Court upholds Texas abortion law that could leave state with only seven clinics

if they can't meet the minimal hospital-level operating standards, how can you POSSIBLY claim the clinics were clean, healthy environments? You know you're lying. You've exposed your true feelings for these poor women. You disgust me.
You failed to read anything in my post. Again, LOOK. INTO. THE. CLINICS, AND WHAT THESE "STANDARDS" ENTITLE FOR COSTS.

Your protest are just a smoke screen. You're obviously a supporter of eugenics and Margaret Sanger. You obviously believe that the poor should be sterilized as unfit to reproduce or die of neglect. What gall you have to claim to care for the rights of the poor when you are really advocating their care be delivered in an unsafe manner? Shame on you.
Obvious troll is obvious.

Ah, now you're going to call names because you can't win on the merits of your argument. You should just slink're exposed here.
You've asserted that I support eugenics and margaret sanger, and that I support sterilization. What the fuck are you on?

There's no other reason you'd want to poor to receive substandard care.
See, there it is! You object to poor women getting their treatment at clinics that meet hospital-level operating standards! You don't want them to receive their treatment at a place that is fully prepared to deal with any health crisis that might occur during the course of the procedure or even meet minimum cleanness standards that each hospital has to meet.

You'd be more intellectually honest if you would just demand that the abortions be done with a coat hanger!
No, I don't. I don't object to poor women getting abortions at clinics meeting "hospital level" standards. Seriously? The clinics they're closing, did you even bother to look into then? Of course not, you have to keep your narrative consistent and keep spewing nonsense. Abortion clinics are barely funded and struggle, yet, they are clean, healthy environments that are available to women, with proper equipment. "Minimum cleanliness" Oh, grow the fuck up, you know that's not what the reality is, again, look up these clinics and get back to me.

if they can't meet the minimal hospital-level operating standards, how can you POSSIBLY claim the clinics were clean, healthy environments? You know you're lying. You've exposed your true feelings for these poor women. You disgust me.
You failed to read anything in my post. Again, LOOK. INTO. THE. CLINICS, AND WHAT THESE "STANDARDS" ENTITLE FOR COSTS.

Your protest are just a smoke screen. You're obviously a supporter of eugenics and Margaret Sanger. You obviously believe that the poor should be sterilized as unfit to reproduce or die of neglect. What gall you have to claim to care for the rights of the poor when you are really advocating their care be delivered in an unsafe manner? Shame on you.
I actually believe that IUDs should be free covered in Obamacare that way there are no or very few unplanned pregnancies. rubbers and the pill are not effective enough I used these are

You failed to read anything in my post. Again, LOOK. INTO. THE. CLINICS, AND WHAT THESE "STANDARDS" ENTITLE FOR COSTS.

Your protest are just a smoke screen. You're obviously a supporter of eugenics and Margaret Sanger. You obviously believe that the poor should be sterilized as unfit to reproduce or die of neglect. What gall you have to claim to care for the rights of the poor when you are really advocating their care be delivered in an unsafe manner? Shame on you.
Obvious troll is obvious.

Ah, now you're going to call names because you can't win on the merits of your argument. You should just slink're exposed here.
You've asserted that I support eugenics and margaret sanger, and that I support sterilization. What the fuck are you on?

There's no other reason you'd want to poor to receive substandard care.
The care isn't substandard, show me any evidence it is.
Your protest are just a smoke screen. You're obviously a supporter of eugenics and Margaret Sanger. You obviously believe that the poor should be sterilized as unfit to reproduce or die of neglect. What gall you have to claim to care for the rights of the poor when you are really advocating their care be delivered in an unsafe manner? Shame on you.
Obvious troll is obvious.

Ah, now you're going to call names because you can't win on the merits of your argument. You should just slink're exposed here.
You've asserted that I support eugenics and margaret sanger, and that I support sterilization. What the fuck are you on?

There's no other reason you'd want to poor to receive substandard care.
The care isn't substandard, show me any evidence it is.

YOU said it was too much for the clinics to meet the minimum, you want ME to prove they can't?
see the problem with what they're doing is that all there hurting our poor women who can afford to have children. rich women and their parents to make the drive to the 7 clinics or even to another state. these laws that Republicans pass only hurt the poor these Republicans are hypocrites. similar situation Gordie Howe got sick and had to fly to California for very effective stem cell therapy treatment that are illegal in Michigan. how many poor people in Michigan get sick like he did but can't fly to California because they can't afford to?
Exactly, but it's well known that the right wing, truly, DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WORKING PEOPLE. Only the rich, the capitalists, as shown through all of the rhetoric over the past 40 years, but that's a different thing entirely.

Actually, the problem with what you want is that you are sentencing those you claim to support to receive substandard care. You want them to get their abortions in some dirty doctor's office? Why not just go ahead and relegate them to an alley somewhere?

No one is saying the women can't get abortions. They just have to have it done in a location that will be safe and clean. Why do you object to that? Why do you hate poor women?
You clearly didn't bother to read into the law, nor realize that the clinics did have safe, clean conditions, they are purposefully giving clinics ridiculous expectations, when they barely have enough funding as is, so they are forced to close. Look up some of the clinics they're closing and get back to me. Get your head out of your ass.
Why do we need all these abortions? Are all those fetuses diseased?
Women need access to safe medical care and abortions, they will get them done anyway, it's either a back alley or a clinic. It's clear what you want.
I want for abortions not to be put in the same classification as taking a shit. And I want abortions not to be paid for by the taxpayer. Hell, I don't care if every woman on earth had an abortion everytime they got knocked up. I just don't want the taxpayer to foot the bill. Can't you get that through your narrow head?
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Exactly, but it's well known that the right wing, truly, DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WORKING PEOPLE. Only the rich, the capitalists, as shown through all of the rhetoric over the past 40 years, but that's a different thing entirely.

Actually, the problem with what you want is that you are sentencing those you claim to support to receive substandard care. You want them to get their abortions in some dirty doctor's office? Why not just go ahead and relegate them to an alley somewhere?

No one is saying the women can't get abortions. They just have to have it done in a location that will be safe and clean. Why do you object to that? Why do you hate poor women?
You clearly didn't bother to read into the law, nor realize that the clinics did have safe, clean conditions, they are purposefully giving clinics ridiculous expectations, when they barely have enough funding as is, so they are forced to close. Look up some of the clinics they're closing and get back to me. Get your head out of your ass.
Why do we need all these abortions? Are all those fetuses diseased?
Women need access to safe medical care and abortions, they will get them done anyway, it's either a back alley or a clinic. It's clear what you want.
I want for abortions not to be put in the same classification as taking a shit. And I want abortions not to be paid for by the taxpayer. Hell, I don't care if every woman on earth had an abortion everytime they got knocked up. I just don't want the taxpayer to foot the bill. Can't you get that through your narrow head?
Abortion isn't classified like that, at all. Yeah, "paid for by the taxpayer" Oh jesus christ.
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.

You said the clinics could not provide the minimum care that is standard for hospitals, proving that they provide substandard (below the standard) care. Then, you say "they never had problems and were clean". So, were you lying when you claimed the clinic couldn't afford to provide the hospital-level operating standards or are you lying when you say they had no problems and were clean? Or, as is most likely the correct answer, are you just talking because you want to keep pretending that Texas has some nefarious plan rather than just trying to ensure that ALL women have access to quality care and not just women who aren't poor?
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.

You said the clinics could not provide the minimum care that is standard for hospitals, proving that they provide substandard (below the standard) care. Then, you say "they never had problems and were clean". So, were you lying when you claimed the clinic couldn't afford to provide the hospital-level operating standards or are you lying when you say they had no problems and were clean? Or, as is most likely the correct answer, are you just talking because you want to keep pretending that Texas has some nefarious plan rather than just trying to ensure that ALL women have access to quality care and not just women who aren't poor?
I never said they couldn't provide minimum care ;) Keep lying, I'm about to block you.
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.

You said the clinics could not provide the minimum care that is standard for hospitals, proving that they provide substandard (below the standard) care. Then, you say "they never had problems and were clean". So, were you lying when you claimed the clinic couldn't afford to provide the hospital-level operating standards or are you lying when you say they had no problems and were clean? Or, as is most likely the correct answer, are you just talking because you want to keep pretending that Texas has some nefarious plan rather than just trying to ensure that ALL women have access to quality care and not just women who aren't poor?
I never said they couldn't provide minimum care ;) Keep lying, I'm about to block you.

You probably should block me. I know it hurts your feelings that I keep pointing out your inconsistencies and lies. For example, you started out saying the law was unfair because the clinics couldn't meet the standards of care and now you claim you didn't say they cuoldn't provide minimum care.

Honestly, you should stop posting now before you embarrass yourself again.
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.

You said the clinics could not provide the minimum care that is standard for hospitals, proving that they provide substandard (below the standard) care. Then, you say "they never had problems and were clean". So, were you lying when you claimed the clinic couldn't afford to provide the hospital-level operating standards or are you lying when you say they had no problems and were clean? Or, as is most likely the correct answer, are you just talking because you want to keep pretending that Texas has some nefarious plan rather than just trying to ensure that ALL women have access to quality care and not just women who aren't poor?
I never said they couldn't provide minimum care ;) Keep lying, I'm about to block you.
Uh oh! A blocker has arrived on the scene. We're all gonna die!:ack-1::dance:
All that will happen because of this new law is that substandard abortion clinics will be closed if they don't improve to meet minimal medical standards.
Oh jesus, here we go... "Hospital standards" when these clinics never had problems, were clean, and were having funding problems, and it just so happens they suddenly need all of this at such a time.

You said the clinics could not provide the minimum care that is standard for hospitals, proving that they provide substandard (below the standard) care. Then, you say "they never had problems and were clean". So, were you lying when you claimed the clinic couldn't afford to provide the hospital-level operating standards or are you lying when you say they had no problems and were clean? Or, as is most likely the correct answer, are you just talking because you want to keep pretending that Texas has some nefarious plan rather than just trying to ensure that ALL women have access to quality care and not just women who aren't poor?
I never said they couldn't provide minimum care ;) Keep lying, I'm about to block you.
Uh oh! A blocker has arrived on the scene. We're all gonna die!:ack-1::dance:

I'm going to have some mercy on him and head on to bed...that'll give him a chance to declare victory and spend the rest of the night licking his wounds and looking for ways to claim he didn't contradict himself repeatedly. I hope you guys have a great night.
This law doesn't outlaw abortions in Texas. The law outlaws unsafe abortions at "back alley" clinics that haven't been properly regulated.
see the problem with what they're doing is that all there hurting our poor women who can afford to have children. rich women and their parents to make the drive to the 7 clinics or even to another state. these laws that Republicans pass only hurt the poor these Republicans are hypocrites. similar situation Gordie Howe got sick and had to fly to California for very effective stem cell therapy treatment that are illegal in Michigan. how many poor people in Michigan get sick like he did but can't fly to California because they can't afford to?
Exactly, but it's well known that the right wing, truly, DOES NOT CARE ABOUT WORKING PEOPLE. Only the rich, the capitalists, as shown through all of the rhetoric over the past 40 years, but that's a different thing entirely.
Cuba would suit your mentality more than Texas. Feel free to move there.
Obama's Cuba or bushes Cuba?
Nikita Kruschev's Cuba preferably.
Want no taxes or regulations? Go to somalia. Stop circle jerking.
When did I say I wanted no taxes or regulations? Please link to such comments or shut the fuck up, Commie.

I personally encourage liberals to get abortions. Each one ensures the quality of the genepool.

I also suggest that if moonbats don't like the law, they can take their dumbasses the fuck out of my beloved state and flee to commiefornia where someone else will pay for everything they want.

omg, that isn't enough clinics for all you who wants to go kill your offspring

drive to another state if you have to. hit the road
Actually, the problem with what you want is that you are sentencing those you claim to support to receive substandard care. You want them to get their abortions in some dirty doctor's office? Why not just go ahead and relegate them to an alley somewhere?

No one is saying the women can't get abortions. They just have to have it done in a location that will be safe and clean. Why do you object to that? Why do you hate poor women?
You clearly didn't bother to read into the law, nor realize that the clinics did have safe, clean conditions, they are purposefully giving clinics ridiculous expectations, when they barely have enough funding as is, so they are forced to close. Look up some of the clinics they're closing and get back to me. Get your head out of your ass.
Why do we need all these abortions? Are all those fetuses diseased?
Women need access to safe medical care and abortions, they will get them done anyway, it's either a back alley or a clinic. It's clear what you want.
I want for abortions not to be put in the same classification as taking a shit. And I want abortions not to be paid for by the taxpayer. Hell, I don't care if every woman on earth had an abortion everytime they got knocked up. I just don't want the taxpayer to foot the bill. Can't you get that through your narrow head?
Abortion isn't classified like that, at all. Yeah, "paid for by the taxpayer" Oh jesus christ.
Calm down fella. I wouldn't want you to get overly excited and have a miscarriage so far away from medical help..
You clearly didn't bother to read into the law, nor realize that the clinics did have safe, clean conditions, they are purposefully giving clinics ridiculous expectations, when they barely have enough funding as is, so they are forced to close. Look up some of the clinics they're closing and get back to me. Get your head out of your ass.
Why do we need all these abortions? Are all those fetuses diseased?
Women need access to safe medical care and abortions, they will get them done anyway, it's either a back alley or a clinic. It's clear what you want.
I want for abortions not to be put in the same classification as taking a shit. And I want abortions not to be paid for by the taxpayer. Hell, I don't care if every woman on earth had an abortion everytime they got knocked up. I just don't want the taxpayer to foot the bill. Can't you get that through your narrow head?
Abortion isn't classified like that, at all. Yeah, "paid for by the taxpayer" Oh jesus christ.
Calm down fella. I wouldn't want you to get overly excited and have a miscarriage so far away from medical help..

they care more for the animal rights than they do new citizen/human being in the womb
that's a sick society

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