Couple Sentenced For Murder of 15 Day Old Baby...No Different Than Abortion

Collateral damage is the same as abortion also..
Acts of God..
This was a conscious and deliberate act to terminate a helpless innocent human life. Just like abortion.
And when God wanted the slaves of Israel freed he aborted the first born of Egypt..
Your trying to compare an act of Almighty God to actions of simple mortals. Don’t think so.
There is no god, you fucking idiot. god is a creation by man in order to deal with his mortality.
Collateral damage is the same as abortion also..
Acts of God..
This was a conscious and deliberate act to terminate a helpless innocent human life. Just like abortion.

Huge difference. We are talking about a woman's body in the case of abortion. They have a say in it. The Alabama Senate consisting of 35 men just made women second class citizens. I used to support overturning Roe vs Wade but Alabama was the last straw. Criminalizing abortion and making no exceptions for rape and incest is the act of radical religious fanatics. The number of abortions in this country has been dropping over the years even though it has been legal. That means more people are choosing not to have abortions. All that is threatened by religious fanatics. Suburban women will reject the radical GOP agenda.
Conservative women disagree
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....
Or is their millions(?) of liberal women who are just dragged into the bullcrap by their handlers, otherwise in their attempt to score political points by pumping up the numbers without the consent of those liberal women who aren't advocates for abortion at all ??

Are they instead liberal right to life women(?), whom enjoy their children and traditional marriages just like any other woman who is a right to life woman as well ??

Are liberal women just followers of the hive instead of independent free thinkers that have their own opinions contrary to what the leftist attempt to define them by ???
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....

How would you know what represents women?
Planned Parenthood has always been the enemy of conservative women

This from a lying Russian troll who clearly knows NOTHING about women.

Women WANT the right to choose. By age 40, 25% of American women have had abortions. Whether they talk about it or not, women want the right to choose when they have a child. Birth control does not work entirely as advertized, even when taken as directed.

I cannot imagine being forced to be pregnant with a child you cannot afford. That's the reality of abortion. As much as conservatives like to portray the women who terminate their pregnancies as amoral party girls, or heartless women who hate children, the hard reality is that majority of the women who get abortions are; (a) either married or in a committed relationship; and (b) already have one or more children.

What you have is a nation where poor married women cannot afford to have children, because they have no health care, no job protections during pregnancy, no affordable child care after the baby is born, and no way of providing for their families during pregnancy, confinement, and before returning to work.

Republican policies have created a nation where poor people are aborting their families because they can't afford to feed them.
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....

How would you know what represents women?
Planned Parenthood has always been the enemy of conservative women

This from a lying Russian troll who clearly knows NOTHING about women.

Women WANT the right to choose. By age 40, 25% of American women have had abortions. Whether they talk about it or not, women want the right to choose when they have a child. Birth control does not work entirely as advertized, even when taken as directed.

I cannot imagine being forced to be pregnant with a child you cannot afford. That's the reality of abortion. As much as conservatives like to portray the women who terminate their pregnancies as amoral party girls, or heartless women who hate children, the hard reality is that majority of the women who get abortions are; (a) either married or in a committed relationship; and (b) already have one or more children.

What you have is a nation where poor married women cannot afford to have children, because they have no health care, no job protections during pregnancy, no affordable child care after the baby is born, and no way of providing for their families during pregnancy, confinement, and before returning to work.

Republican policies have created a nation where poor people are aborting their families because they can't afford to feed them.
Conservative women if they walk their talk, there is no need for abortion...
Conservative women don’t have the same interests and needs as progressive women… fact

The nanny state cannot be sustained, that has been proven over and over again
Obviously the vast majority of abortions in this country are a direct result from bad life choices. Rape and incest constitute very few of the abortions every year by percentage in this country, obviously those have to be dealt with. And that is up to the individual and law enforcement. But the country should not be paying Fucked up life choices… Obviously we cannot afford it.

Bad life choices have consequences, would it not be nice if the individual had to pay for them instead of individuals that had absolutely nothing to do with it?

Fuck the collective....
I’m guessing liberals think this termination of life was the choice of the parents. No different than abortion.

No, you don't think that at all. You know damn well that nobody is advocating for the murder of infants. But you want to hang such absurdities around the necks of people who disagree with you, so you can relax in a bath of your intellectual sloth.
------------------------------------ of course some of YOUR people argue for ' after birth' abortions better known as Baby Murder or Infanticied . --- --- course this is an old article but 'peter singer' is still around doing his best for infant murder. GOOGLE 'peter singer' SDaniels .
Planned Parenthood absolutely does not represent millions of conservative women....

How would you know what represents women?
Planned Parenthood has always been the enemy of conservative women

This from a lying Russian troll who clearly knows NOTHING about women.

Women WANT the right to choose. By age 40, 25% of American women have had abortions. Whether they talk about it or not, women want the right to choose when they have a child. Birth control does not work entirely as advertized, even when taken as directed.

I cannot imagine being forced to be pregnant with a child you cannot afford. That's the reality of abortion. As much as conservatives like to portray the women who terminate their pregnancies as amoral party girls, or heartless women who hate children, the hard reality is that majority of the women who get abortions are; (a) either married or in a committed relationship; and (b) already have one or more children.

What you have is a nation where poor married women cannot afford to have children, because they have no health care, no job protections during pregnancy, no affordable child care after the baby is born, and no way of providing for their families during pregnancy, confinement, and before returning to work.

Republican policies have created a nation where poor people are aborting their families because they can't afford to feed them.
Conservative women if they walk their talk, there is no need for abortion...
Conservative women don’t have the same interests and needs as progressive women… fact

The nanny state cannot be sustained, that has been proven over and over again

13% of abortions - that's over 100,000 abortions every single year, are obtained by EVANGENICAL women. There is no group of women who "talks the talk" more than evangelicals, and yet they get abortions in numbers very close to their percentage of the population overall.

It's not conservative women who talk about abortion. It's conservative MEN. Because abortion isn't about the caring about the unborn or being "pro-lilfe". If you were really "pro-life", you wouldn't be opposed to universal health care, which would save 45,000 American lives every year, or gun control which would save another 45,000 American lives every year. Conservative men want to stop women from having control over their own lives.

If they were really "pro-life", they'd want to do something about the high rates of infant mortality, and of maternal death in childbirth, both of which are the highest in the first world. They would insist on birth control being taught in high school, and free control for all. ANYTHING to make abortion unnecessary.

But that's not what they do. They promote "abstinence only" birth control. I grew up in the "abstinence only" birth control era - before the pill. Girls were expelled from school if they got pregnant. Abortion was illegal. None of that stopped teenagers from having sex. Not the fear of being sent to an "unwed mothers' home" to await the birth of a child which would be taken from you at birth and put up for adoption. Not having "bastard" put on your child's birth certificate. Not being told "No decent man will want you", if you aren't a virgin when you marry". There were orphanges in every city.

Some of you people need to be reminded of just how bad it was in the days before abortion and birth control.
There's no where that man can hide when that terrible day of judgement comes upon him for whom is not saved by the blood. We are living in the last days on this Earth, although it is that only God knows the hour and the time, yet we should be vigilant and aware of the signs.

I’m guessing liberals think this termination of life was the choice of the parents. No different than abortion.
Georgia couple found guilty of murdering 15-day-old daughter while on meth
View attachment 260937 exposes the fact that liberals...16 days ago, would have felt to terminate this life would be perfectly legal and moral.
View attachment 260951

So are you, what’s your point?
The couple, the sperm donor and the egg provider, felt meth was more important than a child. The punishment fits the crime and I hope neither ever get out on parole. The drug dealer should get the death penalty.

Abortion is not the issue, sick disgusting people are.
How would you know what represents women?

Okay fine lets poll women, how many of you women support ripping the limbs off a healthy fetus, stabbing it in the brain and aborting it?

80% of Americans are in favour of abortion in some circumstances.

25% of all women over the age of 40 have had one abortion.

80% of all women getting abortions are living at or below the poverty line.

NOBODY WANTS TO ABORT A HEALTH FETUS. But Republicans have such anti-family, anti-women policies, that poor women cannot risk their families and existing children to have another baby.

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