Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.
If he owns that business yes. I guarantee you though he would lose business very very fast and he would have to close down.Private Property rights and personal rights means we take the bad with the good.Its just like I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it with my life.

Doubtful. If it was in a heavily (R) area with a "whites only" sign in the window, it would likely be the most popular business in the town.

8 rep points? What a terrible burden. Let me lighten your load.

Apparently a bunch of idiot progressives piled on to build it back up. It was, however, nice to see it drop again when I negged him.
I think the judge made the right choice.

However I plan to refer back to this thread the next time someone who's pro-life spouts on about how women shouldn't need abortion because every pharmacy sells emergency contraceptive :)
You won't have to do that with me. I'm the guy who says women shouldn't need abortion because it's so insanely easy to not get pregnant to begin with.

Lol I remember, I believe we bickered over that before.

You think it is hard not to get pregnant? I would point out that millions of women go through their entire lives without getting pregnant, do you think they are smarter or stronger than the rest?
This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Ever go to a halal butcher shop and try to buy pork? Should the government force them to sell pork? Or does your complete disregard for the constitution run into a wall when it comes to Muslims?
This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Ever go to a halal butcher shop and try to buy pork? Should the government force them to sell pork? Or does your complete disregard for the constitution run into a wall when it comes to Muslims?

If you are going to be a butcher, I expect you to sell meat. If you are a pharmacist, keep your religious beliefs at home.
If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Ever go to a halal butcher shop and try to buy pork? Should the government force them to sell pork? Or does your complete disregard for the constitution run into a wall when it comes to Muslims?

If you are going to be a butcher, I expect you to sell meat. If you are a pharmacist, keep your religious beliefs at home.

If you are going to be an human being I expect you not to force your beliefs on others.
^why do you think its okay for a pharmacist to force their religious beliefs on others?
^why do you think its okay for a pharmacist to force their religious beliefs on others?

Explain to me how a pharmacist not selling something,for whatever reason, amounts to him forcing his beliefs on others. Do you think it is wrong for a restaurant that sells Coke not to sell Pepsi? Is their refusal to sell Pepsi forcing their belief in Coke on you, or do you simply go to a place that sells Pepsi?
^why do you think its okay for a pharmacist to force their religious beliefs on others?

Explain to me how a pharmacist not selling something,for whatever reason, amounts to him forcing his beliefs on others. Do you think it is wrong for a restaurant that sells Coke not to sell Pepsi? Is their refusal to sell Pepsi forcing their belief in Coke on you, or do you simply go to a place that sells Pepsi?

Pepsi and coke don't prevent a pregnancy, and no one refuses to sell them because of their religion.
If you can't keep your religion out of your job, then find another damned job.
^why do you think its okay for a pharmacist to force their religious beliefs on others?

Explain to me how a pharmacist not selling something,for whatever reason, amounts to him forcing his beliefs on others. Do you think it is wrong for a restaurant that sells Coke not to sell Pepsi? Is their refusal to sell Pepsi forcing their belief in Coke on you, or do you simply go to a place that sells Pepsi?

Pepsi and coke don't prevent a pregnancy, and no one refuses to sell them because of their religion.
If you can't keep your religion out of your job, then find another damned job.

If you don't have an answer, just admit it. How does the fact that a pharmacist doesn't sell something mean he is imposing his views on someone? Does he take the people that come in for that product into a back room and not let them leave until they convert to his views? Explain the thought process here, because it doesn't make sense to anyone that can think.
He refuses to sell birth control because of his religion. That is forcing his religious beliefs on his customers.
He refuses to sell birth control because of his religion. That is forcing his religious beliefs on his customers.

Really? Does the fact that Christians who own bookstores refuse to sell pornography mean they are forcing their religious beliefs on their customers?
He refuses to sell birth control because of his religion. That is forcing his religious beliefs on his customers.

Really? Does the fact that Christians who own bookstores refuse to sell pornography mean they are forcing their religious beliefs on their customers?

Books have nothing to do with pharmacy, do they?

I get it now, only pharmacist have this mysterious ability to impose their views on others by not selling something. Do they have form of telepathy that they learn in pharmacy school, or do they use drugs?
Explain to me how a pharmacist not selling something,for whatever reason, amounts to him forcing his beliefs on others. Do you think it is wrong for a restaurant that sells Coke not to sell Pepsi? Is their refusal to sell Pepsi forcing their belief in Coke on you, or do you simply go to a place that sells Pepsi?

Pepsi and coke don't prevent a pregnancy, and no one refuses to sell them because of their religion.
If you can't keep your religion out of your job, then find another damned job.

If you don't have an answer, just admit it. How does the fact that a pharmacist doesn't sell something mean he is imposing his views on someone? Does he take the people that come in for that product into a back room and not let them leave until they convert to his views? Explain the thought process here, because it doesn't make sense to anyone that can think.

It's like the whites and blacks only drinking fountains. No one forced the blacks to drink from that fountain, they could have gone elsewhere. Blacks riding the back of the bus, what was there complaint, they still got to ride the bus. Jim crow laws, they weren't denied the right to vote they just had to qualify. Pharmacists have the morning after pill they just won't sell it. They aren't saying you can't have it, you just can't get it there. This is corelation that people make, if you can't see that your blind. Weather you agree or disagree with it wrong is wrong. When people are allowed to start using their personal beliefs when deciding which part of their jobs they wish to do then we are in trouble. We seen this type of thing before in our military. People join and when war breaks out they become conscientious objectors. Now we have gays trying to sue churches because they won't let them get married, and their precedent is the pharmacists. This is a bad idea all the way around.
This is as it should be. If the guy does not want to sell it fine, if he does, cool.

If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Not even close. It would be like a butcher who doesnt sell pork, and there are plenty of those. They also dont sell pork for religous reasons. Do you want to go and force them to sell it?
If a pharmacist doesn't want to sell emergency contraception, he shouldn't be a fucking pharmacist.
That's like going for a job in a butchers shop but refusing to sell meat.

Ever go to a halal butcher shop and try to buy pork? Should the government force them to sell pork? Or does your complete disregard for the constitution run into a wall when it comes to Muslims?

If you are going to be a butcher, I expect you to sell meat. If you are a pharmacist, keep your religious beliefs at home.

Freedom for me and not for thee? I guess some animals really are more equal than others.

So someone's freedom of religion is trumped by your desire to not have to spend 2-3 minutes finding another pharmacist who has what you want?
Really? Does the fact that Christians who own bookstores refuse to sell pornography mean they are forcing their religious beliefs on their customers?

Books have nothing to do with pharmacy, do they?

I get it now, only pharmacist have this mysterious ability to impose their views on others by not selling something. Do they have form of telepathy that they learn in pharmacy school, or do they use drugs?

Its because is has to do with abortion, and for some people, ANYTHING that interferes with that is a no go, personal choice (ironic isnt it?) and morality be damned.
Books have nothing to do with pharmacy, do they?

I get it now, only pharmacist have this mysterious ability to impose their views on others by not selling something. Do they have form of telepathy that they learn in pharmacy school, or do they use drugs?

Its because is has to do with abortion, and for some people, ANYTHING that interferes with that is a no go, personal choice (ironic isnt it?) and morality be damned.

It's not the fact pharmacists don't want to sell the pill. It is the precedence they are setting. The fact that anyone now can refuse work on moral grounds is very ambiguous at best. See my post above for examples. The way to get around it would be for the pharmacy itself not to stock the pills, this way the pharmacist don't have to make that call. As an aside though, the morality of the pharmacist is questionable at best. They are not the only pharmacist working at the pharmacy so some other pharmacist is selling the pill. Funny how their morility comes into play when they are asked to sell the pill, yet they won't quit that pharmacy and work for one that doesn't sell the pill. On moral grounds of course.

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