Counteroffer: Mark Levin Offers Michael Savage $100k To Drop His Radio Show (AUDIO)

Can't listen to Levin's penguin-esque voice for more than a few minutes.

At least Savage's voice is more suitable for the medium and I kinda like his old Jewish uncle shtick, talking about New York back in the day or sailing or wine or whatever else besides politics.

Yea i like em both but i do favor Savage too. His stories about his childhood are pretty funny. And Levin was incorrect. He is not beating Savage in the ratings. Savage ranks a couple of spots ahead of him in national ratings.

Levin never stated he's beating Savage in the ratings. He claimed Savage is losing affiliates, thus audience, which is causing his ratings to shrink. And it would be very easy for Levin to prove it if Savage was to challenge him, which he won't do because he knows it's true. He's in an indefensible position on the issue.

And many of the affiliates who drop Savage are switching to Levin, hence his comment that he's kicking his (Savage's) ass. Talkers Magazine (using Arbitron numbers) rates them Savage # 3 and Levin # 4, 9+ million audience vs. 8.5+ million. That gap was much wider in recent years but has been steadily closing as Savage shrinks and Levin grows listeners.

The Top Talk Radio Audiences - TALKERS.COM : TALKERS.COM

Another source I can't link is a good friend who's program director at our local AM station that carries Rush, Beck, Hannity, etc. We regularly bat various talk hosts audience numbers around over beers. He's into because it's his livelihood and me because I'm nuts I guess.
Levin is a coward and a statist troll. Cannot stand the sound of his grating damn voice.

Have never heard Savage, don't know anything about him.
Levin is a coward and a statist troll. Cannot stand the sound of his grating damn voice.

Have never heard Savage, don't know anything about him.

Yea Levin's voice is definitely not made for radio. But his face is. But i digress. Seriously though,his voice is pretty annoying. I think Savage is better suited for radio than Levin is. Savage just has more of a talent for it. And Levin is way too cozy with the staus quo old school Republicans like Gingrich. I respect Savage for his independent spirit. And his stories about his childhood are great. I gotta go with Savage in this fight. But that's just my opinion.
On Monday, conservative firebrand Michael Savage offered former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich $1 million to resign from the 2012 presidential race. While it’s unlikely that Gingrich will accept the offer, Savage’s rival during that time slot, Mark Levin, has made a counteroffer.

On his Monday radio show Levin, who refers to Savage as “Weiner Nation” for the talk show host’s real name, Michael Weiner, put $100,000 on the line for Savage to resign from his radio show for good.

“I see ‘Weiner Nation’ is trying to get his ratings back,” Levin said. “That won’t happen. He wants to offer Newt a million dollars to get out of the race. I don’t know, is that a legal bribe? I have an idea … But if it’s legal, I’ll offer $100,000 if “Weiner Nation” gets off the air of every single station and resigns forever from radio tomorrow.”

Levin said he would give the radio talk show host 12 hours to make the decision, but added he thought it was a “generous” offer given the state of Savage’s radio program.

“Let me tell you, that’s extremely generous on my part because he’s already going nowhere,” Levin said. “That’s right — he’s losing affiliates left and right. That’s what happens when you take your audience for granted and take your affiliates for granted.”

Mark Levin | Michael Savage | Newt Gingrich | The Daily Caller

Read more: Mark Levin | Michael Savage | Newt Gingrich | The Daily Caller

For my taste, the two most annoying voices and demeanors in talk radio is Savage AND Levin. I wish they both would go away.
Levin is the bright spot on conservative radio along with Rush.

Thavage Weiner is a fucking jack off.

I already pre-ordered Levin's new book, "Ameritopia." Can't wait to read it on my Nook.
Yea Levin's voice is definitely not made for radio. But his face is. But i digress. Seriously though,his voice is pretty annoying. I think Savage is better suited for radio than Levin is. Savage just has more of a talent for it. And Levin is way too cozy with the staus quo old school Republicans like Gingrich. I respect Savage for his independent spirit. And his stories about his childhood are great. I gotta go with Savage in this fight. But that's just my opinion.

Your real problem with Levin is that he despises Ron Paul. I also have a slight problem with Levin on this score. He also admires Abraham Lincoln, whom I despise.

Levin is a traditional conservative. He wants to make government smaller, but he doesn't want to abolish it altogether. He thinks those of us who do are nut cases. However, I think the small government argument is untenable. If you don't kill government off entirely, it will always grow back into a behemoth.
These two hacks reminds me of Trump in the sense that they inserted themselves into this because they could not take no one talking about them.

It is pathetic.
Without these two apparent "thought leaders" it seems many of you wouldn't have any idea what your opinions should be. Very telling.

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