a karate class, but in a fight you need the killer instinct to win.

You just nailed it. I've beaten up at least 2 "Black Belts" myself in high school.
Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

The final witness for the day was Lindzee Folgate, a physician's assistant who examined Zimmeman on the day after the shooting. She said that Zimmerman was taking MMA (mixed martial arts) lessons three days a week and that when she suggested that he see a psychologist, he mentioned that he was already seeing one.

I was reading Fox News and came across this interesting bit of news.

This is where Zimmerman said Martin had "jumped out from behind bushes".


George Zimmerman making a "gang sign".


And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old? Good thing he was able to remove the "safety" off the gun. Unless it was already off? Why else chase someone with a gun if you don't intend to use it?


Looks like murder is a REALLY good way to lose weight.



So can you really study Martial Arts three nights a week and the only thing you learned is "I've fallen and I can't get up"?

De la Rionda asks about Zimmerman seeing a psychologist. She says he was already established with a psychologist.
De la Rionda asks about the MMA exercise.
O’Mara objects to being outside the scope.
The attorneys approach for a side bar.

She says she also suggested him seeing a psychological consult and that he was already seeing a psychologist.

She says she doesn’t remember an injury on Zimmerman’s chin.

George Zimmerman Trial Day 15: Live Updates | News 13

Sure, I got into a fight with a kid in high school who took martial arts at some strip mall and I beat the shit out of him.

And then he shot you?
He can be learning things, yet not nearly enough to guarantee he'll win every fight he picks. When you walk by one of those suburban mcdojos and see all the people thru the window going thru whatever motions they go thru, do you really think to yourself that every one of them could beat up whoever they choose since they are taking that class?

So let me ask you again... how long had he been taking the classes? You seem to think he was practically Chuck Norris, surely you know how long he'd been at it.

When my younger brother was in his teens he would get in trouble for fighting all the time. He was quite good at it. He never took any kind of martial arts, and he would kick the asses of people with black belts all the time. It's one thing to take a karate class, but in a fight you need the killer instinct to win.

You just nailed it. I've beaten up at least 2 "Black Belts" myself in high school.

And both of them shot you?
When my younger brother was in his teens he would get in trouble for fighting all the time. He was quite good at it. He never took any kind of martial arts, and he would kick the asses of people with black belts all the time. It's one thing to take a karate class, but in a fight you need the killer instinct to win.

You just nailed it. I've beaten up at least 2 "Black Belts" myself in high school.

And both of them shot you?

Witness describes Zimmerman's injuries, phone call to wife | Fox News

The final witness for the day was Lindzee Folgate, a physician's assistant who examined Zimmeman on the day after the shooting. She said that Zimmerman was taking MMA (mixed martial arts) lessons three days a week and that when she suggested that he see a psychologist, he mentioned that he was already seeing one.

I was reading Fox News and came across this interesting bit of news.

This is where Zimmerman said Martin had "jumped out from behind bushes".


George Zimmerman making a "gang sign".


And look, this is a BIG guy studying martial arts and he was getting torn up by a super skinny 17 year old? Good thing he was able to remove the "safety" off the gun. Unless it was already off? Why else chase someone with a gun if you don't intend to use it?


Looks like murder is a REALLY good way to lose weight.



So can you really study Martial Arts three nights a week and the only thing you learned is "I've fallen and I can't get up"?

De la Rionda asks about Zimmerman seeing a psychologist. She says he was already established with a psychologist.
De la Rionda asks about the MMA exercise.
O’Mara objects to being outside the scope.
The attorneys approach for a side bar.

She says she also suggested him seeing a psychological consult and that he was already seeing a psychologist.

She says she doesn’t remember an injury on Zimmerman’s chin.

George Zimmerman Trial Day 15: Live Updates | News 13

Sure, I got into a fight with a kid in high school who took martial arts at some strip mall and I beat the shit out of him.

And then he shot you?

With his tears.

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