Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

This is also a lie Joe, and you know it...People who are fully vaccinated are still contracting the virus...So, you really should change your approach here, which is meant to divide rather than convince anyone to get vaccinated...

If I were drowning and you threw me a life preserver that the moment I grabbed it sank along with me, you really should hope that I still drowned, because if I survived you'd be looking forward to an ass kicking....
95% of Covid deaths were unvaxxed. Avoiding deaths is the goal. It’s been two years. If there is anyone who is still confused about Covid or the vaccine, it’s on them.
Ofcourse the Post is going to spin it...Look, On Jan 20, 2021, when Biden took over there were 400K deaths, during Biden's term so far there are 401K deaths, no matter how you try to spin it...Facts.
There is no spin.

And the fact continues that Delta and Omicron, all in 2021, have mainly killed those who have continued to be unvaccinated.

The two variants have been much more dangerous than the original virus.
by the way he left helpless civilians in Afghanistan.
You mean the ones that CHOSE NOT to leave.
Many, that you falsely claim 'got left behind' chose to stay behind.
Learn your current history, which cannot be found on FAKE NEWS site or Stations like NewsMax, OAN, or even Fox.

pos trump LEFT them ALL behind, because trump gave them no choice on yet ANOTHER broken promise.
Republicans think for themselves. Not every unvaxxed individual is against the shot. Many are just weighing and considering different points of view and haven't made up their minds yet.

Its known as being free people, and not being a slave to anyone- not even a wise individual like Donald J. Trump.
Too funny.
The “free people” refuse the shot, many die but Biden is responsible.

This is the kind of retarded thinking that will lead to the eventual downfall of our society.
Our activist media gives the Dimm's a pass on mass death. Whether it be a Christmas parade in Waukesha or from Covid.
Our activist media gives the Dimm's a pass on mass death. Whether it be a Christmas parade in Waukesha or from Covid.
The solution to continuing deaths is free and readily available. Has been for a long time.
The blame lies with those who refuse it.
I only replied to that one post of yours, and not the article itself. However, it doesn't really change anything. We are all familiar with the fuzzy math the left is putting out there. However, lets say it is 100% accurate they are very close in deaths. However, Biden had a vaccine to use, as well as, totalitarian mask mandates, quarantines, and closing businesses. We should see a substantial reduction if those things were truly effective, and we don't. And that is even using leftist math.
Too funny.
The “free people” refuse the shot, many die but Biden is responsible.

This is the kind of retarded thinking that will lead to the eventual downfall of our society.

If Biden is in charge, the buck stops with him. Means he Failed and failed utterly to convince the people and make his case.
The Cult is about other issues many continue to follow what Trump said or continues to say.

His demand to keep businesses, schools, travel, etc open in 2020 and how many simply followed him is one of the best showings of what a Cult is and how followers will behave, even when their leader has half-heartedly told them that it is ok to "now" do it.
Where did he "demand" businesses, schools, travel etc stay open?
The problem with your thread is that you are unable to intelligently frame it. Was there such a thing as Omicron or Delta when Trump was in office? How many cases did we have when the Coronavirus was first discovered before it spread, when Trump was in office?

You totally glossed over the fact that when Trump took office, we started out with very few cases.

It's obvious you are not one for critical thinking, but are more than eager to scapegoat one president over another without taking in those key factors. It's an apples to orange comparison, and you aren't smart enough to know that.
where is Bidens operation warp speed to combat the new variants ? why did he not ramp up rapid testing ? after all Trumps warp speed was the biggest mobilization of the public and private sector since WWll to fight covid ! 3 vaccines in less than a year , 10s of thousands of ventilators produced in record time ect ...... what has Biden done ?
There is no spin.

And the fact continues that Delta and Omicron, all in 2021, have mainly killed those who have continued to be unvaccinated.

The two variants have been much more dangerous than the original virus.
Omicron is more dangerous then the original virus? What dipshit fed you those lies, Simpleton?
Except the only reason people are still dying is because they refuse to get their shots... When Biden tried to mandate shots, you wingnuts fought against it.

It would be like if you were drowning, and I threw you a life-preserver, but you refused to grab onto it because I threw it to you. that's on you, not me.
He had a plan. He promised. Brandon the Executioner! The laws of globalism. Vee offa zee vorld... order!

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