Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

This is pure Bull Shit, and you know it Joe....But, because I have time today, let's take your list one at a time shall we?

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

So, at best your claim here is misrepresenting the facts....Trump made our team stronger....

2. "He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan"

This claim, as referenced above is a misrepresentation of the facts...Trump did no such thing...What he did was to streamline the the people in the NSC tasked with handling these things making them stronger....

3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

4. "He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak."

First off it was a drawdown, not a closing...AND, it was started under Obama two years prior....From March of 2020

"Most of the reductions were made at the Beijing office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and occurred over the past two years, according to public CDC documents viewed by Reuters and interviews with four people familiar with the drawdown"

5. "He called it a hoax."

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...

"What's True

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False

Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

6. "He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it."

Bull shit....What Trump did was to call out fascist Governors like Michigan who were using the pandemic to crush, and control their residents needlessly...

7. "He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter"

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...

8. "He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died."

Jesus, what a liar....Why don't you include the rest of the sentence....

Trump said in response to a Jonathon Swain interview question when deaths were at 155K NOT your lie of 250K

"They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can."

9. "He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin."

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...

10. "He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)"

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....

11. "He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu."

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....

12. "He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected."

Again Bull Shit....It was the leftist Debate Commission that were trying to rig the election by canceling debates rather than putting dementia Joe up there for the world to see...

All in all what you have posted in this post are if not misrepresentations, they are outright lies....

JoeB131 takes another major beatdown. :auiqs.jpg:
JoeB131 schooled you from post#12. Get a clue. You have no skin in this game.

Lol...No he didn't liar...All he did was lie his ass off, like you do...
Um, okay, let's look at that.

Trump is the first president since Herbert Hoover to have LESS jobs than when he started.
By the time he left, we had 400K Covid dead, 65 million jobs lost, 165,000 businesses closed, riots in the streets, and he capped it all off with having a bunch of thugs trying to storm the Capitol.

I usually accuse Republicans of trying to make America the live-action version of A Handmaid's Tale, but Trump turned us into the live action version of the Purge movies.

Um, do you have some kind of learning disability. When Trump left, we were in the middle of another spike where we were losing 4000 people a day.
Context matters. It’s fewer jobs not “less”. This was due to a virus not to policies. Global virus.
This is pure Bull Shit, and you know it Joe....But, because I have time today, let's take your list one at a time shall we?

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

So, at best your claim here is misrepresenting the facts....Trump made our team stronger....

2. "He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan"

This claim, as referenced above is a misrepresentation of the facts...Trump did no such thing...What he did was to streamline the the people in the NSC tasked with handling these things making them stronger....

3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

4. "He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak."

First off it was a drawdown, not a closing...AND, it was started under Obama two years prior....From March of 2020

"Most of the reductions were made at the Beijing office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and occurred over the past two years, according to public CDC documents viewed by Reuters and interviews with four people familiar with the drawdown"

5. "He called it a hoax."

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...

"What's True

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False

Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

6. "He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it."

Bull shit....What Trump did was to call out fascist Governors like Michigan who were using the pandemic to crush, and control their residents needlessly...

7. "He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter"

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...

8. "He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died."

Jesus, what a liar....Why don't you include the rest of the sentence....

Trump said in response to a Jonathon Swain interview question when deaths were at 155K NOT your lie of 250K

"They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can."

9. "He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin."

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...

10. "He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)"

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....

11. "He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu."

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....

12. "He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected."

Again Bull Shit....It was the leftist Debate Commission that were trying to rig the election by canceling debates rather than putting dementia Joe up there for the world to see...

All in all what you have posted in this post are if not misrepresentations, they are outright lies....
We have checkmate, ladies and gentlemen.
This is pure Bull Shit, and you know it Joe....But, because I have time today, let's take your list one at a time shall we?

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

So, at best your claim here is misrepresenting the facts....Trump made our team stronger....

2. "He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan"

This claim, as referenced above is a misrepresentation of the facts...Trump did no such thing...What he did was to streamline the the people in the NSC tasked with handling these things making them stronger....

3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

4. "He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak."

First off it was a drawdown, not a closing...AND, it was started under Obama two years prior....From March of 2020

"Most of the reductions were made at the Beijing office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and occurred over the past two years, according to public CDC documents viewed by Reuters and interviews with four people familiar with the drawdown"

5. "He called it a hoax."

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...

"What's True

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False

Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

6. "He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it."

Bull shit....What Trump did was to call out fascist Governors like Michigan who were using the pandemic to crush, and control their residents needlessly...

7. "He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter"

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...

8. "He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died."

Jesus, what a liar....Why don't you include the rest of the sentence....

Trump said in response to a Jonathon Swain interview question when deaths were at 155K NOT your lie of 250K

"They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can."

9. "He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin."

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...

10. "He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)"

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....

11. "He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu."

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....

12. "He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected."

Again Bull Shit....It was the leftist Debate Commission that were trying to rig the election by canceling debates rather than putting dementia Joe up there for the world to see...

All in all what you have posted in this post are if not misrepresentations, they are outright lies....
Now you've done it. You've given an emotion driven poster facts and logic. He will read no more than 2 sentences out of what you posted and go off into lala land where all his emotions are validated and inconvenient facts are left far behind where they can do no damage.
When the virus first hit, I remember President Trump advising people to wash their hands after using the can to help stop it.

Libs said "I am not going to do that for that pretender's benefits, F-Trump"

Ditto, when Trump provided hospital boats and respirators to New York, they were barely used.

I'm not going to lay any blame here, but it is the liberal's fault that Corona got out of hand.
When the virus first hit, I remember President Trump advising people to wash their hands after using the can to help stop it.

Libs said "I am not going to do that for that pretender's benefits, F-Trump"

Ditto, when Trump provided hospital boats and respirators to New York, they were barely used.

I'm not going to lay any blame here, but it is the liberal's fault that Corona got out of hand.
And we the people see that…Which is why this November is going to be epic….
I don't want to step on anyone's toes here, so if this topic has been posted before, and I am sure it has, some of our leftist friends in here either didn't see it, or are ignoring the fact...

In a different thread Faun and I were talking about this, and he contorted himself like some in the MSM are doing to magically come up with a 35K buffer, arguing that the pandemic killed more under Trump. That's not true....As NR points out, 1000 people a day are dying, and on Jan 19, 2021 Biden made a big show holding a vigil infront of the national mall for the fallen to Covid, which on that day was 400K. As of today more than 801K have perished....That number with simple math means that under Biden's watch more have died under Biden than under Trump...Plus Trump gave Biden 3 vaccines....

When will you leftists admit that Biden is a disaster for this country, and you made a mistake....?
This article speaks for itself:

The best comparison to my mind, though, is not the raw numbers — which depend upon how bad things are, when waves occur, emerging variants, etc. — but how we compare to the rest of the world. Just as the best comparisons for Trump’s numbers worldwide were per capita and relative, so, too, are Biden’s.
What we can say: Under Biden, we have accounted for a significantly smaller share of worldwide deaths than under Trump.

The 425,000 deaths we saw in Trump’s 10-plus months accounted for nearly 20 percent of all worldwide deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Since Biden took over, the world as a whole has seen more deaths in his 10 months (3.07 million) than the preceding 10 months (2.14 million), but the United States has seen fewer. In Biden’s 10-plus months, the United States has accounted for less than 12 percent of worldwide deaths, which is down from 19.9 percent under Trump. That’s a decline of more than 40 percent in our proportion of the worldwide death rate.

Again, no comparisons are perfect. But if you look at how the virus has spread in similar countries between the two 10-month periods, the United States is generally doing better than it was, relatively speaking. Before Jan. 20, Europe accounted for more than 30 percent of coronavirus deaths; after that date, Europe has accounted for 25.2 percent of deaths. That’s a smaller drop — about 16.5 percent — than we have seen in the United States, even as Europe’s continentwide vaccination rate is similar.

Within Europe, you can cherry-pick your comparisons, but let’s focus on a couple of countries. The United Kingdom, with its very high vaccination rates, has gone from 4.4 percent of worldwide deaths pre-Jan. 20 to 1.7 percent afterward — a bigger relative drop than the United States. Germany has gone from 2.3 percent to 1.7 percent, a smaller drop than the United States.

The question from there is how you factor in the vaccines and other variables. We have a superior health system to most countries and widely available vaccines, which should put us in a better position even as the worldwide death rate has increased during Biden’s tenure. But the most pronounced vaccine reluctance comes from those who have little regard for Biden’s public health advice. On the one hand, Biden as president is responsible for persuading Americans to get vaccinated; on the other hand, those people who are very disproportionately accounting for coronavirus deaths right now — the unvaccinated — are in large number those who won’t listen to him.

(full article online)

(Why are Republicans the highest percentage of unvaccinated if they listened to Trump?)

(Why are Republicans the highest percentage of unvaccinated if they listened to Trump?)

Republicans think for themselves. Not every unvaxxed individual is against the shot. Many are just weighing and considering different points of view and haven't made up their minds yet.

Its known as being free people, and not being a slave to anyone- not even a wise individual like Donald J. Trump.
Republicans think for themselves. Not every unvaxxed individual is against the shot. Many are just weighing and considering different points of view and haven't made up their minds yet.

Its known as being free people, and not being a slave to anyone- not even a wise individual like Donald J. Trump.
Free people, slave....

Words used by Trump and others to make Republicans believe that it is about "Freedom".

Amazing how Republicans before Trump did not have problems being vaccinated for school, for work, for traveling, for the military.

Then came Trump, and covid-19 at the end of 2019 and "Poof", out went the belief that vaccines are there to save one's life, but are really there to kill you. To experiment on you. Not all think it is out to kill them, but too many are.

Yes, Republicans, evangelicals, some democrats and independents who comprise today's unvaccinated are really really thinking for themselves and by themselves with all the information they get from the sources they choose to listen to.

Yes, Trump is very wise. About making the RNC pay for his legal fees for the New York City investigation on the Trump Organization. What other Presidents have made the RNC or the DNC pay for their civil woes?

So wise he chose to be vaccinated before leaving the White House. After all he caught it and was treated for it before.

And now, as much as he asks people to go and be vaccinated, still.....he manages to say that it is one's choice.....and not something they should do to keep from contracting it, especially now with Omicron. Do it to keep others from contracting it. Keep others from ending in ICU. Keep others from ending up dead.

Regardless of so many believers that the vaccine is a "hoax", or the virus is a "hoax", or that the number of deaths, cases are exaggerated ......gratefully more and more people are being vaccinated.

And that is happening under Biden and many Governors and Mayors, Democrats and Republicans mandate for the vaccine.

So, as the article showed, there have been fewer deaths under Biden.

The rise in cases is mostly being caused by the unvaccinated, be they Republicans, Democrats or Independents who are still not seeing the point of being vaccinated.

Give them time.

Give them time and they will do it, or they will contract it, end up in the ICU or worse of all.....dead.
(Why are Republicans the highest percentage of unvaccinated if they listened to Trump?)

Kinda blows you Dimtard’s entire “cult” thing out of the water, huh?
Kinda blows you Dimtard’s entire “cult” thing out of the water, huh

The Cult is about other issues many continue to follow what Trump said or continues to say.

His demand to keep businesses, schools, travel, etc open in 2020 and how many simply followed him is one of the best showings of what a Cult is and how followers will behave, even when their leader has half-heartedly told them that it is ok to "now" do it.
This is pure Bull Shit, and you know it Joe....But, because I have time today, let's take your list one at a time shall we?

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

So, at best your claim here is misrepresenting the facts....Trump made our team stronger....

2. "He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan"

This claim, as referenced above is a misrepresentation of the facts...Trump did no such thing...What he did was to streamline the the people in the NSC tasked with handling these things making them stronger....

3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

4. "He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak."

First off it was a drawdown, not a closing...AND, it was started under Obama two years prior....From March of 2020

"Most of the reductions were made at the Beijing office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and occurred over the past two years, according to public CDC documents viewed by Reuters and interviews with four people familiar with the drawdown"

5. "He called it a hoax."

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...

"What's True

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False

Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

6. "He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it."

Bull shit....What Trump did was to call out fascist Governors like Michigan who were using the pandemic to crush, and control their residents needlessly...

7. "He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter"

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...

8. "He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died."

Jesus, what a liar....Why don't you include the rest of the sentence....

Trump said in response to a Jonathon Swain interview question when deaths were at 155K NOT your lie of 250K

"They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can."

9. "He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin."

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...

10. "He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)"

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....

11. "He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu."

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....

12. "He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected."

Again Bull Shit....It was the leftist Debate Commission that were trying to rig the election by canceling debates rather than putting dementia Joe up there for the world to see...

All in all what you have posted in this post are if not misrepresentations, they are outright lies....
The lies and propaganda that the Leftists fall for is absolutely incredible.

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