Court case might cost Trump 10 years in what may be first of many sentences.

Stop lying. You look at yourself in the mirror every day and hang out with retards everyday as well.

You should not call yourself a retard.
I didnt. I called you and the other guy retards. Dont you know your pronouns? :rolleyes:

Sure do, you may want to read your post again.
No need. When I say "you are a retard" that means I am referring to you. :rolleyes:

Except you didn't say that. What you said was Mike hangs out with retards. Since you are hanging out with him...
i hate apostrophes. If you cant figure out what I am saying just ask.

I understand apostrophes denote ownership, it means you may have to take responsibility for something, the bane of liberals every where.
No. It just means you have to make funny mark between two letters. If you need a funny mark for you to figure it out just let me know. I know youre kind of slow. :rolleyes:
Stop lying. You look at yourself in the mirror every day and hang out with retards everyday as well.

You should not call yourself a retard.
I didnt. I called you and the other guy retards. Dont you know your pronouns? :rolleyes:

Sure do, you may want to read your post again.
No need. When I say "you are a retard" that means I am referring to you. :rolleyes:

Except you didn't say that. What you said was Mike hangs out with retards. Since you are hanging out with him...
Yes I did say you were a retard. I dont hang out with Mike. Only retards hang out with him. :rolleyes:
Got an idiot here that hates grammer and sentence structure yet has the audacity to call others retards. :lol:
Got an idiot here that hates grammer and sentence structure yet has the audacity to call others retards. :lol:
I dont have anything against sentence structure. Only apostrophes. Dont be mad youre an idiot that needs apostrophes. :rolleyes:
He was a NY Icon for 40 fucking years, but now he's an existentialist threat to the Fascist democrats, they're in full goosestep to bring him down.

New York sues Trump and his charity over 'self-dealing' | Reuters

The lawsuit, filed on Trump’s 72nd birthday in the state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks $2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York nonprofit, and one-year bans for his children.



Not all guilty sentences end in prison. For 10 years, Trump will have to suffer the shame of not being allowed to serve on a board for a charity. Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

Trump and his children are a disgrace. They will NEVER be allowed to work with a charity organization. They will always be viewed with suspicion and looked on as grifters looking to steal a buck.

The purpose of this political witch hunt by the Socialist Government of New York has nothing to do with the Trump charities. Its just a message to the rest of us that the Deep State will stop at nothing to discourage the people from getting out of their place.

might cost

may be

Wow indeed. Another late-breaking big news story on what might cost and may be by the king of empty stories about nothing concerning things that haven't even happened and maybe never will, Deanturd, because he hasn't anything real that HAS cost and HAS been to actually hang a hat on.
New York sues Trump and his charity over 'self-dealing' | Reuters

The lawsuit, filed on Trump’s 72nd birthday in the state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks $2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York nonprofit, and one-year bans for his children.



Not all guilty sentences end in prison. For 10 years, Trump will have to suffer the shame of not being allowed to serve on a board for a charity. Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

Trump and his children are a disgrace. They will NEVER be allowed to work with a charity organization. They will always be viewed with suspicion and looked on as grifters looking to steal a buck.

"Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history."

Is that what The Clinton Crime Family Foundation was? How did that scam work out for her in the election against Trump cuppycakes?
New York sues Trump and his charity over 'self-dealing' | Reuters

The lawsuit, filed on Trump’s 72nd birthday in the state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks $2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York nonprofit, and one-year bans for his children.



Not all guilty sentences end in prison. For 10 years, Trump will have to suffer the shame of not being allowed to serve on a board for a charity. Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

Trump and his children are a disgrace. They will NEVER be allowed to work with a charity organization. They will always be viewed with suspicion and looked on as grifters looking to steal a buck.

Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

It works. The Clintons cemented their legacy as quick buck scumbags.

Clintons smeared for helping people instead of taking advantage of them.

might cost

may be

Wow indeed. Another late-breaking big news story on what might cost and may be by the king of empty stories about nothing concerning things that haven't even happened and maybe never will, Deanturd, because he hasn't anything real that HAS cost and HAS been to actually hang a hat on.
New York sues Trump and his charity over 'self-dealing' | Reuters

The lawsuit, filed on Trump’s 72nd birthday in the state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks $2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York nonprofit, and one-year bans for his children.



Not all guilty sentences end in prison. For 10 years, Trump will have to suffer the shame of not being allowed to serve on a board for a charity. Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

Trump and his children are a disgrace. They will NEVER be allowed to work with a charity organization. They will always be viewed with suspicion and looked on as grifters looking to steal a buck.

Many very rich people, and former presidents, start charitable organizations to cement their legacy in history.

It works. The Clintons cemented their legacy as quick buck scumbags.

Clintons smeared for helping people instead of taking advantage of them.

Yeah, ask the Haitians how much the Clintons helped...…..

Screen Shot 2018-12-22 at 6.35.42 PM.png

I see you still can't let go of your bitterness over your Supreme Court losses. That's not a maybe or a might happen but a DEFINITELY WAS.

Meantime, telling us what the Democrats want to do the instant they get a little power back in their bony clutches is like announcing it might rain again in Seattle.
Russia and China could not be more pleased with Democrats. Hey why bother trying to subvert America when Democrats are doing such a great job! They may as well sit back and watch the masters at work

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