Countdown to Military Tribunals

Well, of course, we have to go through all the "normal" channels, i.e., declas, provide the evidence that there was a Failed Coup, expose Brennan, Strzok, Page, Mueller and I think more and more that Comey has been Trump's inside guy all along. He kept Hillary out of the White House and made sure the Coup failed.
The fuck are you smoking? You ever hear of Occam's Razor? The conclusion with the fewest assumptions is usually the correct one? This most useful tool of logic dictates that your man is dirty and trying to cover it up. These fantastical leaps you people are making in order to make Trump not a criminal are so ridiculous that it is clear you have lost your sanity.
You idiots only use for Occam's razor is to to cut your own throats like you have been doing.
Well, of course, we have to go through all the "normal" channels, i.e., declas, provide the evidence that there was a Failed Coup, expose Brennan, Strzok, Page, Mueller and I think more and more that Comey has been Trump's inside guy all along. He kept Hillary out of the White House and made sure the Coup failed.
The fuck are you smoking? You ever hear of Occam's Razor? The conclusion with the fewest assumptions is usually the correct one? This most useful tool of logic dictates that your man is dirty and trying to cover it up. These fantastical leaps you people are making in order to make Trump not a criminal are so ridiculous that it is clear you have lost your sanity.
You idiots only use for Occam's razor is to to cut your own throats like you have been doing.
God damn you're stupid.

I mean I already knew that but damn, way to bring it home dude.
Well, of course, we have to go through all the "normal" channels, i.e., declas, provide the evidence that there was a Failed Coup, expose Brennan, Strzok, Page, Mueller and I think more and more that Comey has been Trump's inside guy all along. He kept Hillary out of the White House and made sure the Coup failed.
The fuck are you smoking? You ever hear of Occam's Razor? The conclusion with the fewest assumptions is usually the correct one? This most useful tool of logic dictates that your man is dirty and trying to cover it up. These fantastical leaps you people are making in order to make Trump not a criminal are so ridiculous that it is clear you have lost your sanity.
Simplest explanation is that the Failed Coup failed and the traitors get exposed all the way up to George "RICO" Soros
We've been down this road before. You remember Nixon? He had his acolytes claiming all sorts of evil plots but it turned out he was just an extraordinarily dishonest man doing battle with the rule of law. At least he had enough decency left to resign in order to spare the country the trauma of impeaching him.
It's an odd thing when we have to hold up Nixon's decency when comparing him with smellie donnie.....:71:
I think they will start in September.

Brennan goes first.

What do you think?

I don’t see it. If HRC got away with her crimes then other Dems are beyond reproach. I am Sure not one Dem on this board thought Holder was committing illegal acts during Fast and Furious.
I think the right's wish list involves murdering the rule of law in America.
Lol, Trump might disagree with you. Since you had him guilty with no evidence.
Trump installed a toady as AG to protect him. This Toady has made the case that the President is pretty much above the law. The rule of law is dead if these assholes are allowed to continue.
right, he should have kept on with do-nothing Sessions. We need to get the pos's behind the coup attempt into jail, where they damned well belong.
right, he should have kept on with do-nothing Sessions. We need to get the pos's behind the coup attempt into jail, where they damned well belong.
Turkish President Erdogan claimed a coup and then used it as an excuse to conduct a purge of the opposition. This tactic has been used since time immemorial by autocrats of all kinds to justify tyranny. 90% of the time it's a bullshit ploy by a dangerously paranoid dictator.
But we're all agreed that Trump is well within his rights to spy on the democrats, right?
I think the right's wish list involves murdering the rule of law in America.
Lol, Trump might disagree with you. Since you had him guilty with no evidence.
Trump installed a toady as AG to protect him. This Toady has made the case that the President is pretty much above the law. The rule of law is dead if these assholes are allowed to continue.
I can't believe you would say that after Holder, you know Obama's right hand man.
I think the right's wish list involves murdering the rule of law in America.

So you would be okay with TRUMP using the intelligence branches of government to conduct "surveillance operations" on any of the democrats running for 2020?
right, he should have kept on with do-nothing Sessions. We need to get the pos's behind the coup attempt into jail, where they damned well belong.
Turkish President Erdogan claimed a coup and then used it as an excuse to conduct a purge of the opposition. This tactic has been used since time immemorial by autocrats of all kinds to justify tyranny. 90% of the time it's a bullshit ploy by a dangerously paranoid dictator.
So either the Obama Administration didn't swear out fake and false FISA, or you're saying Trump can spy on the democrats...which is it?
Well, of course, we have to go through all the "normal" channels, i.e., declas, provide the evidence that there was a Failed Coup, expose Brennan, Strzok, Page, Mueller and I think more and more that Comey has been Trump's inside guy all along. He kept Hillary out of the White House and made sure the Coup failed.

Um, no on Comey, the wifey is a liberal nutjob Hillary supporter. I do think TRUMP probably flipped Rosenstein.

Military tribunals in the United States are military courts designed to try members of enemy forces during wartime, operating outside the scope of conventional criminal and civil proceedings. The judges are military officers and fulfill the role of jurors. Military tribunals are distinct from courts-martial, which is where you try members of your own military or illegal acts as defined in the MCM. [Manual of Courts-Martial]

Various members in different federal agencies may be indicted for illegal acts and face charges in a federal court but it won't be a military tribunal. But you gotta have sufficient evidence that will stand up in court, otherwise you won't get a conviction. No point in even bringing charges if you can't prove it. Which is not to say some skullduggery wasn't going on that was highly irregular, unwarranted, and inappropriate for the office they held. Seems to me we should be made aware of who did what and see if steps can be taken to preclude such activities from re-occurring, if possible.
right, he should have kept on with do-nothing Sessions. We need to get the pos's behind the coup attempt into jail, where they damned well belong.
Turkish President Erdogan claimed a coup and then used it as an excuse to conduct a purge of the opposition. This tactic has been used since time immemorial by autocrats of all kinds to justify tyranny. 90% of the time it's a bullshit ploy by a dangerously paranoid dictator.
So either the Obama Administration didn't swear out fake and false FISA, or you're saying Trump can spy on the democrats...which is it?
Shove your stupid conspiracy theories. if any campaign has any continuing contact with foreign spies they should be investigated.
I think they will start in September.

Brennan goes first.

What do you think?
I think you jerk off to this fantasy..LOL!


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