Court rules against Arizona immigration law

The reality is Mexican immigrants contribute the economy. They buy groceries, clothes, cars, gas, electronics, cable/Direct TV...etc. The list goes on and on. They are CONSUMERS. Just look at everything in Spanish and English...why. Because corporations know they are consumers. All while doing jobs that Joe the plumber would never take! Any company that has their products or advertisements in Spanish should also be for immigration reform. With the Latino population continuing to grow it won't be long before the people eventually vote these backward laws and politicians out.

Horse shit. CNN interviewed an illegal a few years ago. He was the manager of a restaurant. That "Jobs Americans won't do" crap is just that, crap.

Is the owner of a tamale cart the same as a manager of a restaurant?
Not sure what justification they possibly have for ruling it unconstitutional.
Just as conservatives worry that any sort of legislation for gun control will lead to full ban on guns...It's over the top tactics like this that are just the tip of the iceberg and a slippery slope for civil liberties.
[ame=]YouTube - Arizona Sheriff Confronts Indigenous Peoples![/ame]
PHOENIX — A federal appeals court on Monday refused to lift a stay blocking major parts of Arizona's immigration law from taking effect and said the federal government is likely to be able to prove the controversial law is unconstitutional.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned down an appeal filed by Gov. Jan Brewer. She had asked the appeals court to lift an injunction imposed by a federal judge in Phoenix the day before the law was to take effect on July 29, 2010.

The U.S Justice Department sued to block the law, saying it violates the U.S. Constitution because enforcing immigration law is a federal issue.

Hello SCOTUS...
PHOENIX — A federal appeals court on Monday refused to lift a stay blocking major parts of Arizona's immigration law from taking effect and said the federal government is likely to be able to prove the controversial law is unconstitutional.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals turned down an appeal filed by Gov. Jan Brewer. She had asked the appeals court to lift an injunction imposed by a federal judge in Phoenix the day before the law was to take effect on July 29, 2010.

The U.S Justice Department sued to block the law, saying it violates the U.S. Constitution because enforcing immigration law is a federal issue.


Why would you celebrate the Federal Government suing a State because it passed a law to help enforce the law? Plain and simple if the local police didn't show up and there was a guy breaking into my house, I'm going to stop him. Is that wrong to enforce the law? To hell with whose job it is Holder and Obama made it political, if a state has to do their job it looks bad on them.

The only people who think they are right are those who don't care about illegals being here. Real Americans care about people breaking our laws....

nuff said.....
Then why wont they enfore a law on the books that already exists. You know, the one about jailing the onwers of the businesses that hire illegals. That law is on the books here and they NEVER arrest the owners. EVER. Why is this real american. Why.

good question Zona.....why dont they? another thread here...(while you were on the lamb from Conhog)....this was brought up, AND some of your Leftist buddies ,in response to the Righties here bringing this up......showed links saying that this is being done.....why dont you know about this?.....oh thats right i were too busy avoiding Conhog....:lol:
The reality is Mexican immigrants contribute the economy. They buy groceries, clothes, cars, gas, electronics, cable/Direct TV...etc. The list goes on and on. They are CONSUMERS. Just look at everything in Spanish and English...why. Because corporations know they are consumers. All while doing jobs that Joe the plumber would never take! Any company that has their products or advertisements in Spanish should also be for immigration reform. With the Latino population continuing to grow it won't be long before the people eventually vote these backward laws and politicians out.

yea your right they do.....lets let em all in.....are you for this Country becoming similar to Mexico too....just thought i would ask.....because many of those same people could care less if this Country was more to their speed.....many would probobly prefer it....many of them think that just by being here the reasons they left Mexico will stay in Mexico....they dont think it is neccassary for them to change.....after all....they are in America now.....things are different here......backward laws my ass.....
The reality is Mexican immigrants contribute the economy. They buy groceries, clothes, cars, gas, electronics, cable/Direct TV...etc.

But how can they buy all that crap yet still be able to claim poverty so they can cheat poor Americans out of their fair share?

When Mexicans are stopped for traffic violations, they should first be asked, "Where did you get the money to buy the $50,000 vehicle you and your border jumping family are riding in?"

fucking bigot......i know plenty of Mexicans born and raised here who are making better money then most whites who can afford not only that 50,000 dollar vehical but a fucking nice house on top of are lost dipshit.....
The reality is Mexican immigrants contribute the economy. They buy groceries, clothes, cars, gas, electronics, cable/Direct TV...etc.

But how can they buy all that crap yet still be able to claim poverty so they can cheat poor Americans out of their fair share?

When Mexicans are stopped for traffic violations, they should first be asked, "Where did you get the money to buy the $50,000 vehicle you and your border jumping family are riding in?"

fucking bigot......i know plenty of Mexicans born and raised here who are making better money then most whites who can afford not only that 50,000 dollar vehical but a fucking nice house on top of are lost dipshit.....

Termites and leeches are born here too. That doesn't mean Americans have to live with them.

A fuckin' nice house is where they keep their sex slaves.
But how can they buy all that crap yet still be able to claim poverty so they can cheat poor Americans out of their fair share?

When Mexicans are stopped for traffic violations, they should first be asked, "Where did you get the money to buy the $50,000 vehicle you and your border jumping family are riding in?"

fucking bigot......i know plenty of Mexicans born and raised here who are making better money then most whites who can afford not only that 50,000 dollar vehical but a fucking nice house on top of are lost dipshit.....

Termites and leeches are born here too. That doesn't mean Americans have to live with them.

A fuckin' nice house is where they keep their sex slaves.

Something wrong with being an American of Mexican decent? My wifes family was living in Texas when it was the Republic of Texas. Does that make her a leech? You think we have sex slaves in our house? Get a clue dumb ass. No doubt she is more American than you are.
And why not everything be in all other languages in this country??? Aren't they consumers as well? No, those here from spanish speaking countries are treated as imbeciles. If they would assimilate it would be a whole different story. All others who come here make the effort why does this country have to cater to that group? The latino population is growing because that is the only way they can take over what they could not accomplish in their own countries.
But how can they buy all that crap yet still be able to claim poverty so they can cheat poor Americans out of their fair share?

When Mexicans are stopped for traffic violations, they should first be asked, "Where did you get the money to buy the $50,000 vehicle you and your border jumping family are riding in?"

fucking bigot......i know plenty of Mexicans born and raised here who are making better money then most whites who can afford not only that 50,000 dollar vehical but a fucking nice house on top of are lost dipshit.....

Termites and leeches are born here too. That doesn't mean Americans have to live with them.

A fuckin' nice house is where they keep their sex slaves.
in other words your just another fucking bigot......fuck you asshole.....i hope wherever it is you live gets overrun with Mexican Illegals .......and you MIGHT be an American.....but you aint a very good should change your ID to "PatheticAmerican" fits better....

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