County by County Count...

So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

It's called the minority having a voice. True democracy is evil. You would certainly understand that if the majority in the country were not illegal aliens, anchor babies, liberals and commies.
The Libs in this thread are just exhibiting their EPIC BUTTHURT that our system worked according to the design. If hiLIARy had won the electoral votes, they would be celebrating the wisdom of the design. But they lost, so they want to change the rules.

That's the mentality of Participation Trophy Losers.

Voting by county is changing the rules fuckwit.
who does that?

Read the thread. The OP is advocating it. People are agreeing.

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

Considering we don't do a democratic election for president, the point is moot.

Okay, getting you people on the right to admit you're advocates for undemocratic government is one of my main objectives here.

"Democratic" government covers most votes we make, Representative, Governors, Senators, etc. The position of President is unique as he/she represents a weighted average of the majority of the States.

Calling it "undemocratic" is not the same as it not being a representative form of government, which you are implying.

Undemocratic is undemocratic.
not sure what you're attempting to argue here?

If you have an issue with the voting system, then you should write your representatives.
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So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

It's called the minority having a voice. True democracy is evil. You would certainly understand that if the majority in the country were not illegal aliens, anchor babies, liberals and commies.

Oligarchy is when a minority rules the country.

Conservatives favor minority rule because they're a minority, and always will be.
Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

Considering we don't do a democratic election for president, the point is moot.

Okay, getting you people on the right to admit you're advocates for undemocratic government is one of my main objectives here.

"Democratic" government covers most votes we make, Representative, Governors, Senators, etc. The position of President is unique as he/she represents a weighted average of the majority of the States.

Calling it "undemocratic" is not the same as it not being a representative form of government, which you are implying.

Undemocratic is undemocratic.
not sure what you're attempting to argue here?

If you have an issue with the voting system then you should write your representatives.

Oh, gee, I could have sworn I was on a political internet forum.
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

It's called the minority having a voice. True democracy is evil. You would certainly understand that if the majority in the country were not illegal aliens, anchor babies, liberals and commies.

Oligarchy is when a minority rules the country.

Conservatives favor minority rule because they're a minority, and always will be.

We are a center right nation. Conservatives are the majority, and always have been.
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

It's called the minority having a voice. True democracy is evil. You would certainly understand that if the majority in the country were not illegal aliens, anchor babies, liberals and commies.

Oligarchy is when a minority rules the country.

Conservatives favor minority rule because they're a minority, and always will be.

Actually, Prog Loon such as yourself want the country to be ruled by a tiny elite in Washington DC.
The allotment of electors was built on the allotment of us congressmen each states have plus 2 electors for each us senators each state has....and the 2 electors as senator representatives is what gives a small state it's advantage just like the US Congress with our senators, big or small state, each state is given two, and electors are given to each state as 1 elector per VOTING DISTRICT, and NOT by county....a county win means nothing, when it comes to electors....

This is how our founders created the elector positions.

And as with congress, EACH elector represented a congressman's vote for the district they represented.

So as example, lets say a state had 20 electors for 20 voting the 20 congressmen for 20 voting districts, plus 2 electors as representative of their 2 senators.... the electors were meant to not collude with other electors when they were created....not even talk to each other, but to use their own intellect in representing their voting district and the nation combined, in how they cast their initial vote....

But over the centuries, states MANIPULATED their elector process, so that only 2 parties rule and squished out any third party chances by making elector votes, winner takes all....

INSTEAD of each elector vote counting as each congressman's individual vote for the district the congress critter represents, while congress is in session.

so, as another example from this manipulation, Ross perot, got 19% of the national vote...that's a lot for a third party, and he did not receive one single elector vote...not an itty bitty one of them.

THIS IS NOT HOW OUR FOUNDERS CREATED THIS has been bastardized by the 2 parties to eliminate any chance EVER, for a third party to win.

And this makes the voters that are not liberal in states with large cities, ever have their vote count....and liberals in all those conservative states vote, never count... not worth even going to vote.... THIS IS NOT how it was meant to be, this is not what our founders created...

IN my state we went back to how it was, and proportionally issue our elector's vote by voting district....

so, in this past election we have 2 voting districts, (2 House Congress critters) 1 elector for each district, plus 2 electors representing our 2 US Senators... 4 total

one district here vote for Trump, 1District voted for Clinton and overall in the State Clinton got the most votes, so the two senator represented electors went to clinton...

Trump came to visit us with rallies 3 times....for that one district's elector's vote, because he thought he was going to need order to win.

IF WE were set up as a winner take all state, he NEVER would have visited us at all....

THE PROBLEM with the electoral college now, is that electors are not proportionally given like us in maine, with the 2 electors representing Senators, going with the state popular vote.
I'm not too knowledgeable in this issue, but it seems the states are not represented proportionally in the House of Representatives, since the number is fixed at 435.

The Constitution says a maximum of one representative per 30,000 people.

However, the state with the smallest population is Wyoming, at 586,107 (2015 census), one representative only.

California has a population of 39,144,818 , in other words 66 times the size of Wyoming, but they only have 53 representatives.

And D.C. has no voting representative. They do have electoral college votes, but that's not the only point I'm making.

It's basically taxation without representation.

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

We have a Republic.
You're the one refusing a fact.

We'd still be a Republic if we elected the president by the popular vote.

You disagree? Can you prove that the proper definition of a Republic requires an electoral system such as ours?
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

It's called the minority having a voice. True democracy is evil. You would certainly understand that if the majority in the country were not illegal aliens, anchor babies, liberals and commies.

Oligarchy is when a minority rules the country.

Conservatives favor minority rule because they're a minority, and always will be.

Actually, Prog Loon such as yourself want the country to be ruled by a tiny elite in Washington DC.

I want you to have exactly the same power in the voting booth that I do, as painful as I find that prospect.
The allotment of electors was built on the allotment of us congressmen each states have plus 2 electors for each us senators each state has....and the 2 electors as senator representatives is what gives a small state it's advantage just like the US Congress with our senators, big or small state, each state is given two, and electors are given to each state as 1 elector per VOTING DISTRICT, and NOT by county....a county win means nothing, when it comes to electors....

This is how our founders created the elector positions.

And as with congress, EACH elector represented a congressman's vote for the district they represented.

So as example, lets say a state had 20 electors for 20 voting the 20 congressmen for 20 voting districts, plus 2 electors as representative of their 2 senators.... the electors were meant to not collude with other electors when they were created....not even talk to each other, but to use their own intellect in representing their voting district and the nation combined, in how they cast their initial vote....

But over the centuries, states MANIPULATED their elector process, so that only 2 parties rule and squished out any third party chances by making elector votes, winner takes all....

INSTEAD of each elector vote counting as each congressman's individual vote for the district the congress critter represents, while congress is in session.

so, as another example from this manipulation, Ross perot, got 19% of the national vote...that's a lot for a third party, and he did not receive one single elector vote...not an itty bitty one of them.

THIS IS NOT HOW OUR FOUNDERS CREATED THIS has been bastardized by the 2 parties to eliminate any chance EVER, for a third party to win.

And this makes the voters that are not liberal in states with large cities, ever have their vote count....and liberals in all those conservative states vote, never count... not worth even going to vote.... THIS IS NOT how it was meant to be, this is not what our founders created...

IN my state we went back to how it was, and proportionally issue our elector's vote by voting district....

so, in this past election we have 2 voting districts, (2 House Congress critters) 1 elector for each district, plus 2 electors representing our 2 US Senators... 4 total

one district here vote for Trump, 1District voted for Clinton and overall in the State Clinton got the most votes, so the two senator represented electors went to clinton...

Trump came to visit us with rallies 3 times....for that one district's elector's vote, because he thought he was going to need order to win.

IF WE were set up as a winner take all state, he NEVER would have visited us at all....

THE PROBLEM with the electoral college now, is that electors are not proportionally given like us in maine, with the 2 electors representing Senators, going with the state popular vote.
so I'm confused with your post. How is it that something is wrong? If there are no third party representatives, then there are no electorates. You just posted how that worked. So, to get representation, vote a third party representative into congress. It is the step necessary to build the base to get an electorate.

BTW, this is what made Trump unique. He was actually a third party and positioned himself under the GOP to benefit him in the electorate. It worked, how about that. Still not sure how what you posted doesn't work out. Except that you didn't win and are now crying.

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

We have a Republic.
You're the one refusing a fact.

We'd still be a Republic if we elected the president by the popular vote.

You disagree? Can you prove that the proper definition of a Republic requires an electoral system such as ours?
Where you been? The bullshit tactics where you want proof falls on deaf ears. I quit trying to provide libtards with proof years ago. All it does is make you lie and cheat more.
Drumpf made the rules? I didn't know that. When did he manage that, Cap'n Knowledge?
I didn't say he made the rules, but a poor person commits fraud and goes to jail. He just pays a fine. He can get away with almost anything by paying.
you mean like Hitlery got away with murder and treason?
Lol, treason.
Putin likes Trump, I believe that to be a good thing. you?

you should find out how much Russia invested in the Clinton Foundation buying Uranium. Talk about treason, you bet and why I posted it.

no.... it's only a good thing to white supremacists who now love putin because they hate their country
you should really look at things that are fact based, cause your opinions are blurring your vision.
Fine, you want each county to have an equal say in the vote for president?

Then step one will be that Kings County in NY divides itself into a thousand counties of 2000 people each. As do all the high population urban counties.

Your move.

That's basically saying to make the Presidential vote a popular one, via different mechanics.

Any crying about the Presidential elections being "undemocratic" ignores the simple fact that the Presidential election was NEVER a strict democratic vote, but again, a weighted average of States voting to say who would be the executive of all the States, via the Federal Constitution.

The Constitution has been wrong many times.

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

We have a Republic.
You're the one refusing a fact.

We'd still be a Republic if we elected the president by the popular vote.

You disagree? Can you prove that the proper definition of a Republic requires an electoral system such as ours?
Where you been? The bullshit tactics where you want proof falls on deaf ears. I quit trying to provide libtards with proof years ago. All it does is make you lie and cheat more.

So you concede that we can be a Republic and still elect the President by a popular nationwide vote.

dumb Donald lost the popular vote.

thanks for playing
President Elect Trump won 306 to 232, you should read up on how a president is voted into office.

He won because we have a system that is able to circumvent the democratic result and replace it with an undemocratic result.
the same system that elected every other president after washington. he won because he won the necessary electoral votes as per law. Change the law, you know the one since the constitution was written. go for it wise ass.
The allotment of electors was built on the allotment of us congressmen each states have plus 2 electors for each us senators each state has....and the 2 electors as senator representatives is what gives a small state it's advantage just like the US Congress with our senators, big or small state, each state is given two, and electors are given to each state as 1 elector per VOTING DISTRICT, and NOT by county....a county win means nothing, when it comes to electors....

This is how our founders created the elector positions.

And as with congress, EACH elector represented a congressman's vote for the district they represented.

So as example, lets say a state had 20 electors for 20 voting the 20 congressmen for 20 voting districts, plus 2 electors as representative of their 2 senators.... the electors were meant to not collude with other electors when they were created....not even talk to each other, but to use their own intellect in representing their voting district and the nation combined, in how they cast their initial vote....

But over the centuries, states MANIPULATED their elector process, so that only 2 parties rule and squished out any third party chances by making elector votes, winner takes all....

INSTEAD of each elector vote counting as each congressman's individual vote for the district the congress critter represents, while congress is in session.

so, as another example from this manipulation, Ross perot, got 19% of the national vote...that's a lot for a third party, and he did not receive one single elector vote...not an itty bitty one of them.

THIS IS NOT HOW OUR FOUNDERS CREATED THIS has been bastardized by the 2 parties to eliminate any chance EVER, for a third party to win.

And this makes the voters that are not liberal in states with large cities, ever have their vote count....and liberals in all those conservative states vote, never count... not worth even going to vote.... THIS IS NOT how it was meant to be, this is not what our founders created...

IN my state we went back to how it was, and proportionally issue our elector's vote by voting district....

so, in this past election we have 2 voting districts, (2 House Congress critters) 1 elector for each district, plus 2 electors representing our 2 US Senators... 4 total

one district here vote for Trump, 1District voted for Clinton and overall in the State Clinton got the most votes, so the two senator represented electors went to clinton...

Trump came to visit us with rallies 3 times....for that one district's elector's vote, because he thought he was going to need order to win.

IF WE were set up as a winner take all state, he NEVER would have visited us at all....

THE PROBLEM with the electoral college now, is that electors are not proportionally given like us in maine, with the 2 electors representing Senators, going with the state popular vote.
All states have the right to apportion their electoral votes if they wish. New York and California should take the lead. Set the example if you will.
Fine, you want each county to have an equal say in the vote for president?

Then step one will be that Kings County in NY divides itself into a thousand counties of 2000 people each. As do all the high population urban counties.

Your move.

That's basically saying to make the Presidential vote a popular one, via different mechanics.

Any crying about the Presidential elections being "undemocratic" ignores the simple fact that the Presidential election was NEVER a strict democratic vote, but again, a weighted average of States voting to say who would be the executive of all the States, via the Federal Constitution.

The Constitution has been wrong many times.


Either the Constitution was wrong, or the amendments to it are wrong. Which is it?
We have a Republic.
You're the one refusing a fact.

We'd still be a Republic if we elected the president by the popular vote.

You disagree? Can you prove that the proper definition of a Republic requires an electoral system such as ours?
Where you been? The bullshit tactics where you want proof falls on deaf ears. I quit trying to provide libtards with proof years ago. All it does is make you lie and cheat more.

So you concede that we can be a Republic and still elect the President by a popular nationwide vote.
Playing pretend doesn't work either, but don't let that stop you.

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