Countries where Trump does business are not hit by travel restrictions

yea, I guess Obama wasn't considering Trumps investments when he made that list :spinner:

Like Trump keeps anything Obama did unless he benefits from it..

None of the countries impacted by the Trump travel ban was home to any of the 19 hijackers from the 9/11 attacks -- who were all from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Egypt.

But what the Trump administration did not mention was that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Obama administration did not ban citizens from those countries outright.

The Obama administration did raise the option of not granting visa waivers to anyone who had traveled to those countries since March 1, 2011, but it gave exceptions to some people, such as aid workers and journalists.

How the Trump Administration Is Justifying the List of Countries Banned
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

So Trump didn't set up Hotels in Nations that are at war. That is supposed to be stupid in your mind?

By any chance do you live in this building?

Residents Might Be Stuck Paying for San Francisco's $750 Million Tilting Tower

yea, I guess Obama wasn't considering Trumps investments when he made that list :spinner:

Like Trump keeps anything Obama did unless he benefits from it..

None of the countries impacted by the Trump travel ban was home to any of the 19 hijackers from the 9/11 attacks -- who were all from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Egypt.

But what the Trump administration did not mention was that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Obama administration did not ban citizens from those countries outright.

The Obama administration did raise the option of not granting visa waivers to anyone who had traveled to those countries since March 1, 2011, but it gave exceptions to some people, such as aid workers and journalists.

How the Trump Administration Is Justifying the List of Countries Banned
well, whatever you have to do, I guess.
I feel like we are entering the Bush twilight zone, and the right is defending it all over again..

The executive order makes no mention of Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Another country left off the list is Egypt. Yet the leader of the 9/11 hijackers was Mohammed Atta, an Egyptian.

So Trump has holdings in 43 of the majority muslim countries not on the list? If I thought you were anything but a pathetic dupe I'd call you some real names.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
AGAIN with this shit? Why would anyone do business in those hot spots?

I feel like we are entering the Bush twilight zone, and the right is defending it all over again..

The executive order makes no mention of Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Another country left off the list is Egypt. Yet the leader of the 9/11 hijackers was Mohammed Atta, an Egyptian.

So explain why BONOBO signed an order to keep people from these seven muslim countries from entering America for seven months.
President Trump is just following BONOBO's lead.
Somalia doesn't even have a functioning government!
So who is handing out identity papers to the Somalis who want to enter the US?
Some goat fucking warlord?
Libya has no functioning government since obama played with it. Syria has no functioning government since obama played with it.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
AGAIN with this shit? Why would anyone do business in those hot spots?

Same reason we're anywhere, to assert american corporate state hegemony and take over the resources of others.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
AGAIN with this shit? Why would anyone do business in those hot spots?

I feel like we are entering the Bush twilight zone, and the right is defending it all over again..

The executive order makes no mention of Saudi Arabia, home of 15 of the 19 terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks.
Another country left off the list is Egypt. Yet the leader of the 9/11 hijackers was Mohammed Atta, an Egyptian.

So explain why BONOBO signed an order to keep people from these seven muslim countries from entering America for seven months.
President Trump is just following BONOBO's lead.
Somalia doesn't even have a functioning government!
So who is handing out identity papers to the Somalis who want to enter the US?
Some goat fucking warlord?
Libya has no functioning government since obama played with it. Syria has no functioning government since obama played with it.
The US has a long and rich history you would like to wrap around Obama. What he did was extend our pathological endeavors along a well-entrenched trajectory.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
I'm not allowed in those nations.
Why do you think evil should go unopposed?

I have no interest to go anywhere near those countries right now... I do agree with Trump but he needs to better vett the other muslim countries
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

It couldn't possibly be because those countries NOT on the list have a history of providing background information on its citizens who apply for entry into the United States......:boohoo:
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions
AGAIN with this shit? Why would anyone do business in those hot spots?

Your president does. Ask him.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

I think Saudi Arabia should be on the list. I've heard some libs say the same in the last week. Of course, they were silent when, in 2013, Obama granted Saudi Arabia trusted traveler status, meaning that travelers from Saudi Arabia did not have to be subjected to the same security as everyone else. That benefit is good till 2018 so Trump will have to repeal that promise before he can add them to the ban.

It's so telling how the left sided with Obama when he gave special treatment to Saudi Arabia and now Trump is being blasted for not doing the opposite.

DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls

"A Department of Homeland Security program intended to give "trusted traveler"
status to low-risk airline passengers soon will be extended to Saudi travelers,
opening the program to criticism for accommodating the country that produced 15
of the 19 hijackers behind the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks."

DHS questioned over decision to let Saudi passengers skip normal passport controls
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Oh puleeze stop with this bullshit again. This has been so blown out of the water.

Do you know how many Muslim countries there are on the planet? None of those countries were temporarily banned.

Even the "Muslim Ban" meme is total caca. If it was a true Muslim ban every country on the planet would be named because every country on earth has a Muslim population.

Even freaking Israel.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Oh puleeze stop with this bullshit again. This has been so blown out of the water.

Do you know how many Muslim countries there are on the planet? None of those countries were temporarily banned.

Even the "Muslim Ban" meme is total caca. If it was a true Muslim ban every country on the planet would be named because every country on earth has a Muslim population.

Even freaking Israel.

Don't you find it odd that the countries where the terrorists came from and killed thousands 9/11.... Trump is giving the people what they wanted, but it is almost like another Bush situation where he went to the wrong country..

Who gives a hoot about Obama, this is about Trumps actions now.

And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Oh puleeze stop with this bullshit again. This has been so blown out of the water.

Do you know how many Muslim countries there are on the planet? None of those countries were temporarily banned.

Even the "Muslim Ban" meme is total caca. If it was a true Muslim ban every country on the planet would be named because every country on earth has a Muslim population.

Even freaking Israel.

Don't you find it odd that the countries where the terrorists came from and killed thousands 9/11.... Trump is giving the people what they wanted, but it is almost like another Bush situation where he went to the wrong country..

Who gives a hoot about Obama, this is about Trumps actions now.

Regarding SA if you have ever seen me in a thread on Syria you would know I absolutely loathe that regime who have caused so much chaos and destruction in the ME for attempting to turn all those nations into proponents of Salifism.

Now that being said, I have to admit currently the SA and other countries that were left off this temporary ban are not current "hot spots" of terrorism.

You have over 25,000 foreign jihadists from over 100 countries fighting with ISIS and al Nusra who are currently getting their asses handed to them by Assad/Putin/Iran/Iraq/US and others and who are going to want to escape capture and prosecution by Syria and Iraq.

They'll be wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. And they will embed with true refugees.

Forged Syrian passports for example go for about $2,000 and you can get one in a few days. As a matter of fact a Daily Mail reporter got one and it was a duplicate of the passport of the Paris terrorist.

So extreme vetting from these few countries is absolutely crucial now. Last thing any of us need is some worker being lazy and wanting to go home early on a Friday night letting someone get thru the process with a resume that reads like this.

Former Employer: ISIS

Job Title: Jihadist

Job Description: Beheading and general torture.

And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Oh puleeze stop with this bullshit again. This has been so blown out of the water.

Do you know how many Muslim countries there are on the planet? None of those countries were temporarily banned.

Even the "Muslim Ban" meme is total caca. If it was a true Muslim ban every country on the planet would be named because every country on earth has a Muslim population.

Even freaking Israel.

Don't you find it odd that the countries where the terrorists came from and killed thousands 9/11.... Trump is giving the people what they wanted, but it is almost like another Bush situation where he went to the wrong country..

Who gives a hoot about Obama, this is about Trumps actions now.

Regarding SA if you have ever seen me in a thread on Syria you would know I absolutely loathe that regime who have caused so much chaos and destruction in the ME for attempting to turn all those nations into proponents of Salifism.

Now that being said, I have to admit currently the SA and other countries that were left off this temporary ban are not current "hot spots" of terrorism.

You have over 25,000 foreign jihadists from over 100 countries fighting with ISIS and al Nusra who are currently getting their asses handed to them by Assad/Putin/Iran/Iraq/US and others and who are going to want to escape capture and prosecution by Syria and Iraq.

They'll be wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. And they will embed with true refugees.

Forged Syrian passports for example go for about $2,000 and you can get one in a few days. As a matter of fact a Daily Mail reporter got one and it was a duplicate of the passport of the Paris terrorist.

So extreme vetting from these few countries is absolutely crucial now. Last thing any of us need is some worker being lazy and wanting to go home early on a Friday night letting someone get thru the process with a resume that reads like this.

Former Employer: ISIS

Job Title: Jihadist

Job Description: Beheading and general torture.


This is when I liked Trump when the Paris Attack happened last year and we had the problem of not vetting angered me a I supported him until he picked Pence/ went too far right and that was over.

Trump is really concerning me, and I am a bit scared of what is ahead with this guy.
And Trump's businesses will not interfere with his being a president how? How stupid do they think we are?

The executive order he signed Friday bars all entry for the next 90 days by travelers from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya. Excluded from the lists are several majority-Muslim nations where the Trump Organization is active and which in some cases have also faced troublesome issues with terrorism.

Countries where Trump does business are not hit by new travel restrictions

Oh puleeze stop with this bullshit again. This has been so blown out of the water.

Do you know how many Muslim countries there are on the planet? None of those countries were temporarily banned.

Even the "Muslim Ban" meme is total caca. If it was a true Muslim ban every country on the planet would be named because every country on earth has a Muslim population.

Even freaking Israel.

Don't you find it odd that the countries where the terrorists came from and killed thousands 9/11.... Trump is giving the people what they wanted, but it is almost like another Bush situation where he went to the wrong country..

Who gives a hoot about Obama, this is about Trumps actions now.

Regarding SA if you have ever seen me in a thread on Syria you would know I absolutely loathe that regime who have caused so much chaos and destruction in the ME for attempting to turn all those nations into proponents of Salifism.

Now that being said, I have to admit currently the SA and other countries that were left off this temporary ban are not current "hot spots" of terrorism.

You have over 25,000 foreign jihadists from over 100 countries fighting with ISIS and al Nusra who are currently getting their asses handed to them by Assad/Putin/Iran/Iraq/US and others and who are going to want to escape capture and prosecution by Syria and Iraq.

They'll be wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. And they will embed with true refugees.

Forged Syrian passports for example go for about $2,000 and you can get one in a few days. As a matter of fact a Daily Mail reporter got one and it was a duplicate of the passport of the Paris terrorist.

So extreme vetting from these few countries is absolutely crucial now. Last thing any of us need is some worker being lazy and wanting to go home early on a Friday night letting someone get thru the process with a resume that reads like this.

Former Employer: ISIS

Job Title: Jihadist

Job Description: Beheading and general torture.


This is when I liked Trump when the Paris Attack happened last year and we had the problem of not vetting angered me a I supported him until he picked Pence/ went too far right and that was over.

Trump is really concerning me, and I am a bit scared of what is ahead with this guy.

No one is happy with this move that I can tell in the administration but we are living in extraordinary times right now and as distasteful as this temporary ban is unfortunately this is needed.

I'm glad Trump had the testicular fortitude :) to issue the temporary EO.

Any country right now that is not screening for returning jihadists is frankly putting their citizens at a very high risk. We are talking seasoned soldiers and very capable terrorists.

I know that Putin is screening like there is no tomorrow because many of the jihadists for ISIS were Chechens so Russia and the province of Chechnya are doing extreme vetting right now as well.

If other countries don't screen I pity their people.

As to Pence I just find him a solid conservative but not a frightening one. He's honest where he stands on issues. That counts a lot to me. One might not agree with some of his positions, but at least you know he is not trying to bluff anyone trying to be a moderate. And to me there is comfort in knowing what you see is what you are getting and if you oppose that position you can push back because there is no grey area.

Trump has assembled an amazing team. Think about this.

He has Pence the conservative, meanwhile he chose for Secretary of StateTillerson who although conservative fought for the right for gays in the Boy Scouts. As far as I know he led the national push for this.

I believe Trump chose each of his team not particularly where they stood on certain issues but for their expertise and capability to come together as a team and truly kick ass and "make America great again". Gee that has a familiar ring to it. I think I heard that before.


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