Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law. Thank you Jesus/Obama

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

And the criminals rushed to the foundries and turned their "assault weapons" into plowshares, right?


People who violate the law are criminals,
so why would anyone care if those who own an illegal weapon, or have one in their custody and control, disobey the law and go to prison? Isn't that where we put criminals?.

Including the miserable low life scumbag federal "judge" who ruled that the "law" was Constitutional.

Deepest sympathy to the friends and family of the innocent victims.

And rich, full contempt to you who use them to further your Marxist agenda.

Mayhap they'll forgive.

Though we can't hope that forgiveness will be held in abeyance when next they vote.

It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.
The Obama Administration isn't interested in laws that solve the problem, just laws that appear like they are.

Taking away legal gun ownership doesn't end all gun violence. Gun-free zones are where all of these murders take place.

This is just cherry picking GOP policies and making them seem bad.

What does the GOP support? Businesses, so the left attacks businesses, or the rich. Anything the GOP has stood for in the past is under attack, regardless if attacking them is rational or not.

Liberals hate guns, unless it's carried by their bodyguards.

Why do you hate children? Why?

You must hate women, blacks, or Hispanics. :razz:
LOL... I can see you have nothing!

Are you talking about yourself?

I post a reply that examines the decision you celebrate and you have nothing to say?

Why start a thread that seems to want to discuss the the decision but then ignore when such a reply is offered?

Now your thread is just a vehicle for you to hurl personal attacks and insult others?

I feel left out . . . can you please call me a name?
It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.


Just fully fed with you agenda-driven Stalin/Hitler wannabees out to ease your ilk's takeover of this once great nation. That you resort to using dead children to further your purposes causes one to wonder if that extended into programming some dupes to your foul purposes.

You don't get off that easy.
Deepest sympathy to the friends and family of the innocent victims.

And rich, full contempt to you who use them to further your Marxist agenda.

Mayhap they'll forgive.

Though we can't hope that forgiveness will be held in abeyance when next they vote.

It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.

It seems the socialist disarm-them agenda is all you care about....

dead children because of GUN FREE ZONES are of no consequences to you and your kind.

It's estimated that as much as 90% of CT assault weapon owners haven't registered their shit and now the powers that be are talking about an amnesty period, LOL. What are they going to do, send SWAT to 30K houses? LOL. As long as the children are safe everything is fine.
It's estimated that as much as 90% of CT assault weapon owners haven't registered their shit and now the powers that be are talking about an amnesty period, LOL. What are they going to do, send SWAT to 30K houses? LOL. As long as the children are safe everything is fine.

The ONLY ones that will be safe are the criminals.

Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.

That would cost money and there are no government grants available. On the other hand, government is fully funding their efforts to bring socialism/communism here.
Federal Court Says Connecticut's Aggressive Assault Weapon Ban Is Constitutional - Hartford Courant

"The court concludes that the legislation is constitutional," senior U.S. District Judge Alfred V. Covello wrote in a decision published late Thursday. "While the act burdens the plaintiffs' Second Amendment rights, it is substantially related to the important governmental interest of public safety and crime control."

Seem legit. :lmao:
If it is constitutional why does it burden the 2nd ammendment right? Contradictory and downright the wrong decision.
Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.


Assault Weapons are not protected, SCOTUS has already ruled on this.
Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.

Here's what Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in the Heller decision:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

I guess Scalia is a Socialist/Communist.

That, you're in for a rude awaking when more states ban assault weapons and courts uphold the bans.
Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.

Here's what Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in the Heller decision:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

I guess Scalia is a Socialist/Communist.

That, you're in for a rude awaking when more states ban assault weapons and courts uphold the bans.

Again, how many resources do you want to commit to prohibiting a weapon in the United States that results in less than 20 deaths annually?

I'm saying this in a sincere way - aren't there much, much, much, much, much bigger fish to fry?
And rich, full contempt to you who use them to further your Marxist agenda.

Mayhap they'll forgive.

Though we can't hope that forgiveness will be held in abeyance when next they vote.

It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.

It seems the socialist disarm-them agenda is all you care about....

dead children because of GUN FREE ZONES are of no consequences to you and your kind.


Gun free zones make people shoot people do they? Oh that's a good one.
It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.

It seems the socialist disarm-them agenda is all you care about....

dead children because of GUN FREE ZONES are of no consequences to you and your kind.


Gun free zones make people shoot people do they? Oh that's a good one.
Gun free zones mean only criminals carry the guns. Brain dead libtards are not that smart.
Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.

Here's what Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in the Heller decision:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

I guess Scalia is a Socialist/Communist.

That, you're in for a rude awaking when more states ban assault weapons and courts uphold the bans.
Courts in cohoots with the socialist in chief means nothing to me. The ban is unconstitutional. Idiot libtards are so anti American they think that the scotus is the final say. If people actually exercised their power we would not have this problem with idiots like obamaturd and reid.
It seems the socialist disarm-them agenda is all you care about....

dead children because of GUN FREE ZONES are of no consequences to you and your kind.


Gun free zones make people shoot people do they? Oh that's a good one.
Gun free zones mean only criminals carry the guns. Brain dead libtards are not that smart.

Oh right. A gun owner gave birth to this monster. Raised this monster. Took him to the gun range and taught him how to shoot. Provided him with lots of very dangerous weapons. But after all this it's the fault of gun free zones? No, gun free zones don't make and arm killers.
Thank you President Obama indeed! Is this country great, or what? God Bless America!

Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law | MSNBC

A federal court’s decision this week to uphold Connecticut’s assault weapons ban is an important victory for gun safety advocates, transitioning from a year that ended with almost half of all states strengthening reform laws.

Judges in Hartford on Thursday defended the constitutionality of the law, which they said balances Second Amendment gun rights and the Obama administration’s call to reduce violence. Pro-gun advocates sought repeal and sued the state after Democratic Gov. Dannel Malloy signed the historic gun bill into law last April, but the court rejected their argument.
Too bad the courts are wrong. The ban is unconstitutional, period. If you support the ban you are un American and ought to move to a socialist/communist country where you can live your dream.

Here's what Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in the Heller decision:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

I guess Scalia is a Socialist/Communist.

That, you're in for a rude awaking when more states ban assault weapons and courts uphold the bans.

You guessed correctly.


The criminals will ignore the ruling and so should freemen.


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