Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

Maybe you should stop looking in the mirror and projecting what your feelings are.

You should.....stop listening to Fox, OAN and Newsmax

There are real doctors and scientists to listen to during a Pandemic and none of those in those stations are experts on anything, not even a cold.
And another fail...See your problem is that you assume things about other people....Earlier in this thread I posted pointed refutations of all of this pablum you are trying, and I used MSM sources to debunk your pap....Try again, and do better.
I only replied to that one post of yours, and not the article itself. However, it doesn't really change anything. We are all familiar with the fuzzy math the left is putting out there. However, lets say it is 100% accurate they are very close in deaths. However, Biden had a vaccine to use, as well as, totalitarian mask mandates, quarantines, and closing businesses. We should see a substantial reduction if those things were truly effective, and we don't. And that is even using leftist math.
Vaccines are effective at preventing deaths. They’ve said so from the beginning through today. Do you need someone to hold your hand?
Sixties Fan

Just a hint there bud, Partisan supposed 'fact checkers' carry no weight with me...Trump was left with bare cupboards, and what he did was sign the NDA order bringing in private businesses to produce everything we needed, and enough to export to other countries....As Biden where the tests are?
From January 20, 2017 till the Pandemic started, how much did Trump replenish PPE for any necessary occasion?

Was he even aware, or made aware that the PPE needed replenishment?

That is about two years of his administration.

Did he miss the opportunity to replenish so that the US would not have been caught unaware and in need?
If that were true, it would be true all over the world, and it is not.

There is no leftist, rightist or central math.

There is science and those who see that the only way to put an end to the pandemic is by being vaccinated and wear masks whenever possible.

Unvaccinated people all over the world are making this more difficult as they travel and spread it easily to those who are not vaccinated.

Which is how Omicron spread so rapidly the past month of holidays with people traveling all over the world.

There are more cases now than deaths because there are more people vaccinated.

The unvaccinated are at risk of becoming a case, ending up in the ICU or even death. Not the same with those who are vaccinated. Some of those may catch it, but there is no risk of hospitalization .

Take a good look at all the hospitals in the US right now, and what is happening In all or most of them with the surge in Omicron cases.

We're fine in Vegas, baby!
Grab a flight if you can get one.
And another fail...See your problem is that you assume things about other people....Earlier in this thread I posted pointed refutations of all of this pablum you are trying, and I used MSM sources to debunk your pap....Try again, and do better.
Which post numbers were they exactly so that I do not have to look all over for them?

Page 1 only has words from you. No proofs of any kind.

I am clearly not assuming from page 1 that you have not shown any proof of your refutations.
Vaccines are effective at preventing deaths. They’ve said so from the beginning through today. Do you need someone to hold your hand?

"Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at Oxford University and the government’s life sciences adviser, said that although hospital admissions had increased in recent weeks as Omicron spreads through the population, the disease “appears to be less severe and many people spend a relatively short time in hospital”. Fewer patients were needing high-flow oxygen and the average length of stay was down to three days, he said."

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 multiplies roughly 70 times faster than the Delta but could lead to less severe infections because of its slow growth in the lungs, researchers found.

A University of Hong Kong study released Wednesday found the much faster rate of replication in the human bronchus — two tubes from the windpipe to the lungs — began at about 24 hours post-infection.

“In contrast, the Omicron variant replicated less efficiently (more than 10 times lower) in the human lung tissue than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, which may suggest lower severity of disease,” according to the study."


So, this strain is much less deadly than the other variants, or even the original...
By downplaying it and ignoring recommendations in favor of clorox injections.
“Slow the testing down”

Come on man, that is just plain dishonest, and clownish....Trump never suggested that anyone inject bleach...

I assume you are talking about Biden when you quote "slow the testing"....He's succeeded at that for sure.
We're fine in Vegas, baby!
Grab a flight if you can get one.
You may be fine.
How are most people in Las Vegas, though?

Which post numbers were they exactly so that I do not have to look all over for them?

Page 1 only has words from you. No proofs of any kind.

I am clearly not assuming from page 1 that you have not shown any proof of your refutations.

You should always read the thread before posting....That's just good form...But, I'll help you out with this just this one time...

"Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at Oxford University and the government’s life sciences adviser, said that although hospital admissions had increased in recent weeks as Omicron spreads through the population, the disease “appears to be less severe and many people spend a relatively short time in hospital”. Fewer patients were needing high-flow oxygen and the average length of stay was down to three days, he said."

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 multiplies roughly 70 times faster than the Delta but could lead to less severe infections because of its slow growth in the lungs, researchers found.

A University of Hong Kong study released Wednesday found the much faster rate of replication in the human bronchus — two tubes from the windpipe to the lungs — began at about 24 hours post-infection.

“In contrast, the Omicron variant replicated less efficiently (more than 10 times lower) in the human lung tissue than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, which may suggest lower severity of disease,” according to the study."


So, this strain is much less deadly than the other variants, or even the original...
For now. We are at an early stage.

And gratefully the possibility of death is lower due to more and more people having been vaccinated this past year.
For now. We are at an early stage.

And gratefully the possibility of death is lower due to more and more people having been vaccinated this past year.

So, just what the hell is all this fear porn you are pushing then?
You may be fine.
How are most people in Las Vegas, though?

Our hospitals still have plenty of room.
Book your ticket, puss.
You should always read the thread before posting....That's just good form...But, I'll help you out with this just this one time...

And I and others will repeat it.

The deaths since January 20th, 2021 have occurred mainly with those who have refused to be vaccinated
or have refused to wear masks.

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