County by County Count...


Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

Poor NYC apparently flunked Civics in K-12. The U.S. is a federal republic. It was designed to prevent the mob rule he advocates.

Mob rule is just a catch phrase invented by people who don't believe in the fundamental principle of one person one vote.

Doubling down on not grokking our form of government isn't going to transmogriphy your whinging into a coherent argument.

But if you do support one person one vote, then you should be all in favor of Voter ID!

So you honestly believe that since Trump won more counties in NY than Clinton,
then Trump should have gotten all of NY's electoral votes.

That's idiocy.

Reading comprehension challenged? I said the states have one vote per person. If they wish to move to a county by county allocation of electors, that is up to the people in a particular state.

As an aside, I think you would enjoy life more if you abandoned your One Size Fits All Ideology.
Fine, you want each county to have an equal say in the vote for president?

Then step one will be that Kings County in NY divides itself into a thousand counties of 2000 people each. As do all the high population urban counties.

Your move.

That's basically saying to make the Presidential vote a popular one, via different mechanics.

Any crying about the Presidential elections being "undemocratic" ignores the simple fact that the Presidential election was NEVER a strict democratic vote, but again, a weighted average of States voting to say who would be the executive of all the States, via the Federal Constitution.

The Constitution has been wrong many times.

The get it amended. And don't reference that stupid national compact thing. The second one State sees a result they don't like they will bail on it, leading to chaos.
Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

Poor NYC apparently flunked Civics in K-12. The U.S. is a federal republic. It was designed to prevent the mob rule he advocates.

Mob rule is just a catch phrase invented by people who don't believe in the fundamental principle of one person one vote.

Doubling down on not grokking our form of government isn't going to transmogriphy your whinging into a coherent argument.

But if you do support one person one vote, then you should be all in favor of Voter ID!

So you honestly believe that since Trump won more counties in NY than Clinton,
then Trump should have gotten all of NY's electoral votes.

That's idiocy.

Reading comprehension challenged? I said the states have one vote per person. If they wish to move to a county by county allocation of electors, that is up to the people in a particular state.

As an aside, I think you would enjoy life more if you abandoned your One Size Fits All Ideology.

So you admit you think the OP's 'point' is idiocy. Why didn't you say that in the first place?

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.

We have a Republic.
You're the one refusing a fact.

We'd still be a Republic if we elected the president by the popular vote.
Fine, you want each county to have an equal say in the vote for president?

Then step one will be that Kings County in NY divides itself into a thousand counties of 2000 people each. As do all the high population urban counties.

Your move.

That's basically saying to make the Presidential vote a popular one, via different mechanics.

Any crying about the Presidential elections being "undemocratic" ignores the simple fact that the Presidential election was NEVER a strict democratic vote, but again, a weighted average of States voting to say who would be the executive of all the States, via the Federal Constitution.

The Constitution has been wrong many times.

The get it amended. And don't reference that stupid national compact thing. The second one State sees a result they don't like they will bail on it, leading to chaos.
Poor NYC apparently flunked Civics in K-12. The U.S. is a federal republic. It was designed to prevent the mob rule he advocates.

Mob rule is just a catch phrase invented by people who don't believe in the fundamental principle of one person one vote.

Doubling down on not grokking our form of government isn't going to transmogriphy your whinging into a coherent argument.

But if you do support one person one vote, then you should be all in favor of Voter ID!

So you honestly believe that since Trump won more counties in NY than Clinton,
then Trump should have gotten all of NY's electoral votes.

That's idiocy.

Reading comprehension challenged? I said the states have one vote per person. If they wish to move to a county by county allocation of electors, that is up to the people in a particular state.

As an aside, I think you would enjoy life more if you abandoned your One Size Fits All Ideology.

So you admit you think the OP's 'point' is idiocy. Why didn't you say that in the first place?

The OP's point isn't idiocy, it does show the intent of the Electoral College/weighted State Average system, where large populous areas are not the automatic deal-makers/breakers in the case of Presidential Elections.

Every election we get this retarded shit from the retarded Right.

Yes, Trump won lots of counties,

he won, for example, Niobrara County in Wyoming.

Population 2,456.

Clinton won Kings County (Brooklyn)

Population 2,636,735.

Now it's up to you to tell us why one equals the other, in a democratic election.
Because some people are more equal than others. And none are as equal as Drumpf.
You could have just said you don't know.
Mob rule is just a catch phrase invented by people who don't believe in the fundamental principle of one person one vote.

Doubling down on not grokking our form of government isn't going to transmogriphy your whinging into a coherent argument.

But if you do support one person one vote, then you should be all in favor of Voter ID!

My argument is one person one vote. Refute it.

You're just digging a deeper hole, bub.

The SCOTUS interprets laws. The Legislature passes laws. The Executive Branch enforces laws. If minority rights rest solely on the SCOTUS, then we have a systemic failure.

The biggest protection for minority rights is a culture of Individual Rights and Responsibility. If each of us lived according to these principles, the role of the government in micro-managing our lives would be greatly diminished.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Within the states, we have one vote per person. As a Federated Republic of States, the states are then represented by electors to elect the President. This system balances the power of the states so that minority states are not bullied by more populous ones. The policy and lifestyle preference of metropolitan areas, for example, are different than those in rural areas. Rural communities' rights to self-determinations shouldn't be voided by people who live in cities.

It's really sad that you don't value protecting minority rights.
the libs never have been for minority rights. evah. It's why they created the kkk.

You have a Supreme Court to protect your minority rights.

You know, the Court that conservatives hate.
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

Yes. They do.
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

Yes. They do.
I posted you on FB.....they said you're a fake democrat my closet conservative friend......:lol:
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

Yes. They do.
I posted you on FB.....they said you're a fake democrat my closet conservative friend......:lol:

No, I'm a real Democrat. I just am able to think for myself. Something that's been bred out of the current crop....
this is exactly why our founding fathers started the electoral college, they knew that population will always be centered around a few cities and did not want a straight democracy as they seen it provide undesirable results in other nation states.
Trump won Tex (2nd biggest EV) Fla (3rd - though tied with NY), PA (4th tied with IL) and Ohio 6th.

So of the top EV states, Trump took 3 out of 6.
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

Yes. They do.

So you wouldn't have a problem if under those circumstances, the 2 million in Kings County NY divided into a thousand counties and then gave themselves 1000 times the power of that one county in Wyoming.

Will this guy ever explain why a county of 2,000 should have as much power as a county of 2 million?

Will you ever explain why someone in NYC should be able to bully someone in Fargo ND?

Seriously, do you thing ND has leverage with 3 compared to NY with 29? Allowing each state to gain EV by senators and reps has some leveling effect, but considering Trump won 3 out of the 6 largest states, that has nothing to do with the results of this election.

Will this guy ever explain why a county of 2,000 should have as much power as a county of 2 million?

Will you ever explain why someone in NYC should be able to bully someone in Fargo ND?
If you explain to me why one guy with a rocket launcher should be allowed to threaten 1000 unarmed people, just because he has that rocket launcher.
What's a liberal got do with it?
So the Sunday newspaper, front page article: "Urban problems" --- Anchorage residents resistant to bear proof trash cans.

Sound like a problem NY might have? Unlikely. Every state has a say in things because they have different needs and interests. This is not the United States of New York.

So you think 4,000 people in Wyoming deserve the same say as 2 million in NY.

That's proof you don't believe in democratic government, something we are learning is very common among the RWnuts.

Yes. They do.
I posted you on FB.....they said you're a fake democrat my closet conservative friend......:lol:

No, I'm a real Democrat. I just am able to think for myself. Something that's been bred out of the current crop....

The above from the person who just said each county in the nation should have one vote for president.

Will this guy ever explain why a county of 2,000 should have as much power as a county of 2 million?

Will you ever explain why someone in NYC should be able to bully someone in Fargo ND?
If you explain to me why one guy with a rocket launcher should be allowed to threaten 1000 unarmed people, just because he has that rocket launcher.


You are worried that people in rural areas are buying illegal rocket launchers to aim at cities?

Will this guy ever explain why a county of 2,000 should have as much power as a county of 2 million?

Will you ever explain why someone in NYC should be able to bully someone in Fargo ND?
If you explain to me why one guy with a rocket launcher should be allowed to threaten 1000 unarmed people, just because he has that rocket launcher.


You are worried that people in rural areas are buying illegal rocket launchers to aim at cities?
I was making an analogy.

By the way, cretins are incapable of understanding analogies.
The Libs in this thread are just exhibiting their EPIC BUTTHURT that our system worked according to the design. If hiLIARy had won the electoral votes, they would be celebrating the wisdom of the design. But they lost, so they want to change the rules.

That's the mentality of Participation Trophy Losers.

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