Counting Those Chickens

We have one poster who used Elizabeth Warren as his avi......I believe he has changed it since.

Wanna see why?

1. "In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

3. The three white women running -- Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand -- have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

4. The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent. African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

5.Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?
Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

6. ...the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

7. He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career -- opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

8. And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.

9. ....if he fades away as a candidate, as he has done twice before, who emerges as front-runner? The 77-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders. If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

What you see is a political party in it's death throws on it's last leg and gasping it's last breath. The sooner it's all gone the better it will be for America. If those last holdouts are looking for somewhere else to go, I suggest they take a look at the libertarians. It's either that or the republicans as the greens etc. are really no choice at all.
We have one poster who used Elizabeth Warren as his avi......I believe he has changed it since.

Wanna see why?

1. "In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

3. The three white women running -- Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand -- have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

4. The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent. African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

5.Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?
Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

6. ...the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

7. He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career -- opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

8. And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.

9. ....if he fades away as a candidate, as he has done twice before, who emerges as front-runner? The 77-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders. If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

What you see is a political party in it's death throws on it's last leg and gasping it's last breath. The sooner it's all gone the better it will be for America. If those last holdouts are looking for somewhere else to go, I suggest they take a look at the libertarians. It's either that or the republicans as the greens etc. are really no choice at all.

Let's not count OUR chickens, Dickey......

We have to keep reminding government school grads of all the likes and lacunae they've been exposed to.
I'm not doing a touchdown dance for Trump just yet, there is a lot of politics to be debated in the next two years. Vegas has Trump a heavy 2020 favorite with the dems still bunched up. If/when Biden jumps in there will be a major shift in the standings. I hope Biden gets in, that will force Trump to become more presidential.

Donald Trump +175
Bernie Sanders +650
Kamala Harris +650
Joe Biden +650
Beto O’Rourke +900

10."If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party.

11. And what would then happen ...
An all-out effort to abolish the Electoral College that is integral to the historic compromise that created our federal Union. Puerto Rico and D.C. would become states, giving Democrats four more Senators and making America a bilingual nation.

A drive would be on to give 16-year-olds and convicted felons the right to vote in federal elections, freezing Republicans out of power forever. A packing of the Supreme Court would begin by raising by six the number of justices and elevating liberal activists to the new seats.

12. On the southern border, where 100,000 illegal migrants were apprehended in March, Trump's wall would come down, all peoples fleeing repression in Central America would be welcomed into the U.S., sanctuary cities would become the norm, and ICE would be abolished.

Open borders would be a reality, along with amnesty for the 12 million-20 million people here illegally, with a path to citizenship for all."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

13. The Democrats would get there wishes fulfilled:

"No Trump, No Wall, No USA at All'

Don't worry about the long term welfare of the US, voters aren't stupid or gullible. Even middle-class democrats are becoming Trumpers as seen on another thread that shows that 34% of the people at Trump rallies were disenfranchised democrats who haven't voted for years but are now Trump supporters. That's what I found at football games where union guys told me that they liked Trump.
I'm cautiously optimistic about 2020 as long as Trump keeps acting presidential.

"Don't worry about the long term welfare of the US, voters aren't stupid or gullible."

Well, maybe there's another term for it....but four times they voted for Joseph Stalin's BFF, and Mussolini's economic plan, which Roosevelt called the New Deal...

Caution and action are the by-words.
They are indeed very stupid and gullible. That's exactly how people like Obama and Clinton got into the the first place. That a look at congress, then maybe you'll reconsider that position.
We have one poster who used Elizabeth Warren as his avi......I believe he has changed it since.

Wanna see why?

1. "In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

3. The three white women running -- Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand -- have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

4. The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent. African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

5.Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?
Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

6. ...the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

7. He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career -- opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

8. And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.

9. ....if he fades away as a candidate, as he has done twice before, who emerges as front-runner? The 77-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders. If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

What you see is a political party in it's death throws on it's last leg and gasping it's last breath. The sooner it's all gone the better it will be for America. If those last holdouts are looking for somewhere else to go, I suggest they take a look at the libertarians. It's either that or the republicans as the greens etc. are really no choice at all.

Let's not count OUR chickens, Dickey......

We have to keep reminding government school grads of all the likes and lacunae they've been exposed to.
It would help immensely if we started electing people instead of parties for a change. That's what we did with Trump and so far that's working out great for America. Just think how nice it would be if congress was filled with people and not politicians for a change.
Am I the only one who sees the similarities between the pack of democrats running and the lot of Republicans who were running in 2016? I saw democrats on this board ridicule the republicans hopefuls exactly the way you republicans ridicule these democrats. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. Tread lightly and be wary.
2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

Which is impossible to know exactly because millions of people have not been ask or know who they will vote for.
you always seem to miss the point. but hey way to open the door and confirm that.
2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

Which is impossible to know exactly because millions of people have not been ask or know who they will vote for.
you always seem to miss the point. but hey way to open the door and confirm that.
Hardly since the percentile of responders to voters is around .0001%
2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

Which is impossible to know exactly because millions of people have not been ask or know who they will vote for.
you always seem to miss the point. but hey way to open the door and confirm that.
Hardly since the percentile of responders to voters is around .0001%
it is what it is, and her post was accurate.
Am I the only one who sees the similarities between the pack of democrats running and the lot of Republicans who were running in 2016? I saw democrats on this board ridicule the republicans hopefuls exactly the way you republicans ridicule these democrats. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. Tread lightly and be wary.
I think it's more having fun having that history in our pockets. funny how fate seems to boomagang eh? what goes around comes around? heard of that saying. it's fun, and we're going to enjoy it.
If you vote for Democrats, let's see what visions of sugar-plums dance in your head.....

14. "The Green New Deal would be enacted. Medicare for all. Free tuition for college students. Millennial college debts paid off by the government. Free pre-K schooling and day care. Guaranteed jobs for all. A guaranteed living wage. Repeal of the Reagan and Trump tax cuts. A re-raising of the corporate rate and a return of the top rate for individuals to 70 percent. New wealth taxes on the rich.

15. With climate change seen as an existential planetary peril, fossil fuel-powered energy plants -- coal, oil, natural gas -- would be phased out and a new national reliance on solar and wind begun.

16.There would be reparations for slavery. Abortion on demand right up to birth for all women. MarijuYana would be legalized. Harris has urged that prostitution, sex work, be legalized."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

Can Democrat voters be this stooooooppppid????

You betcha'!!!!

Look who they elected last time.
Am I the only one who sees the similarities between the pack of democrats running and the lot of Republicans who were running in 2016? I saw democrats on this board ridicule the republicans hopefuls exactly the way you republicans ridicule these democrats. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. Tread lightly and be wary.
Someone with a lick of sense could come out of the woodwork and win the nomination through the super-delegates.
Am I the only one who sees the similarities between the pack of democrats running and the lot of Republicans who were running in 2016? I saw democrats on this board ridicule the republicans hopefuls exactly the way you republicans ridicule these democrats. History doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes. Tread lightly and be wary.
Someone with a lick of sense could come out of the woodwork and win the nomination through the super-delegates.

I suppose that is still possible, but the Democrats have neutered their politically power charged super delegates a bit. The rank and file democrats still have very little choice of canidate compared to Republican voters. It’s ironic how they (the liberals) scream for popular vote for electing the president, yet they don’t have a popular vote for their own canidate.
In response, the DNC has adjusted how it selects its presidential nominee. Earlier this summer, a DNC subcommittee voted to make it impossible for superdelegates to have the deciding vote on the first ballot at a national convention. In practical terms this means that superdelegates cannot vote in the first voting round if their support is going to decide the selection. If no candidate wins a majority in the first round, superdelegates get to vote in subsequent rounds. Thanks to DNC Chair Tom Perez — who lobbied heavily for the change — the DNC has now voted to implement the proposal.
If you vote for Democrats, let's see what visions of sugar-plums dance in your head.....

14. "The Green New Deal would be enacted. Medicare for all. Free tuition for college students. Millennial college debts paid off by the government. Free pre-K schooling and day care. Guaranteed jobs for all. A guaranteed living wage. Repeal of the Reagan and Trump tax cuts. A re-raising of the corporate rate and a return of the top rate for individuals to 70 percent. New wealth taxes on the rich.

15. With climate change seen as an existential planetary peril, fossil fuel-powered energy plants -- coal, oil, natural gas -- would be phased out and a new national reliance on solar and wind begun.

16.There would be reparations for slavery. Abortion on demand right up to birth for all women. MarijuYana would be legalized. Harris has urged that prostitution, sex work, be legalized."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

Can Democrat voters be this stooooooppppid????

You betcha'!!!!

Look who they elected last time.
You might expect Harris to press for legalizing prostitution since she's known to be a whore. At least she is here in California. It's how she got her start in politics. Of course all politicians are whores in one way or another anyway so I guess it's in the job description.
We have one poster who used Elizabeth Warren as his avi......I believe he has changed it since.

Wanna see why?

1. "In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

3. The three white women running -- Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand -- have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

4. The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent. African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

5.Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?
Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

6. ...the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

7. He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career -- opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

8. And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.

9. ....if he fades away as a candidate, as he has done twice before, who emerges as front-runner? The 77-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders. If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?


If you vote for Democrats, let's see what visions of sugar-plums dance in your head.....

14. "The Green New Deal would be enacted. Medicare for all. Free tuition for college students. Millennial college debts paid off by the government. Free pre-K schooling and day care. Guaranteed jobs for all. A guaranteed living wage. Repeal of the Reagan and Trump tax cuts. A re-raising of the corporate rate and a return of the top rate for individuals to 70 percent. New wealth taxes on the rich.

15. With climate change seen as an existential planetary peril, fossil fuel-powered energy plants -- coal, oil, natural gas -- would be phased out and a new national reliance on solar and wind begun.

16.There would be reparations for slavery. Abortion on demand right up to birth for all women. MarijuYana would be legalized. Harris has urged that prostitution, sex work, be legalized."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

Can Democrat voters be this stooooooppppid????

You betcha'!!!!

Look who they elected last time.
wow, looks like you need a real man to hold your hand and show you how the real world works
If you vote for Democrats, let's see what visions of sugar-plums dance in your head.....

14. "The Green New Deal would be enacted. Medicare for all. Free tuition for college students. Millennial college debts paid off by the government. Free pre-K schooling and day care. Guaranteed jobs for all. A guaranteed living wage. Repeal of the Reagan and Trump tax cuts. A re-raising of the corporate rate and a return of the top rate for individuals to 70 percent. New wealth taxes on the rich.

15. With climate change seen as an existential planetary peril, fossil fuel-powered energy plants -- coal, oil, natural gas -- would be phased out and a new national reliance on solar and wind begun.

16.There would be reparations for slavery. Abortion on demand right up to birth for all women. MarijuYana would be legalized. Harris has urged that prostitution, sex work, be legalized."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

Can Democrat voters be this stooooooppppid????

You betcha'!!!!

Look who they elected last time.
wow, looks like you need a real man to hold your hand and show you how the real world works
funny they have school choice, that should solve your problem right there bubba.
We have one poster who used Elizabeth Warren as his avi......I believe he has changed it since.

Wanna see why?

1. "In the new Democratic Party, where women and people of color are to lead, and the white men are to stand back, the presidential field has begun to sort itself out somewhat problematically.

2. According to a Real Clear Politics average of five polls between mid-March and April 1, four white men -- Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, "Beto" O'Rourke and Pete Buttigieg -- have corralled 62 percent of all Democratic voters.

3. The three white women running -- Senators Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar and Kirsten Gillibrand -- have, together, a piddling 8 percent.

4. The lone Hispanic candidate, Julian Castro, is at 1 percent. African American candidates Kamala Harris and Cory Booker fare better, with Harris at 10 and Booker at 3.

5.Who has raised the most money from the most contributors?
Sanders is first with $18 million; Harris is next with $12 million; Beto is third with $9 million in 18 days; and "Mayor Pete" is fourth with $7 million.

Warren, Klobuchar and Gillibrand have yet to file reports.

6. ...the big takeaway from recent weeks is the sudden stunning vulnerability of the front-runner. Seven women have come forward to berate Biden for unwanted and offensive touching and crowding. Joe is on the defensive. Some in the #MeToo movement want him gone.

7. He is also being slammed for decisions across his 36-year Senate career -- opposing busing for integration, deserting Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas hearings, supporting a racially discriminatory crime bill, voting to authorize George W. Bush to take us into war in Iraq.

8. And unkindest cut of all: Barack Obama's stony silence about Joe's candidacy.

9. ....if he fades away as a candidate, as he has done twice before, who emerges as front-runner? The 77-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders. If Joe fades, Bernie and the comrades will have removed the last large roadblock to a socialist takeover of the national Democratic Party."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?


Nice selection.

And, good point.
If you vote for Democrats, let's see what visions of sugar-plums dance in your head.....

14. "The Green New Deal would be enacted. Medicare for all. Free tuition for college students. Millennial college debts paid off by the government. Free pre-K schooling and day care. Guaranteed jobs for all. A guaranteed living wage. Repeal of the Reagan and Trump tax cuts. A re-raising of the corporate rate and a return of the top rate for individuals to 70 percent. New wealth taxes on the rich.

15. With climate change seen as an existential planetary peril, fossil fuel-powered energy plants -- coal, oil, natural gas -- would be phased out and a new national reliance on solar and wind begun.

16.There would be reparations for slavery. Abortion on demand right up to birth for all women. MarijuYana would be legalized. Harris has urged that prostitution, sex work, be legalized."
2020: Socialist America or Trump's America?

Can Democrat voters be this stooooooppppid????

You betcha'!!!!

Look who they elected last time.
wow, looks like you need a real man to hold your hand and show you how the real world works

Au contraire.

I appears you require an education.

That's why I'm here.

"And in 2006, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise warned that Norway’s petroleum fund—which contains the massive profits from North Sea oil that have made the nation rich—could wind up drained to cover outlays to immigrants.

…social-democratic welfare systems work best, to the extent they do work, in ethnically and culturally homogeneous (and preferably small) nations whose citizens, viewing one another as members of an extended family, are loath to exploit government provisions for the needy.

No party in Europe has been subjected to more unfair attacks than Norway’s Progress Party, whose extraordinary electoral successes have outraged that country’s socialist elite. Like other parties on what we may call Europe’s respectable right, the Progress Party has expressly distanced itself from parties like the National Front and Vlaams Belang. Yet despite these disavowals, American media have routinely echoed the leftist establishment’s unjust calumnies."
Heirs to Fortuyn?

Socialism has never worked anywhere it has been instituted.
Only fools continue to champion it.
Raise your paw.
Bernie....could he be their candidate?

The line is clearly drawn:

"We stand with the Venezuelan people in their noble quest for freedom -- and we condemn the brutality of the Maduro regime, whose socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in South America into a state of abject poverty and despair.

Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country.

America was founded on liberty and independence --- not government coercion, domination, and control. We are born free, and we will stay free. Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country."
2019 State of the Union: Read the full transcript - CNNPolitics

"America will never be a socialist country."
Then it will never be controlled by Democrats.

The election will tell whether the voters will be Americans, or Democrats.
How can anyone quote Trump and keep a straight face? He has said everything at one time or another.

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