Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

I will tell you to keep listening to those who are against science and doctors and see in the end what will happen.

There is nothing else anyone can say
I’ll tell you to take your crap from known fraud Fauci and hit the bricks. I’ve done nothing Fauci suggested. Then again he’s flipped and flopped so much you’ll claim he’s right no matter what happens.
Context matters. It’s fewer jobs not “less”. This was due to a virus not to policies. Global virus.

Less or Fewer, really doesn't matter.
Point was, the Virus killed 65 million jobs because Trump mishandled the response, so that's on him. The rest of the world didn't have the devastation we had. We had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the Covid Deaths under Trump.
Yes, that was his excuse, that the WHO was wrong about the transmissiblity for a week or two.

Not really a good reason, but appeals to the mouth-breathers that support him.
No, proven and undeniable. Except to idiots like you who swallow willingly. A week or two? You’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad how ignorant you are.
7? There's a stat worth giving up your "Rights" for. Cattle
No one is giving up any rights.

People have to take vaccines for any number of reasons, not only covid-19.

If you are one of the many who never has been vaccinated and do not want to be vaccinated, then Stay unvaccinated of any kind of vaccine.

No one is going to force you to be vaccinated if you really, really do not want to and in the end, for any reason, are never going to need one.
I’ll tell you to take your crap from known fraud Fauci and hit the bricks. I’ve done nothing Fauci suggested. Then again he’s flipped and flopped so much you’ll claim he’s right no matter what happens.
Continue to do nothing. You are not being forced to.
7? There's a stat worth giving up your "Rights" for. Cattle
You are hard of hearing.

NO ONE has had to give up their rights to anything.

DO NOT get the vaccine.
DO NOT wear a mask.

Keep your rights to do as you please.

Others have the right to get vaccinated, to wear masks if they choose to .

The right to do. The right to not do.
The Cult is about other issues many continue to follow what Trump said or continues to say.

His demand to keep businesses, schools, travel, etc open in 2020 and how many simply followed him is one of the best showings of what a Cult is and how followers will behave, even when their leader has half-heartedly told them that it is ok to "now" do it.
Of course. How DARE Trump allow people to work and kids to actually (horror) attend school in person. Spoken like a true Dem worshipper who doesn’t want to work and thinks he knows more about how to educate kids than their parents or teachers do.
So great to see Xiden accomplish something....anything.....though having killed to many innocent Americans seems something one should not bed working to strive for.

But then they ARE Americans and we know they're not considered worthy of life by the left.
Of course. How DARE Trump allow people to work and kids to actually (horror) attend school in person. Spoken like a true Dem worshipper who doesn’t want to work and thinks he knows more about how to educate kids than their parents or teachers do.
Thank you for your total and absolute ignorance as to what an epidemic, or a pandemic is and what the results of not doing the right thing are to the population.

Thank you for not caring that many more children are now contracting covid and going through the pain of the symptoms they may get.

How DARE I care for people, to the point of not wanting to see them sick and in pain.
So great to see Xiden accomplish something....anything.....though having killed to many innocent Americans seems something one should not bed working to strive for.

But then they ARE Americans and we know they're not considered worthy of life by the left.
Nothing but lies. Keep lying next year. OOOPs!!

That's tomorrow.
Of course. How DARE Trump allow people to work and kids to actually (horror) attend school in person. Spoken like a true Dem worshipper who doesn’t want to work and thinks he knows more about how to educate kids than their parents or teachers do.

If we hadn't locked down in March and April of 2020, the thing would have spread even faster, with the health care system being unable to keep up.

The fact we are STILL losing so many even with vaccines and precautions is testament to that.
Thank you for your total and absolute ignorance as to what an epidemic, or a pandemic is and what the results of not doing the right thing are to the population.

Thank you for not caring that many more children are now contracting covid and going through the pain of the symptoms they may get.

How DARE I care for people, to the point of not wanting to see them sick and in pain.
Thanks for showing what a fucking IDIOT you are. Children are at a very low risk for this and assholes like YOU demand they be forced to wear INEFFECTIVE masks all day every day, no matter the cost to their long term respiratory health. Just because YOU are lazy and don’t want to work and just because YOU hate seeing children living normal lives doesn’t mean sane people follow you off the cliff. Now STFU.
If we hadn't locked down in March and April of 2020, the thing would have spread even faster, with the health care system being unable to keep up.

The fact we are STILL losing so many even with vaccines and precautions is testament to that.
Yes of course people like you LOVED lockdowns because you got paid more than people like me, who had to keep working to make up for you people who refused to. The health care system can’t keep up now. Oh wait, it’s because they fired all the health care workers and didn’t think this through.
I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, so if this topic has been posted before, and I am sure it has, some of our leftist friends in here either didn't see it, or are ignoring the fact...

In a different thread Faun and I were talking about this, and he contorted himself like some in the MSM are doing to magically come up with a 35K buffer, arguing that the pandemic killed more under Trump. That's not true....As NR points out, 1000 people a day are dying, and on Jan 19, 2021 Biden made a big show holding a vigil infront of the national mall for the fallen to Covid, which on that day was 400K. As of today more than 801K have perished....That number with simple math means that under Biden's watch more have died under Biden than under Trump...Plus Trump gave Biden 3 vaccines....

When will you leftists admit that Biden is a disaster for this country, and you made a mistake....?
Here's a screenshot on covid stats when Biden took office -


Here's the link to that site for the current picture, I hope Biden and the Democrats haven't fucked it up because they had all the answers.

If that were true, it would be true all over the world, and it is not.

There is no leftist, rightist or central math.

There is science and those who see that the only way to put an end to the pandemic is by being vaccinated and wear masks whenever possible.

Unvaccinated people all over the world are making this more difficult as they travel and spread it easily to those who are not vaccinated.

Which is how Omicron spread so rapidly the past month of holidays with people traveling all over the world.

There are more cases now than deaths because there are more people vaccinated.

The unvaccinated are at risk of becoming a case, ending up in the ICU or even death. Not the same with those who are vaccinated. Some of those may catch it, but there is no risk of hospitalization .

Take a good look at all the hospitals in the US right now, and what is happening In all or most of them with the surge in Omicron cases.
As seen in other threads on the Trump vs Biden with Covid there is definitely creative interpretation of math. If you wear a mask and are vaccinated then you don't have to worry about the unvaccinated. None of this changes the fact that under Trump there were fewer vaccines, mandates, etc. yet no discernable difference, with your link, in covid related deaths.
Vaccines are effective at preventing deaths. They’ve said so from the beginning through today. Do you need someone to hold your hand?
According to your president it keep you from getting it ;). However, we know that is not correct. You can still get when vaccinated or unvaccinated. However, it does not change the fact that fewer were vaccinated under Trump yet deaths less or equal (depending on link from left or right wing website) to Biden. This would make you wonder how effective these totalitarian actions have been.
Thanks for showing what a fucking IDIOT you are. Children are at a very low risk for this and assholes like YOU demand they be forced to wear INEFFECTIVE masks all day every day, no matter the cost to their long term respiratory health. Just because YOU are lazy and don’t want to work and just because YOU hate seeing children living normal lives doesn’t mean sane people follow you off the cliff. Now STFU.
It is not, and never has been, ALL day and Every day.

Thank you for attacking me. It is such fun to read.

Here is what some children think of your outburst, and your need to deny them the right to wear a mask or be vaccinated:


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