Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

We HAVE a treatment

Thank you President Trump.

Veggie Joe had nothing to do with that. In fact, the idiot didn’t even know they existed when he took office despite already GETTINGTHEJAB.

Except when we got the treatment, Trump didn't have a plan to distribute it... which is why a lot of the doses that were bought in the intial round went bad because they had no way to get it into arms.

Under Biden, we went from less than 1% vaccinated to nearly 70% vaccinated.
There is no spin.

And the fact continues that Delta and Omicron, all in 2021, have mainly killed those who have continued to be unvaccinated.

The two variants have been much more dangerous than the original virus.

How many deaths has "Omicron" caused?
Russia collusion.
The virus will be eradicated if everyone gets vaxxed.
All white people are racist.
9/11 was an inside job.
Guns cause crime.
The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to modern firearms, but the 1st Amendment applies to telephones, computers, radio, television and the internet.
Global warming.

Want me to keep going?

There was Russian Interference in the 2016 campaign for Donald Trump.

Who said # 2?

Not all Europeans are racists, but there are too many Europeans who are racists, in the US and in Europe as well

"9/11 was an inside job". Again, who said that?
That has never been true.
Terrorists planned the whole thing and succeeded at it.
Again, who said that?

Guns are used to commit crimes. That is nothing new. It is military style weapons which are not necessary in civilian hands, but have been since the NRA succeeded in putting an end to law limiting the selling of certain weapons.

The second amendment came about so that the population would protect themselves at a time when there was a need for it, farmers, etc, or in case of a foreign invasion.

We are well beyond the need for all people to be armed to their teeth.

No one is keeping Americans from bearing arms. Having guns for hunting, for shooting practice, etc is different from what has been happening since that law I mentioned was repelled.
There have been too many mass murders, especially in schools, since that law was put aside.

One has the right, via the 2nd Amendment to have guns, but not to have certain weapons which would cause the necessary death of so many at the same time. What for does one need a semi automatic weapon?
To shoot bears, wolves, people?

Freedom of speech is still freedom of speech. Nothing has changed.

Hate speech is something totally different and one should know the difference between the two. It is not acceptable in any of the forms you listed.

Global warming is included in your list?
You have a point, Trump did do stuff related to Covid.

He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team
He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan
He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE
He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak.
He called it a hoax.
He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it.
He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter
He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died.
He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin.
He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)
He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu.
He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected.

Move over Typhoid Mary, we have Covid Donnie.
Another pile of shit from known liar Joe. If you had any self awareness you’d puke any time you look in a mirror for continuing to push your fully debunked bullshit.
Ah ah ah! That's not what your St. Fauci said....

"Dr. Anthony Fauci said double-masking is a logical strategy to stop the spread of COVID-19."

If you even understood that putting a piece of cloth on your face does absolutely NOTHING to stop you from either spreading, nor contracting the virus, you'd understand how silly you sound....It's like trying to stop a swarm of Mesquito's with a chain link fence...
You do not believe any of what you wrote.
You are doing nothing but repeating what others have made fun of against science and doctors who do know better.

You have absolutely nothing to stand on.
Unvaccinated redneck Trump cultists have declared war on vaccinated people. They love their freedom right. Why mention the deaths now? They were avoidable, but the cultists say no. Go complain to someone who gives a shit. The vaccinated know you are the enemy now. Too bad I'm not in charge.
Oh really? What are you going to do boy? Nothing but run in fear and hide under your bed wearing 4 masks. Or in your case, under your bridge.
You do not believe any of what you wrote.
You are doing nothing but repeating what others have made fun of against science and doctors who do know better.

You have absolutely nothing to stand on.
And if you listen to Fauci, you have no right telling anybody anything.
How many deaths has "Omicron" caused?
I have already posted about it in a previous post, or page.

UK has seen 7.

As I said, it is early with Omicron. It could change.

But it will also not be as many as before because many more people have become vaccinated especially since Omicron surged.

Stay tuned
Except no one did that, but never mind.

Trump didn't get anything done, the Pharmacuetical industry did... and that was working cross nationally, something Trump discouraged.

Oh, I forgot to add, pulled us out of the World Health Organization for refusing to endorse his racism.
No, pulled out of the WHO because they covered up China’s lies and aided the CCP. Next lie....
I have already posted about it in a previous post, or page.

UK has seen 7.

As I said, it is early with Omicron. It could change.

But it will also not be as many as before because many more people have become vaccinated especially since Omicron surged.

Stay tuned

7? There's a stat worth giving up your "Rights" for. Cattle
This is also a lie Joe, and you know it...People who are fully vaccinated are still contracting the virus...So, you really should change your approach here, which is meant to divide rather than convince anyone to get vaccinated...

If I were drowning and you threw me a life preserver that the moment I grabbed it sank along with me, you really should hope that I still drowned, because if I survived you'd be looking forward to an ass kicking....

It's not the unvaccinated who are dying, Anger Issues...

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. …

Point was, he slashed the staff and scrapped the plan, because it was Obama's idea. Seems to me that given a Pandemic was much more likely than any of the other contingencies the NSC prepared for, that would be the thing you would keep if cutting "Bloat".

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

Trump had three years to replenish the stockpiles... He didn't. Signing an NDA when it hits the shore is like organizing a fire department after the block catches on fire.

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...
Except none of you people are rational, Anger Issues. He was more concerned with the Stock Market than people's lives.

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...
Uh, you don't hold down panic by giving unrealistic information. All his experts were telling him to take this more seriously.... But just like he thought he knew more about war than the generals, he knows more about medicine than the doctors.

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...
They were quack cures. Some of them were outright dangerous.

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....
Except that Trump should have known that if you brought that many people together not wearing masks, you were increasing the risk of infection. He just didn't care. He wanted a crowd of people chanting his name and if some of them died, "it is what it is".

Again- Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to the wrong white people.

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....
Those six Chinese ladies who got murdered in Georgia weren't snowflakes. They were murdered because Trump and his followers encouraged irrational hate of Asian people.
And if you listen to Fauci, you have no right telling anybody anything.
I will tell you to keep listening to those who are against science and doctors and see in the end what will happen.

There is nothing else anyone can say
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Which is why this thread sucks gigantic balls, and you just destroyed the OP for me. How do you draw a comparison of deaths when something like a killing virus just gets started, the president leaves office after a year, then the next leader inherits a disaster with deaths? This is not apples to apples comparison.
By time frames it certainly is loser. Keep making excuses for your dementia suffering quitter who surrendered and threw responsibility to the states. Oh and Trump wasn’t indicted. You’re gone for good at midnight.

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