Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives

Let me guess, you defend the beliefs of Muslims, too.
If you're talking to me -- yes, I do.

I defend the religious beliefs of anyone as long as they don't violate the law or the civil rights of others.

Did I mention you're free to shop elsewhere, dumbass? Why do you think your rights trump those of others?
If he owns that business yes. I guarantee you though he would lose business very very fast and he would have to close down.Private Property rights and personal rights means we take the bad with the good.Its just like I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it with my life.

Doubtful. If it was in a heavily (R) area with a "whites only" sign in the window, it would likely be the most popular business in the town.
Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives
CHICAGO, Ill.— An Illinois appellate court has ruled in favor of two pharmacists who objected to providing emergency contraception because they said it infringed upon their religious beliefs.

A lawsuit by Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog challenged a 2005 executive order by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich requiring all pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning-after pill.

They argued they were protected by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. That law says health professionals cannot be punished if they refuse to offer a service because of their conscientious convictions.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Friday's ruling applies only to the two pharmacists. But their lawyer, Francis Manion, says the precedent means the state cannot go after other pharmacists who similarly refuse to provide the pill.​

I think the judge made the right choice.

However I plan to refer back to this thread the next time someone who's pro-life spouts on about how women shouldn't need abortion because every pharmacy sells emergency contraceptive :)
If he owns that business yes. I guarantee you though he would lose business very very fast and he would have to close down.Private Property rights and personal rights means we take the bad with the good.Its just like I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it with my life.

Doubtful. If it was in a heavily (R) area with a "whites only" sign in the window, it would likely be the most popular business in the town.

8 rep points? What a terrible burden. Let me lighten your load.
If he owns that business yes. I guarantee you though he would lose business very very fast and he would have to close down.Private Property rights and personal rights means we take the bad with the good.Its just like I may not agree with what you say but I will defend your right to say it with my life.

Doubtful. If it was in a heavily (R) area with a "whites only" sign in the window, it would likely be the most popular business in the town.

8 rep points? What a terrible burden. Let me lighten your load.

Oh no not neg rep! Whatever will I do! :lmao: :lmao:
Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives
CHICAGO, Ill.— An Illinois appellate court has ruled in favor of two pharmacists who objected to providing emergency contraception because they said it infringed upon their religious beliefs.

A lawsuit by Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog challenged a 2005 executive order by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich requiring all pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning-after pill.

They argued they were protected by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. That law says health professionals cannot be punished if they refuse to offer a service because of their conscientious convictions.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Friday's ruling applies only to the two pharmacists. But their lawyer, Francis Manion, says the precedent means the state cannot go after other pharmacists who similarly refuse to provide the pill.​

I think the judge made the right choice.

However I plan to refer back to this thread the next time someone who's pro-life spouts on about how women shouldn't need abortion because every pharmacy sells emergency contraceptive :)
You won't have to do that with me. I'm the guy who says women shouldn't need abortion because it's so insanely easy to not get pregnant to begin with.
Court sides with pharmacists against emergency contraceptives
CHICAGO, Ill.— An Illinois appellate court has ruled in favor of two pharmacists who objected to providing emergency contraception because they said it infringed upon their religious beliefs.

A lawsuit by Luke Vander Bleek and Glenn Kosirog challenged a 2005 executive order by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich requiring all pharmacists to fill prescriptions for the so-called morning-after pill.

They argued they were protected by the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act. That law says health professionals cannot be punished if they refuse to offer a service because of their conscientious convictions.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Friday's ruling applies only to the two pharmacists. But their lawyer, Francis Manion, says the precedent means the state cannot go after other pharmacists who similarly refuse to provide the pill.​

I think the judge made the right choice.

However I plan to refer back to this thread the next time someone who's pro-life spouts on about how women shouldn't need abortion because every pharmacy sells emergency contraceptive :)
You won't have to do that with me. I'm the guy who says women shouldn't need abortion because it's so insanely easy to not get pregnant to begin with.

Lol I remember, I believe we bickered over that before.
Black_Label is a genius!

Is anyone else thinking that black label/lakhota is the same nimrod?

Economy recovering.....check

Bin Laden killed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



LOLOLOL...Saigon if you're reading...this is one.......
GM rebuilt?
Democrats biggest issue has been Romney's tax return and he just faced them on it
Funny how liberals arent on the side of the Pharmacists and their Pro Choice decisions....hmmmmm
Oh I forgot they're only pro choice on abortion.....doh!

It seems alarming to me that licensed pharmacists would allow ONE book to supercede all the other books they had to learn in order to earn their degree. What kind of brain thinks like that? Taliban?

Lakhota didnt we talk about this, you belivein in eating and fucking animals, not to mention worshipping them....I'll take the Bible. it's been around for a long time and it has quite a bit of wisdom in it, crack one open, maybe you'll get a clue
Well, whattya know -- the court got one right.

Big government and anti-freedom is "getting one right"? :cuckoo:

Do you want to explain how the government not being able to force people to do something they choose not to do, for whatever reason, is big government? Why is this even an issue? Why can't businesses simply refuse to carry something? Would you demand the government fix it if the restaurant you went to did not sell lobster?
Big government and anti-freedom is "getting one right"? :cuckoo:

So forcing someone to do something they don't want to is freedom to you? Yeah....statist's unite....They got this correct. If you want it then take it to a pharmacist that will fill it...its just like when my pharmacy doesn't have a medicine I may need I go to a different one...

Religion has no place when it comes to what pharmaceuticals someone can, and can not get just because some nuts want to force their religion on others.

If they have an issue with this, they are in the wrong line of work.

Government forcing people to sell things - good.

Government not forcing people to sell things - evil conspiracy to trick people into letting the government run their entire life.

One of us is really confused, and it isn't the 300 million Americans who wonder what the fuck happened on the way to freedom.
It seems alarming to me that licensed pharmacists would allow ONE book to supercede all the other books they had to learn in order to earn their degree. What kind of brain thinks like that? Taliban?

A person following thier concience. So you agree with forcing someone to compromise thier beliefs?
I remember when the US had separation of church and state.

Fortunately, the state now believes it is a crime to insult Islam. I am sure you feel so much better about that.
Religion has no place when it comes to what pharmaceuticals someone can, and can not get just because some nuts want to force their religion on others.

If they have an issue with this, they are in the wrong line of work.

I am an atheist so not a big fan of religion anyways but this has nothing to do with religion other than the fact it was against their religion to give the pill out. It has to do with the fact the government was trying to force them to do something they don't want to.You allow government to control everything in our lives what's the point of living? We will just be little drones to do as we are told when we are told to do it.Oh and they forced nothing on anyone,they merely will not prescribe the pill,unlike the government who is forcing them to do as they are told or else.Its the government doing the forcing here and not its been shot down as it should be.

Again pharmacies should not have the power to play god to pick and choose what pharmaceuticals they only want to be filled. This is the epitome of big government and anti-freedom because they are forcing their region on people.

Do you have any idea how many different medications are sold in the US? How on earth is any pharmacy supposed to carry everything that might be prescribed? There is not a warehouse anywhere that is big enough to hold everything, picking and choosing what they sell is the only way for a business to survive. Do you think 7-11s should be forced to carry a full line of groceries because someone might get hungry in the middle of the night and want to whip up a batch of blood pie?

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