Covid-19 Deaths under Biden Surpass Deaths during Trump Administration

Another pulled out of your butt attempt to smear trump---by every metric Trump helped and did better than veggie JOE, Obama, the Clintons and the Bushes.

Um, okay, let's look at that.

Trump is the first president since Herbert Hoover to have LESS jobs than when he started.
By the time he left, we had 400K Covid dead, 65 million jobs lost, 165,000 businesses closed, riots in the streets, and he capped it all off with having a bunch of thugs trying to storm the Capitol.

I usually accuse Republicans of trying to make America the live-action version of A Handmaid's Tale, but Trump turned us into the live action version of the Purge movies.

And don't even try the economy BS, as we just coming out of Bidens puppet masters bioweapon covid with JOE doing nothing but stealing taxpayers money and peoples rights.

Um, do you have some kind of learning disability. When Trump left, we were in the middle of another spike where we were losing 4000 people a day.
How? Be specific. Was it when he turned down the advice to buy millions of home tests? Ignoring therapeutics?

Bleating GETTHEJAB GETTHEJAB GETTHEJAB isn’t a plan, Moron.

We wouldn't need the test if people got the jab, stupid.

This isn't complicated....

We HAVE a treatment. It's because people are refusing to take the treatment we still have a problem.
Dude, get a grip on reality. Trump didn't develop anything. Responsible people in research did. Biden hasn't created anything either, nor will he.
You are a liar. I think I'm back to I really really really HATE the left. Here's hoping they all get a really bad case of poison oak in their crotches.
You are delusional.

Get educated on Operation Warp Speed, Simpleton.
Warp speed was a result of responsible people accelerating a vaccine, that most on the Right criticize for being too quick.

Post#12 schools you on what Trump did.

Remember how Trump fucked up the Defense Production Act? I do; Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden both invoked the Defense Production Act (DPA) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Cold War–era law gives the president significant emergency authority to control domestic industries. Trump used the law to crack down on hoarding, limit exports of medical goods, and increase production of critical supplies. Biden has used it to speed up vaccination and testing efforts. Trump was using it to get a cut.
You are a liar. I think I'm back to I really really really HATE the left. Here's hoping they all get a really bad case of poison oak in their crotches.
Here's hoping that you will construct an intelligent argument, instead of your usual rant that says nothing. Face it, you're horribly boring.
We wouldn't need the test if people got the jab, stupid.

This isn't complicated....

We HAVE a treatment. It's because people are refusing to take the treatment we still have a problem.
So you can’t sho w how Veggie Joe has treated it seriously.

Got it. Another lie exposed.


Which one of these is you:

But those deaths only mattered under Trump. Deaths do not matter under any democrat. Why do you think so many democrats were able to kill off so many with bad polices and “mostly peaceful protests“.
We wouldn't need the test if people got the jab, stupid.

This isn't complicated....

We HAVE a treatment. It's because people are refusing to take the treatment we still have a problem.
We HAVE a treatment

Thank you President Trump.

Veggie Joe had nothing to do with that. In fact, the idiot didn’t even know they existed when he took office despite already GETTINGTHEJAB.
We wouldn't need the test if people got the jab, stupid.

This isn't complicated....

We HAVE a treatment. It's because people are refusing to take the treatment we still have a problem.
Apparently, you're as retarded as the Vegetable....

Even the vaccine manufacturers and the CDC have stated that you can get and spread Covid after getting the shot....

But you and the Retard seem to be opposed to THEM getting tested regularly (like the Fucktard is insisting for the unvaccinated)...

Why are you saying that people that can catch and spread Covid don't have to be tested (leaving them free to spread the disease among an unsuspecting population)?????
Well, the only thing you got right in there was that with Covid like everything else in the Trump presidency, you libs fought him all the way....Then when that obstruction was detrimental to the country you blamed him for it....

Block Biden? He has the house, senate and the WH...Blocking him how exactly?
They seem to believe that Republicans are super-duper powerful people that can stop democrats in their tracks with a mere glace. It only takes one Republican to be in office to completely stop all democrat efforts.
You have a point, Trump did do stuff related to Covid.

He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team
He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan
He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE
He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak.
He called it a hoax.
He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it.
He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter
He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died.
He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin.
He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)
He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu.
He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected.

Move over Typhoid Mary, we have Covid Donnie.
This is pure Bull Shit, and you know it Joe....But, because I have time today, let's take your list one at a time shall we?

1. "He disbanded the Pandemic Response Team"

"Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC, wrote in another Washington Post Op-Ed, “It is true that the Trump administration has seen fit to shrink the NSC staff. But the bloat that occurred under the previous administration clearly needed a correction. … One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled”

So, at best your claim here is misrepresenting the facts....Trump made our team stronger....

2. "He scrapped the Pandemic Response Plan"

This claim, as referenced above is a misrepresentation of the facts...Trump did no such thing...What he did was to streamline the the people in the NSC tasked with handling these things making them stronger....

3. "He failed to replenish emergency supplies of PPE"

Not true...As of March 2020 Trump signed the NDA to enable private industry to manufacture PPE, and ventilators. The shortage also highlighted the sad state our stockpiles were in due to the previous administration doing nothing to address that issue...

4. "He closed down the CDC Field office in Beijing that could have coordinated during the early stages of the outbreak."

First off it was a drawdown, not a closing...AND, it was started under Obama two years prior....From March of 2020

"Most of the reductions were made at the Beijing office of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and occurred over the past two years, according to public CDC documents viewed by Reuters and interviews with four people familiar with the drawdown"

5. "He called it a hoax."

What he called a "hoax' was the politics Democrats were playing with the pandemic...Not the pandemic itself...Most rational people understand this...

"What's True

During a Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in South Carolina, President Donald Trump likened the Democrats' criticism of his administration's response to the new coronavirus outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying "this is their new hoax." During the speech he also seemed to downplay the severity of the outbreak, comparing it to the common flu.

What's False

Despite creating some confusion with his remarks, Trump did not call the coronavirus itself a hoax."

6. "He encouraged his followers to resist Blue State Governors attempts to contain it."

Bull shit....What Trump did was to call out fascist Governors like Michigan who were using the pandemic to crush, and control their residents needlessly...

7. "He lied to people and told them it would be over by Easter"

I realize that you libs wanted him to use 'fear tactics' toward the citizens in order to control them, which is what you fascists do, but the fact is he was trying to hold down panic...

8. "He said "It is what it is" when told 250K had died."

Jesus, what a liar....Why don't you include the rest of the sentence....

Trump said in response to a Jonathon Swain interview question when deaths were at 155K NOT your lie of 250K

"They are dying, that's true. And it is what it is," Trump said. "But that doesn't mean we aren't doing everything we can."

9. "He hawked bullshit cures like Hydrochlorquinine and Ivmentin."

They were/are promising treatments for early stage diagnosis of the virus. They could have helped lessen the amount of deaths, and showed that Trump was more than willing to throw everything at this virus...These theraputics which were mocked and demonized by Democrats looking to pump the death rate to make Trump look bad are to blame...

10. "He held super spreader events because his ego couldn't live without them (Poor Herman Cain, he died as he lived, sucking up to white people)"

Hey, This is a free country...People can make the decision to go to a rally, or a football game themselves....If it's a risk they are willing to take, we don't need you nor the government to tell us we can't go....

11. "He encouraged open racism against Asian Americans related to this flu."

LOL...You snowflake....Look here, the virus came from China, not the US...Calling it the Chinese virus is factual....Too bad you don't want to offend your paymasters....

12. "He lied to the Debate Commission about testing positive and encountered dozens of people while personally infected."

Again Bull Shit....It was the leftist Debate Commission that were trying to rig the election by canceling debates rather than putting dementia Joe up there for the world to see...

All in all what you have posted in this post are if not misrepresentations, they are outright lies....
Except the only reason people are still dying is because they refuse to get their shots... When Biden tried to mandate shots, you wingnuts fought against it.

It would be like if you were drowning, and I threw you a life-preserver, but you refused to grab onto it because I threw it to you. that's on you, not me.

This is also a lie Joe, and you know it...People who are fully vaccinated are still contracting the virus...So, you really should change your approach here, which is meant to divide rather than convince anyone to get vaccinated...

If I were drowning and you threw me a life preserver that the moment I grabbed it sank along with me, you really should hope that I still drowned, because if I survived you'd be looking forward to an ass kicking....
Apparently, you're as retarded as the Vegetable....

Even the vaccine manufacturers and the CDC have stated that you can get and spread Covid after getting the shot....

But you and the Retard seem to be opposed to THEM getting tested regularly (like the Fucktard is insisting for the unvaccinated)...

Why are you saying that people that can catch and spread Covid don't have to be tested (leaving them free to spread the disease among an unsuspecting population)?????
Because they need those infection, and death rates to remain high so they can retain control....

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