Covfefe (cov-fee-fae)

I'm so glad President Trump so generously gives our liberals a morsel every few days. Saves them from having to invent something and perhaps burning out prematurely.

Keep up the good work, (you'll get used to saying it) President Trump!
Nonsense Zoom is hardly ever active in politics.
WTF? She's as partisan as they come :slap:
I'm in politics near daily. This is the first post from her I've seen in a very long time.

And who on this site isn't partisan? A handful at most.
MORON :banghead: How many people on this site post only in the exact sub- forums where they're supposed to? EXACTLY!!! What planet do you live on? don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question
Well since you seem to think she's a Trump apologist perhaps you can supply some proof?

That dottie thinks I'm a Trump fan-girl is quite humorous.

I haven't posted in politics or anything else in awhile because I haven't been here in awhile.

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