Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

Too funny.
The “free people” refuse the shot, many die but Biden is responsible.

This is the kind of retarded thinking that will lead to the eventual downfall of our society.
So explain how Trump was responsible for deaths before there were any vaccines?
Let's see:

Last time I checked, 40% National vax rate for blacks, if you can believe it.

Atlanta hospitals overflowing with Covid patients currently with almost all not vaxxed.

Is this a bad thing? :dunno:
I only replied to that one post of yours, and not the article itself. However, it doesn't really change anything. We are all familiar with the fuzzy math the left is putting out there. However, lets say it is 100% accurate they are very close in deaths. However, Biden had a vaccine to use, as well as, totalitarian mask mandates, quarantines, and closing businesses. We should see a substantial reduction if those things were truly effective, and we don't. And that is even using leftist math.
If that were true, it would be true all over the world, and it is not.

There is no leftist, rightist or central math.

There is science and those who see that the only way to put an end to the pandemic is by being vaccinated and wear masks whenever possible.

Unvaccinated people all over the world are making this more difficult as they travel and spread it easily to those who are not vaccinated.

Which is how Omicron spread so rapidly the past month of holidays with people traveling all over the world.

There are more cases now than deaths because there are more people vaccinated.

The unvaccinated are at risk of becoming a case, ending up in the ICU or even death. Not the same with those who are vaccinated. Some of those may catch it, but there is no risk of hospitalization .

Take a good look at all the hospitals in the US right now, and what is happening In all or most of them with the surge in Omicron cases.
So explain how Trump was responsible for deaths before there were any vaccines?
Trump did not want people to wear masks, wanted travel to go on, businesses and schools to stay open.

How could any of that have led to any deaths from covid-19 before the vaccines?
Mandates are Tyranny, remember?
Can’t force you morons to save your own lives.

That's true, you can't...

But, only a dumbass would campaign on "shutting down the virus" then get into office and do little to nothing other than the tyranny you speak of...
That's true, you can't...

But, only a dumbass would campaign on "shutting down the virus" then get into office and do little to nothing other than the tyranny you speak of...
Where was tyranny during SR2? Nowhere .

Where was tyranny during Polio or any other illness, epidemic, etc, in the US or around the world? Nowhere .

Since 2017, everything is tyranny if it comes from the parties which are not the Republican one.

Let us not try to figure this one out.
95% of Covid deaths were unvaxxed. Avoiding deaths is the goal. It’s been two years. If there is anyone who is still confused about Covid or the vaccine, it’s on them.

Yep, but you are confusing contracting Covid, to dying from Covid...It's a dishonest division tactic from your side.
There is no spin.

And the fact continues that Delta and Omicron, all in 2021, have mainly killed those who have continued to be unvaccinated.

The two variants have been much more dangerous than the original virus.

So, I suggest you bunker yourself in your home, and never come out....Just order your Groceries online....Save us all..
Where was tyranny during SR2? Nowhere .

Where was tyranny during Polio or any other illness, epidemic, etc, in the US or around the world? Nowhere .

Since 2017, everything is tyranny if it comes from the parties which are not the Republican one.

Let us not try to figure this one out.

Obama would have if he could have during Sars2....The fact that he depleted the PPE stock and never refilled it shows us quite alot.
It is not because it has already been informed that those who stayed, a few, did so because they wanted to stay having dual citizenship. Afghan/Americans.

You know them personally, or are you just parroting the lies from the administration, and MSM?
So, I suggest you bunker yourself in your home, and never come out....Just order your Groceries online....Save us all..
I am vaccinated. I do not have to hide myself, bunker in my "panic room".

Responsible mature people do know how to take care of themselves and others.
Obama would have if he could have during Sars2....The fact that he depleted the PPE stock and never refilled it shows us quite alot.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that the Obama administration left him with an empty national stockpile for emergencies.

"But they also gave us empty cupboards. The cupboard was bare. You’ve heard the expression, ‘the cupboard was bare.’ So we took over a stockpile with a cupboard that was bare," he said in an April 6 White House briefing. In previous briefings Trump described the stockpile as "empty."

Trump is exaggerating. While the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted shortcomings in the nation’s stockpile of emergency supplies and equipment, Trump did not inherit bare inventory.

It was full of supplies, but not enough to handle this particular pandemic. Most notably, the stockpile was short of N95 masks, the supply of which was depleted following the 2009 H1N1 outbreak during President Barack Obama’s tenure.

You sound like a frightened child....Maybe you should...
Maybe you should stop looking in the mirror and projecting what your feelings are.

You should.....stop listening to Fox, OAN and Newsmax

There are real doctors and scientists to listen to during a Pandemic and none of those in those stations are experts on anything, not even a cold.
Sixties Fan
President Donald Trump has repeatedly claimed that the Obama administration left him with an empty national stockpile for emergencies.

"But they also gave us empty cupboards. The cupboard was bare. You’ve heard the expression, ‘the cupboard was bare.’ So we took over a stockpile with a cupboard that was bare," he said in an April 6 White House briefing. In previous briefings Trump described the stockpile as "empty."

Trump is exaggerating. While the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted shortcomings in the nation’s stockpile of emergency supplies and equipment, Trump did not inherit bare inventory.

It was full of supplies, but not enough to handle this particular pandemic. Most notably, the stockpile was short of N95 masks, the supply of which was depleted following the 2009 H1N1 outbreak during President Barack Obama’s tenure.

Just a hint there bud, Partisan supposed 'fact checkers' carry no weight with me...Trump was left with bare cupboards, and what he did was sign the NDA order bringing in private businesses to produce everything we needed, and enough to export to other countries....As Biden where the tests are?

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