Country music, Nascar, Dolly Parton gone ‘woke’...have they become Democrats?

More cowardice on full display from people and organizations we thought shared principles closely aligned with those of conservatives....When will Conservatives learn how to stand against Leftist imposed ideals?

Slightly confused by your post. Why would Dolly not wanting a statue of herself be a problem for anyone regardless of ideology?
Context bud...this one requires that critical thinking you hate. What is her reason for opposing?
My guess is her very Christian faith. I think that Dolly lends her image to places in Sevierville and surrounding area because she knows that brings prosperity to her home town people. A statue in Nashville benefits no one.
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Dolly Parton is not just talented and a first-class person but smart as a whip. She's from East Tennessee, not Nashville. You do know they're different states?
Nashville, Tennessee- or, Trashville- infected with empty suits that don't know shit from shinola about Country Music- Rolling Stone and Twatter was behind that shit, BTW, and the alleged Country Music journalist are always trying to stir up shot-

From the article-

But a misguided notion that took root primarily on Twitter after the statue proposal was announced proclaimed that Dolly Parton was not worthy of a statue in the Tennessee Capitol. The idea became prominent enough primarily among music journalists and media members that Rolling Stone Country even wrote a story denouncing the proposal. Along with the strange discounting of Dolly Parton’s legacy by a country outlet, and the false notion someone should be dead before we can erect statues to them, the assertion by concerned individuals was that the Nathan Bedford Forrest statue should be replaced by a black icon, not Dolly.

The journalist who owns that site, Saving Country Music is the most objective journalist I've ever read. E.V.E.R.

But, it does require reading which is not a trait many show-
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.
Well, I just can't help it! You great Patriots are just too smart fer me 'n stuff!
Exuses are like asses, stupid, everyone has one and some smell worse than others- there is NO excuse for a public display of stupid, stupid.
You are being left behind and that's a good thing.
Because you said so or because Conservatives are nutless and the filthy Left steers the narrative right now through academia, Hollyweird, media, social media and twisted woke white guilt filth?
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Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism.
man- you need to get with the times- DC is a hot bed for all you ranted about- it ain't just one side- Saints don't choose a Party- but, a Party tries to Canonize duplicitous narcissists- BOTH sides.
More cowardice on full display from people and organizations we thought shared principles closely aligned with those of conservatives....When will Conservatives learn how to stand against Leftist imposed ideals?

They are terrified.
You are being left behind and that's a good thing.
Because you said so or because Conservatives are nutless and the filthy Left steers the narrative right now through academia, Hollyweird, media, social media and twisted woke with guilt filth?

You started the thread about more and more segments of society leaving you behind, not me.
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.
Provide a list of 5 concrete pieces of legislation and/or EOs that Trump signed into law that indicate Trumpism is fascism.
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.
Trump is in Florida due to anomalies....a Democrat Virus formulated by their Chinese partners and released at just the right time, a Dem concocted fictional social justice war launched at just the right time, mass voter fraud due to mail in voting...etc etc.
Mexicrats can’t win a straight-up legit free and fair election...all sane folks know this.
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Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.

“Authoritarian fascism” is found in the suppression of speech, the denigration of our constitution, in cancel culture tactics and from those whom refuse to denounce it....SO YOU AND YOUR ILK.
More cowardice on full display from people and organizations we thought shared principles closely aligned with those of conservatives....When will Conservatives learn how to stand against Leftist imposed ideals?

The only people allowed to stay active in the entertainment business are Democrats and those they threatened with ruin. This is Blackmail folks.
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.
Provide a list of 5 concrete pieces of legislation and/or EOs that Trump signed into law that indicate Trumpism is fascism.
You know Trump used EO's and almost never backed them up with legislation. That in itself proves him an authoritarian fascist.
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.

“Authoritarian fascism” is found in the suppression of speech, the denigration of our constitution, in cancel culture tactics and from those whom refuse to denounce it....SO YOU AND YOUR ILK.

Oh you mean like "get that sumbitch off the field he's fired"? You mean like bulldozing streets with tear gas and rubber bullets so an orange hack can go hold a bible upside down in front of a church where he's not welcome? You mean like sending hordes of knuckledragger Gullibles to storm the Capitol and hang the Vice President?
More cowardice on full display from people and organizations we thought shared principles closely aligned with those of conservatives....When will Conservatives learn how to stand against Leftist imposed ideals?

The only people allowed to stay active in the entertainment business are Democrats and those they threatened with ruin. This is Blackmail folks.

And nobody dare says shit about it or dare to stand against it.
Are we really FREE anymore?
Trumpers continue trying to promote themselves as conservatives. Trumpism is a form of authoritarian fascism. A majority of Americans realize this. It's a major reason Trump is in Florida instead of Washington, DC.
Provide a list of 5 concrete pieces of legislation and/or EOs that Trump signed into law that indicate Trumpism is fascism.
You know Trump used EO's and almost never backed them up with legislation. That in itself proves him an authoritarian fascist.
You know Obama used EO's and almost never backed them up with legislation. That in itself proves him an authoritarian fascist.

Now tell me Sanders' explanation for why even Sanders would use EOs.
I bet you're so stupid you don't know why Obama used EOs.

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