Coulda Had a Pipeline

He is a rube that got fooled by the Big Oil propaganda campaign. They want government handouts to improve their profit margins. So they release propaganda leaving the impression that Biden is why they have all decided not to pull more oil out of the ground. And that shit works on ignorant people.

In 1985 domestic oil was losing their shirts over low prices. They had massive layoffs. It also hurt the Savings and loans aand killed R/E values in Texas.
At this rate Dems may not win a single state in the 2024 presidential election and there may be no Dems in congress to be the minority party :auiqs.jpg:
In 1985 domestic oil was losing their shirts over low prices. They had massive layoffs. It also hurt the Savings and loans aand killed R/E values in Texas.
Yes, that's how low prices lead to shortages. When it becomes uneconomical to keep pulling oil out of the ground, companies stop doing that. These are private companies beholden to shareholders, and they have to react in real time to every market blip. Nationalized oil like OPEC countries have does not feel this same pressure and can take longer outlooks.
The thread is about asshole Biden shutting down production here at home then begging other countries to increase production. Why don't you start a new thread to talk about whatever the hell you are babbling about.

Biden has dementia so what he says means little. I want to know why we need this pipeline to start with.
Oh I'm finished with you, dismissed.

They cut production in 2020 because market demand was down world wide.

You too fragile for the truth? Why don't you go to your fallback position and scream Communists, Socialists?
Yes, that's how low prices lead to shortages. When it becomes uneconomical to keep pulling oil out of the ground, companies stop doing that. These are private companies beholden to shareholders, and they have to react in real time to every market blip. Nationalized oil like OPEC countries have does not feel this same pressure and can take longer outlooks.

OPEC also has economies of scale and well integrated production both vertically and horizontally.
Biden has dementia so what he says means little. I want to know why we need this pipeline to start with.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will contribute to energy security, create tens of thousands of high-quality employment and local contracting opportunities as well as provide a substantial economic benefit to local communities across Canada and the United States. It will stretch all the way from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska. Communities throughout Canada and the U.S., including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska, have shown their support for Keystone XL Pipeline. These communities and businesses along the pipeline route are poised to benefit from construction and long-term operation of the pipeline.

If the pipeline was pumping free government handouts Dems would have built it by now.
OPEC also has economies of scale and well integrated production both vertically and horizontally.
And can easily take losses, even for multiple years, because they are integrated with the government budgets long term.

Of course there are also downsides t this. See:Venezuela. They staked far too much of the government and economy on their nationalized oil. And when oil prices took a sharp downturn, they became a failed state.
The Keystone XL Pipeline will contribute to energy security, create tens of thousands of high-quality employment and local contracting opportunities as well as provide a substantial economic benefit to local communities across Canada and the United States. It will stretch all the way from Hardisty, Alberta, to Steele City, Nebraska. Communities throughout Canada and the U.S., including Alberta, Saskatchewan, Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska, have shown their support for Keystone XL Pipeline. These communities and businesses along the pipeline route are poised to benefit from construction and long-term operation of the pipeline.

If the pipeline was pumping free government handouts Dems would have built it by now.

You just can't stop yourself can you? What the Dems would do has nothing to do with my questions.
At this rate Dems may not win a single state in the 2024 presidential election and there may be no Dems in congress to be the minority party :auiqs.jpg:

Democrats are leaving Republicans in the dust in Virginia.. Remember, Trump told them NOT to vote because elections were rigged.
And can easily take losses, even for multiple years, because they are integrated with the government budgets long term.

Of course there are also downsides t this. See:Venezuela. They staked far too much of the government and economy on their nationalized oil. And when oil prices took a sharp downturn, they became a failed state.

KSA is different. The 1933 US concession was to be turned over in 50 years by agreement. And, they took over gradually so when it was done the transition was seamless without a blip.. and the Saudis were prepared, well-trained and experienced.
I answered your question, you trolled. I'm giving you a time out in the ignore lounge until you learn to stop trolling buh-bye.

You should screw up your courage and deal with reality instead of letting your ego rule you.
KSA is different. The 1933 US concession was to be turned over in 50 years by agreement. And, they took over gradually so when it was done the transition was seamless without a blip.. and the Saudis were prepared, well-trained and experienced.
And nationalized, and have an economic alliance with other high producing cou tries with nationalized oil. A fairly successful model.
I answered your question, you trolled. I'm giving you a time out in the ignore lounge until you learn to stop trolling buh-bye.

You said it provides jobs. Great so the idea that we should be energy independent was nothing but empty words.

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