Court sides with catholic school that fired an unwed pregnant woman

The Supreme Court of New Jersey on Monday sided with a Catholic school that fired a teacher in 2014 because she became pregnant while unmarried, according to court documents.

While I agree that a private sector employer should be able to fire anyone for any reason they see fit, why is it only the religious have exemptions against the states public accomadation laws? I think that is a load of bullshit, and it is government discrimination.
Its ridiculous a religious employer could fire an unwed pregnant woman, but a non religious employer couldnt.
Why do people support this shit? Why do people support government discrimination at all?
Celebrate the rise of fascism in America!
The Christian god is on board!
I love it when Non Christians try to tell Christians they are not really Christians.

For example, I have no problem stating you are an atheist Marxist.
They're not really Christians. Just Zealots. There's a difference.
Stop using big words. You don't know what they mean. :)
I understand that, but its still discrimination from the government.
PA laws are discrimination. I cant fire a gay guy, but I can fire someone with red hair?
Its also a violation of natural and constitutional rights.
The very act of hiring someone comes down to discrimination

Which candidate will benefit us the most?

It is no different when the government gets involved as companies then need to meet racial quotas so the government leaves them alone.

And make no mistake, those being hired in government, do you really think they would hire a MAGA fan, for example?

I understand that, but its still discrimination from the government.
PA laws are discrimination. I cant fire a gay guy, but I can fire someone with red hair?
Its also a violation of natural and constitutional rights.

Laws are convoluted. No doubt about that.
Celebrate the rise of fascism in America!
The Christian god is on board!
Try reading the Bible.

In it, you will see God dissing the state, time after time after time.

In 1 Samuel 8, God warns the people about wanting a human king. They do not listen, and the next thing you know, 3 kings later, the kingdom is split in two, and before you know it they all wind up in the ovens of Nazi Germany, socialists, no less.

Jesus himself was hunted down by Herod who was a puppet government official of Rome, and Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross.

Jesus himself did not hold any political office, nor wanted one, nor marched an army around like Mohammad.

Then the followers of Jesus were mercilessly hunted down and killed by government rulers in countries they tried to spread the gospel in, with Christians being thrown to the lions, no less. All of the disciples were martyred, except John who almost was.

Constantine, in my view, was a heretic who made Christianity the official religion of the state, yet he was not a Christian and continued to worship the Roman pagan gods. although he was rumored to have converted on his death bed. Constantine is the only one that gave Christianity a black eye with all of its Inquisitions and Jewish ghettos, etc.. To this day Christians in the MIddle East are referred to as Crusaders.

And as we read in Revelation, the state will someday mandate a mark on your right hand or forehead or be killed. That is yet to come.

Political power is humanity at its absolute worst.
Try reading the Bible.

In it, you will see God dissing the state, time after time after time.

In 1 Samuel 8, God warns the people about wanting a human king. They do not listen, and the next thing you know, 3 kings later, the kingdom is split in two, and before you know it they all wind up in the ovens of Nazi Germany, socialists, no less.

Jesus himself was hunted down by Herod who was a puppet government official of Rome, and Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to a cross.

Jesus himself did not hold any political office, nor wanted one, nor marched an army around like Mohammad.

Then the followers of Jesus were mercilessly hunted down and killed by government rulers in countries they tried to spread the gospel in, with Christians being thrown to the lions, no less. All of the disciples were martyred, except John who almost was.

Constantine, in my view, was a heretic who made Christianity the official religion, yet he was not a Christian and continued to worship the Roman pagan gods. although he was rumored to have converted on his death bed. Constantine is the only one that gave Christianity a black eye. To this day Christians in the MIddle East are referred to as Crusaders.

And as we read in Revelation, the state will someday mandate a mark on your right hand or forehead or be killed. That is yet to come.

Political power is humanity at its absolute worst.
The bibles are all hocus-pocus superstitious nonsense.
They sign conditions of employment. I bet you can find some private schools who fire employees for being Catholic. Speaking of Christian schools, show us the Tennessee trannie terrorist manifest.
If she'd only helped protect the pedophile priests, she'd be golden.

That is a problem being dealt with, and most of those priests were pederasts, not pedophiles.

Mostly repressed homosexuals.

Now the big issue is mostly in schools.
That is a problem being dealt with, and most of those priests were pederasts, not pedophiles.

Mostly repressed homosexuals.

Now the big issue is mostly in schools.
The church has their own political structure. They are not immune to the money and power we see in the state that corrupts.

That is their problem.

And this is why the Founding Fathers were appalled at the Church of England. You essentially had the state preaching from the pulpit which they abhorred for obvious reasons.

And had they not put a stop to it, Joe Biden would be up there telling everyone how baby Jesus loves abortion and children having the genital mutilated.

I'm much happier with Joe either ignoring the Christian faith he professes or dissing it completely in favor of his party, which is his real god anyway.
The bibles are all hocus-pocus superstitious nonsense.
Try watching Lord of the Rings to see my point being made in a movie

Put on the ring of power and watch out! It begins to change you.

King David in the Bible was said to have had the heart of God before becoming king as a shepherd boy, but after becoming king committed adultery and murdered her husband.

Man was not meant to have such power, only God.

And yes, the person who made the movie was a Christian.

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