Court upholds constitutionality of Conn. gun-control law. Thank you Jesus/Obama

Please show me any gun that has killed anyone without human assistance.

The dangerous part of any gun is the finger on the trigger.

Following your logic then all fingers must be amputated immediately after birth so tragedy can be averted.
the black market in CT is now thriving. AR's AK's, whatever you want you can get. you just don't get them from a gun shop. you just don't have to go through any infringing background checks, you just don't have to pay any taxes on your purchase or worry about the government having any record at all of what you own or who you eventually sell it too. aren't gun laws a wonderful thing
It seems the NRA agenda is all you care about... dead children are of no consequences to you and your kind.

If you were really worried about dead children, you would be wanting to ban automobiles, bathtubs and swimming pools. Consequently, you just want to use dead children to further a dumbass liberal agenda.

One dead child is a tragedy. 26 dead children is no greater a tragedy, except to those who believe that numbers somehow matter. People are not groups, they are individuals who die individually, and are mourned individually.

Liberal/socialism is obsessed with numbers, groups, and categories of people. Why? Because their ideology cannot withstand its effects on individuals. The greater good for the greater number sounds fine unless you happen not to be part of the greater number.

Get this through your heads r-wingers... it's not automobiles, bathtubs, nor swimming pools that kill innocent children at school shootings... it's GUNS!

Your worship of 'guns' is all you gun nuts care about mainly. Schools shootings and dead children are belittled by your pathetic comparisons of guns vs automobiles, bathtubs, and swimming pools .

Consequently, r-wingers always use "automobiles, bathtubs, and swimming pools" as a distraction-ploy from guns, being the #1 choice of mass murders in the killing of children at school shootings and also in the accidental shooting deaths of children as you have just now demonstrated.

For that reason alone, you r-wing extremist gun-nuts can be considered "enablers" when it comes to the senseless school shooting deaths of children.

Yes, guns can be used by bad people to do bad things, however they can also be used by good people to do good things. They are a necessary evil, period. Being able to privately own a gun is one of the most important RIGHTS you have. Don't be so eager to squander it like a moron.

There is no conceivable way to wipe all of the guns off the face of the planet. Period. Those are the facts. The criminals and government officials will always have them, and therefore they will always be in circulation.The only CHOICE you have is whether or not you too would like to have one as well. Sorry, but you need to wise up, read history, and learn the ways of the world.
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