County Sheriff Dept Told us 'Arm Yourself'


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009

Rural Tennessee

Sherrif pulled in my driveway and told me to arm myself... which I already was

We have a guy in the area running from the law after a week of (3) separate killings. Killed someone 1.5 miles from me, stole their truck crashed it down the road. Just finished checking my chicken coupe and woods as requested by LEO. Getting ready to check out some of my field cameras to see if he passed through here last night

After our home invasion April 2017, and now this, I am happy that in Tennessee politicians and LEO understand the importance of armed citizens


Don't be a hero either triple tap center of mass or if the guy is standing button his shirt.
Keep your eyes open.

A few years ago, a felon was being transported through our town. As one of the escorting officers got out to go into a store, the felon murdered the other officer and escaped on foot. He was loose in our town for several days.

For those days, I walked around my wife's car with pistol in hand and looked around the yard before she came outside to drive to work. The felon ended up going to ground in the woods down by the lake we live near. The cops cornered him and shot him dead.

Don't let your guard up until this guy is room temperature and keep us posted.
UPDATE- Day 6... LEO, media and the whole dog and pony show have been set up at times on my property. This dude is a slippery cat. I'm armed every day as we move about our daily routine. The man is being hunted like a deer, and is totally outsmarting LEO. I have 9 acres, with about 6 acres in woods.

Its time to clear them

Perp is a Dead man walking

UPDATE- Day 6... LEO, media and the whole dog and pony show have been set up at times on my property. This dude is a slippery cat. I'm armed every day as we move about our daily routine. The man is being hunted like a deer, and is totally outsmarting LEO. I have 9 acres, with about 6 acres in woods.

Its time to clear them

Perp is a Dead man walking


Man, are you rugged or what!? So fucking cool!

It is way more likely that the sheriff told you to stay the fuck out of the way so you don’t end up shooting a deputy by mistake.
UPDATE- Day 6... LEO, media and the whole dog and pony show have been set up at times on my property. This dude is a slippery cat. I'm armed every day as we move about our daily routine. The man is being hunted like a deer, and is totally outsmarting LEO. I have 9 acres, with about 6 acres in woods.

Its time to clear them

Perp is a Dead man walking


Man, are you rugged or what!? So fucking cool!

It is way more likely that the sheriff told you to stay the fuck out of the way so you don’t end up shooting a deputy by mistake.
Wrong old man..... Now go back to your safe space, you're exposing yourself to risk out here in the open

UPDATE- Day 6... LEO, media and the whole dog and pony show have been set up at times on my property. This dude is a slippery cat. I'm armed every day as we move about our daily routine. The man is being hunted like a deer, and is totally outsmarting LEO. I have 9 acres, with about 6 acres in woods.

Its time to clear them

Perp is a Dead man walking


Man, are you rugged or what!? So fucking cool!

It is way more likely that the sheriff told you to stay the fuck out of the way so you don’t end up shooting a deputy by mistake.
Wrong old man..... Now go back to your safe space, you're exposing yourself to risk out here in the open


Old man?

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