Couldn’t Biden fix the border issue overnight? Tell Mexico: “We will deduct X from your $330M for every alien that crosses our border.” Game over

Well now you are using your head and looking for real solutions. Impressed 👍 Don't see that often. That is how problems actually get solved. Unfortunately that 300 million is a piss in the bucket compared to what illegal immigrants send home to get spent in Mexico economy. Now we get back to your multi facet approach. Forget wall drones and bear spray along with ideas like this may make dent. It is about cost effectiveness. Keep spit balling real solutions may come. Good for you, gotta respect offering solutions instead of just bitching.

That is silly.
All workers are paid a small fraction of what they actually produce, and with illegals, even more so.
We likely pay them less than 10% of what they produce, so if you cut down on illegal aliens, you reduce our GNP by 10 times more than the aliens could possibly be sending back to Mexico or where ever.
South of the border is much less violent culture than the US.
And what has changed the culture south of the border into drug cartels, has been US gangs that sell the drugs from south of the border.
The culture south of the border is not "drug-soaked".
We are the decadent ones who want drugs to cure our boredom.
The people south of the border know better and do not have time for such nonsense.
South of the border, they are much more religious and law abiding than we are.
Hahaha…you can only sell that retarded bullshit to your LefTarded buddies.
Look at who occupies our jails and prisons. Look at all the most dangeous nations in the world…they are all brown and black….not coincidentally.
Such a measure would force Mexico to deploy their own security to their side of the border.
Why hasn’t such a simple, practical, reasonable solution been discussed?
I dunno. Why didn’t Trump do it?
He needs 80 Million Illegals to vote for him in the next election so he won't do a damn thing about illegal aliens.
It's a 2,000-mile-long border.

It's not going to work. Not enough men.
Much of that 2000 miles is inhospitable wasteland. You only need to bottleneck illegals to those areas. There are also drones to patrol wide swaths of land. Pretending we can't do it if we want to is silly.
Because Trump negotiated the “Stay in Mexico” policy with them, Stupid.

No need to cut funding when they are working with you.
and Mexico will pay for the wall...
The illegal immigrants are coming for jobs.

Remove the jobs and no more illegal immigrants.

They work in agriculture, construction, meat packing, factories, etc.

Fine each employer $20,000 per illegal immigrant in their employ plus 1 year in prison.

And give some of that $20,000 as a finder's fee to a whistle blower.

No more illegal immigration.
No American is going to leave their tract home every day, pile into their Ford Escort, and drive a hundred miles to pick strawberries for two weeks, then drive 200 miles to pick asparagus for two weeks, and so forth, no matter how much you pay them.

It's called MIGRANT work for a reason.

EVERY prosperous nation has a large immigrant labor force to do the shit jobs. All through history. Forever back in time.

As for fining employers, that is not the solution. The solution is to fix our immigration quota system. It is completely hosed.

If you only allow a farmer to hire 20 legal immigrants and he needs 50, then of course he is going to hire illegals. He has no choice.

It is fucking stupid beyond belief to tie an employer's hands and then punish him for working around the fucked up regulations.

Couldn’t Biden fix the border issue overnight? Tell Mexico: “We will deduct X from your $330M for every alien that crosses our border.” Game over​

A big chunk of that $330 million is to combat the drug cartels.

So your plan is beyond stupid, as Trump learned after taking office. The man was and remains an idiot.
A big chunk of that $330 million is to combat the drug cartels.

So your plan is beyond stupid, as Trump learned after taking office. The man was and remains an idiot.
I thought you hated the “WAR ON DRUGS”?
You’re all for it Mexico?

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