Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

We are saving other people's lives. Probably even yours.

Over 200 Million vaccinated people are saving their lives and trying to save the rest of the population's lives as well.
its not Trump or Bidens fault nor is it repubs or dems fault that covid is raging across the world ! its the fault of the lab in Wuhan where it leaked out ! reports say that the vaccine has a much lower efficacy rate with the new variant ! stop blaming your fellow Americans for covid !
According to your president it keep you from getting it ;). However, we know that is not correct. You can still get when vaccinated or unvaccinated. However, it does not change the fact that fewer were vaccinated under Trump yet deaths less or equal (depending on link from left or right wing website) to Biden. This would make you wonder how effective these totalitarian actions have been.
With Trump, it was Democrats, Independents and Republicans who were dying.

It could have been prevented with most using masks. It did not happen as Trump did not want masks.

Now, it is mainly the unvaccinated Republicans who have died since January of this year.

So much for listening to one's leader, Trump, right down to a 6 foot grave.
its not Trump or Bidens fault nor is it repubs or dems fault that covid is raging across the world ! its the fault of the lab in Wuhan where it leaked out ! reports say that the vaccine has a much lower efficacy rate with the new variant ! stop blaming your fellow Americans for covid !
The lab leak, if it has been proven, has nothing to do with too many in the world refusing to wear masks or be vaccinated once the vaccine became available.

Not blaming Americans. It is people all around the world, traveling all over, or not wearing masks, or not wanting the vaccine who are making this not go away.
we've got to take "deaths" off the table, folks!

that way, we take fear and panic off the table, and don't impact the economy negatively

viruses mutate... viruses are clever little beasts... they don't like to do what Ebola did, that is kill people fast
Except when we got the treatment, Trump didn't have a plan to distribute it... which is why a lot of the doses that were bought in the intial round went bad because they had no way to get it into arms.

Under Biden, we went from less than 1% vaccinated to nearly 70% vaccinated.
Again not true...

1. The vaccines weren't available for distribution until after the election. And, once available, there was a plan to get them out.

2. The reason for your numbers of vaccinated, which I question because as we've seen in this thread all you seem to do is parrot lies from the worst outlets out there, but common sense dictates here. The reason Trump only had few vaccinated, and Biden much more is a simple timing thing. Trump aided in development, and Biden distribution. He should thank Trump.
With Trump, it was Democrats, Independents and Republicans who were dying.

It could have been prevented with most using masks. It did not happen as Trump did not want masks.

Now, it is mainly the unvaccinated Republicans who have died since January of this year.

So much for listening to one's leader, Trump, right down to a 6 foot grave.
Trump never stopped anyone from wearing a mask. If the Dems, Ind, Rep didn't wear them that is their own fault. You make is sound like if you don't have the vaccine, get the shot, etc. you can't survive. It is still a very low death virus. I had covid, and didn't end up 6 feet under, but if that is my choice then so be it. It should always be my choice. Not Biden's, and not yours.
The lab leak, if it has been proven, has nothing to do with too many in the world refusing to wear masks or be vaccinated once the vaccine became available.

Not blaming Americans. It is people all around the world, traveling all over, or not wearing masks, or not wanting the vaccine who are making this not go away.
refusing to wear masks ? there are masks mandates in NYC very strict mandates and NYC has a very high vac's rate but covid is still surging ! get it through your thick skull that this virus leaked from a lab and there is no stopping its spread ? even the most stringent lockdowns and mandates in blue states havnt stopped the spread !
Trump never stopped anyone from wearing a mask. If the Dems, Ind, Rep didn't wear them that is their own fault. You make is sound like if you don't have the vaccine, get the shot, etc. you can't survive. It is still a very low death virus. I had covid, and didn't end up 6 feet under, but if that is my choice then so be it. It should always be my choice. Not Biden's, and not yours.

As the number of COVID-19 deaths reaches 100,000, President Trump continues to criticize people who wear face masks, calling it politically correct. Ben Tracy reports.
The number of elderly murdered by Democrats who knowingly, intentionally placed virus-infected patients in nursing homes should be subtracted from the total number of people who have died from COVID-19.

THE VIRUS did not kill these tens of thousands of elderly Americans - DEMOCRATS did.

Democrats also intentionally bankrupted / destroyed 60% of all existing minority-owned small businesses through imposing Un-Constitutional mandates. Their failed Solutions, according to Biden, were like an 'economic virus' that spread across the country killing businesses - minority businesses - and jobs.

None of them worked.
- Quarantines did not work, Democrats ignored their own mandate, thousands of businesses and jobs were destroyed

- Cloth mask may stop droplets but are useless in stopping a microscopic virus. It didn't work, Democrats, again, ignored / ignore their own mandates, and despite masks being worn Omicron is spreading like wildfire.

Vaccine mandates have not 'shut down' the virus down. Biden demonized Americans who did / do not get vaccinated, LYING by telling Americans vaccinated Americans can not get covid and thus can not spread it.
- BS! 1) The vaccines do not prevent people from getting the virus, it lessens the symptoms and prevents chances of requiring hospitalization....the vaccines, according to some scientists now, do nothing against Omicron. 2) Vaccinated people, even TRIPLE vaxed people, ARE getting Biden's lies and demonization of unnamed are being exposed!
Except when we got the treatment, Trump didn't have a plan to distribute it... which is why a lot of the doses that were bought in the intial round went bad because they had no way to get it into arms.

Under Biden, we went from less than 1% vaccinated to nearly 70% vaccinated.
We were vaccinating 1 million per day when Trump left office. The goal Veggi Joe set for 100 days into his regime.

refusing to wear masks ? there are masks mandates in NYC very strict mandates and NYC has a very high vac's rate but covid is still surging ! get it through your thick skull that this virus leaked from a lab and there is no stopping its spread ? even the most stringent lockdowns and mandates in blue states havnt stopped the spread !
The lab leak is nothing but a theory, so far. Nothing has been concretely proven.

Oh, so you just have lies.

Link us up to Trump telling people to “inject Clorox”.

This is always fun.
Clorox is a disinfectant .

Less or Fewer, really doesn't matter.
Point was, the Virus killed 65 million jobs because Trump mishandled the response, so that's on him. The rest of the world didn't have the devastation we had. We had 4% of the world's population and 25% of the Covid Deaths under Trump.
What would you have done differently JoeB131 . Be specific and use 29/20 hindsight.

The lab leak is nothing but a theory, so far. Nothing has been concretely proven.

Clorox is a disinfectant .

can you point out a time in history where a virus had 10 of millions of asymptomatic people that spread it to others and made them sick or worse ?
We were vaccinating 1 million per day when Trump left office. The goal Veggi Joe set for 100 days into his regime.


President Donald Trump will leave office with Operation Warp Speed failing to vaccinate 35 million people, the second time the administration fell short of a self-imposed vaccination rate goal since inoculations started.

President Joe Biden hit his goal 200 million vaccinations in his first 100 days Thursday.

It wasn't a stretch: The country hit the goal with seven days to spare, and according to an NBC News analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention figures, from the day Biden announced his new 200 million goal, the country was on a pace to reach that goal.

can you point out a time in history where a virus had 10 of millions of asymptomatic people that spread it to others and made them sick or worse ?
We only have theories so far. Nothing concrete.
Blame China all you want, but the world's lack of action when it started to spread from one country to another, and many countries slow response is what is mainly responsible as to where the world is today.
There was Russian Interference in the 2016 campaign for Donald Trump.

Who said # 2?

Not all Europeans are racists, but there are too many Europeans who are racists, in the US and in Europe as well

"9/11 was an inside job". Again, who said that?
That has never been true.
Terrorists planned the whole thing and succeeded at it.
Again, who said that?

Guns are used to commit crimes. That is nothing new. It is military style weapons which are not necessary in civilian hands, but have been since the NRA succeeded in putting an end to law limiting the selling of certain weapons.

The second amendment came about so that the population would protect themselves at a time when there was a need for it, farmers, etc, or in case of a foreign invasion.

We are well beyond the need for all people to be armed to their teeth.

No one is keeping Americans from bearing arms. Having guns for hunting, for shooting practice, etc is different from what has been happening since that law I mentioned was repelled.
There have been too many mass murders, especially in schools, since that law was put aside.

One has the right, via the 2nd Amendment to have guns, but not to have certain weapons which would cause the necessary death of so many at the same time. What for does one need a semi automatic weapon?
To shoot bears, wolves, people?

Freedom of speech is still freedom of speech. Nothing has changed.

Hate speech is something totally different and one should know the difference between the two. It is not acceptable in any of the forms you listed.

Global warming is included in your list?
1. No, there was no Russia collusion, not Russian interference in the election. Both are lies. The former is a proven lie. The latter is a proven lie, but was used as a fall back for the former.

2. Lots of Leftist morons said it.

3. See what I mean?

4. Baseball bats, knives, cars, hammers and crowbars are used to commit crimes, too. Do you want to ban those?

All firearms are military weapons. There isn't a type of firearm that's ever existed that wasn't used by the military.

5. With the defunding of police departments and decriminalization of robberies, gun ownership is just as important as ever, maybe more. An Illinois state senator was carjacked last week. Her husband used his concealed carry weapon to exchange fire with the carjackers. She also voted in favor of a state bill outlawing concealed carry.

6. The right to keep and bear arms hasn't changed.

7. Who defines "hate speech"? Any negative comment, directed at any group is hate speech. Saying all white people are racist is hate speech.

8. Global warming is a hoax. That's why I mentioned it.

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