Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

Name some of those propagandas.
Russia collusion.
The virus will be eradicated if everyone gets vaxxed.
All white people are racist.
9/11 was an inside job.
Guns cause crime.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to modern firearms, but the 1st Amendment applies to telephones, computers, radio, television and the internet.
Global warming.

Want me to keep going?
One is sufficient. Keeping antibody protection high is by far the smartest protection against death. One would think you should understand this by now.
Ah ah ah! That's not what your St. Fauci said....

"Dr. Anthony Fauci said double-masking is a logical strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19."

If you even understood that putting a piece of cloth on your face does absolutely NOTHING to stop you from either spreading, nor contracting the virus, you'd understand how silly you sound....It's like trying to stop a swarm of Mesquito's with a chain link fence...
I just want to congratulate the right.

You guys were so committed to make Biden look bad, you were willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to do it.
Acting brave doesn’t protect you from anything other than disapproving looks from other grown men. Why are you so concerned about appealing to other men?
I don't give two fucks how others look at me...Espically beta males that are confused from day to day what gender they are....Now, triple, quadruple, quintuple up on your masks virtue signaler....
I just want to congratulate the right.

You guys were so committed to make Biden look bad, you were willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people to do it.

It's Biden whom has killed more people than Trump with Covid....Get your facts straight there hack.
Neither can Biden, dope.

Glad to see you admit that....Seems recently Biden has figured out that there is little he can do now too....So, I would expect you will now retract all of the dishonest bile you spewed about Trump....
I don't give two fucks how others look at me...Espically beta males that are confused from day to day what gender they are....Now, triple, quadruple, quintuple up on your masks virtue signaler....
Your latency is showing.
"Sir John Bell, regius professor of medicine at Oxford University and the government’s life sciences adviser, said that although hospital admissions had increased in recent weeks as Omicron spreads through the population, the disease “appears to be less severe and many people spend a relatively short time in hospital”. Fewer patients were needing high-flow oxygen and the average length of stay was down to three days, he said."

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 multiplies roughly 70 times faster than the Delta but could lead to less severe infections because of its slow growth in the lungs, researchers found.

A University of Hong Kong study released Wednesday found the much faster rate of replication in the human bronchus — two tubes from the windpipe to the lungs — began at about 24 hours post-infection.

“In contrast, the Omicron variant replicated less efficiently (more than 10 times lower) in the human lung tissue than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, which may suggest lower severity of disease,” according to the study."


So, this strain is much less deadly than the other variants, or even the original...
Great. That changes nothing I posted.
Come on man, that is just plain dishonest, and clownish....Trump never suggested that anyone inject bleach...

I assume you are talking about Biden when you quote "slow the testing"....He's succeeded at that for sure.
Clownish is denying it. He said “disinfectant”. Equally stupid. The point remains the same.
Clownish is denying it. He said “disinfectant”. Equally stupid. The point remains the same.
No, it was an off the cuff question to Dr Birx I believe...But thanks for admitting that you were making it up, and shame on you...

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