Coulda Had a Pipeline

You lie. I think we all understand why you are lying. But even if true it does not explain ASSHOLE Biden and Dem doing everything they can to cut back on our own energy production at home now does it. Way to care for the poor and middle class you assholes.
What has been cut back? A lot of tar sand oil comes from Canada to the gulf coast, and then directly on ships to over seas markets.
A relationship that would quickly end, if a more economical option for engineers and skilled labor presenteditself.

Saudi has excellent engineering schools... and plenty of skilled labor.

They drill 350 miles away in Shabah in real time from Dhahran... including directional drilling.. And, they monitor every pipeline in the country for pressure and flow from computers in Dhahran.
Saudi has excellent engineering schools... and plenty of skilled labor.
Yes, true. yet they still find economic advantage in using US workers and engineers. Else they would not do it. All part of a bigger economic regime that includes their military complex. All due to nationalized oil and the leverage of OPEC.
Hell name another country that intentionally screws itself over by shutting down it's own energy production? That's just f'ing retarded. AND then helps Russia complete it's oil pipeline and runs to OPEC and begs them to pump the oil production we shut down in our own country. Christ almighty can Dems get any dumber???

The oil companies in the US are a business. They are capitalists..

Nordstream 2 benefits our European allies, stupid.
If trump were president he would not have to beg other countries for oil
Trump actually went to other countries and begged them to reduce production, to get oil prices to increase. Or, should I say, his administration did that. Of course trump has no clue about anything regarding energy policy or prices.
Trump actually went to other countries and begged them to reduce production, to get oil prices to increase. Or, should I say, his administration did that. Of course trump has no clue about anything regarding energy policy or prices.
The economy was at a standstill

People were not driving much so demand was low

He was trying to keep our domestic oil producers in business
The economy was at a standstill
And we have been treated to two months of your bitching about fuel prices. Are we supposed to ignore your whining about the economy, now? You sure like having it both ways.
People were not driving much so demand was low
You don't have to explain these basic ideas to me. You are the one who is confused and is compelled by cultism to craft a double standard.

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