COVID cases surge in Florida....will Desantis create another t-shirt? "FLORIDA #1 IN COVID!"

Come on man. If the people who refuse to take the vaccine die, you think that should bother me? They don't care that not taking the vaccine is harming the rest of us so fuck them Harry. You think I would have been sad if Trump died from corona? I would have laughed my fucking ass off. Obviously it wasn't enough to teach them a lesson when he got it or when Herman Cain died. So if they are so careless and stupid, why should I be careFULL?
a hell of a lot of people dont want it because of a lack of trust....they dont know who to "expert" says one thing and another "expert" says the opposite of what that one says....and this has been going on so long its no wonder so many are hesitant to get it...and no biden and company dont instill trust...

He is just another trump humper that is more interested in his political career than in saving lives.
that thing in your head that you call a brain, is a yahoo....anything from a non-publishing , reliable, news source? doubtful from you

enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
No it’s true. All the states and all the hospitals say mostly the unvaccinated are dying. I’m good with that
that's what the publishers want you to are to stupid to understand that....all they spew, are the lies of the scum demonRATS
a hell of a lot of people dont want it because of a lack of trust....they dont know who to "expert" says one thing and another "expert" says the opposite of what that one says....and this has been going on so long its no wonder so many are hesitant to get it...and no biden and company dont instill trust...

Republicans have spent decades brainwashing you not to trust. And they've confused you with misinformation. If you just follow the scientists advice you would logically conclude it's wise to take the vaccine. If you are brainwashed republican you don't trust and you are confused. So, die. No sweat off my balls. Free choice. Don't wear a mask. You republicans have shown that like we did with polio and small pox, we don't have good citizens anymore who collectively understand we need to wipe out a thing that is killing too many of us.

Republicans can argue anything. Cigarettes don't cause cancer, they argued that. Lead is not harmful. They argued that. Global warming isn't real. They argued that. They did so because the lobbyists pay them to deny as long as they can. So it's no surprise they would be on the side of

a. Don't wear a mask
b. Go to rallies and don't social distance.

Forget take the vaccine. Fine if you don't want to take it. Your right. But put a fucking mask on and don't go near me.

Anyways, the point is you are a Republican and like every other issue we argue, you are going to lean right on this one. Trust me, if we were the ones who didn't trust the government and if we didn't think the vaccine was safe, you mother fuckers would be calling us unpatriotic for not taking it. Well even 56% of Republicans are smart enough to get the vaccine. That puts you in the 25% of voters who are conspiracy theorists who also btw think the election was rigged, even though it's so fucking obvious Trump was going to claim that in 2016 until he won, and without evidence is claiming it in 2020 and that's another moon bat shit crazy thing you have also swallowed.
Let me know when you get covid.
Florida is home to an incredible number of retired folks who are on all sorts of government programs. The federal government could save a bundle in benefits by saying good bye to all those elderly parasites not to mention the lucrative real estate that would come on the market. The political gain of blaming a republican governor for covid deaths makes for a trifecta for liberal democrats.
maybe your parents, or grandparents could be the next victims....i don't care where they how the government could save a lot of $$$ if they croak
that's what the publishers want you to are to stupid to understand that....all they spew, are the lies of the scum demonRATS
Show me one Republican who agrees with your position. If you can't, are they in on it too?

If this is true Republicans would be screaming it on Fox news. You should be able to easily find one story of one person who also believes the conspiracy theory you swallowed.
Facts say those being vaccinated are coming down sick with covid............
from a vaccine that isn't supposed to have the covid itself in it.

Want to argue my comments sealy?

As of January 20, 2021, an average of around 1,133 people per day have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. since the first case was confirmed in the country on January 20th the year before. On an average day, nearly 8,000 people die from all causes in the United States, based on data from 2019. Based on the latest information, one in seven deaths each day can be attributed to COVID-19 between January 2020 and January 2021. However, there were even days when more than every second death in the U.S. was connected to COVID-19. The daily death toll from seasonal flu, using preliminary maximum estimates from the 2019-2020 influenza season, stood at an average of around 332 people.

COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across all of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.

COVID-19 is currently the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. in June 2021​

Average daily deaths in the United States from COVID-19 (June 2021)​

342 a day? Is that right? That's a lot.

But that's a lot of Republicans not collecting social security and not warming the planet. Silver lining.
What a fucking moron you are dick sucker. Biden is flying and busing a lions share of covid illegals to Fla you pofs

You stupid ignorant butt fucker. And you say nothing you absolute festering pile of maggot shit
Is Trump lying? Because I never heard him say the conspiracy theory shit you are claiming.
Republicans have spent decades brainwashing you not to trust. And they've confused you with misinformation. If you just follow the scientists advice you would logically conclude it's wise to take the vaccine. If you are brainwashed republican you don't trust and you are confused. So, die. No sweat off my balls. Free choice. Don't wear a mask. You republicans have shown that like we did with polio and small pox, we don't have good citizens anymore who collectively understand we need to wipe out a thing that is killing too many of us.

Republicans can argue anything. Cigarettes don't cause cancer, they argued that. Lead is not harmful. They argued that. Global warming isn't real. They argued that. They did so because the lobbyists pay them to deny as long as they can. So it's no surprise they would be on the side of

a. Don't wear a mask
b. Go to rallies and don't social distance.

Forget take the vaccine. Fine if you don't want to take it. Your right. But put a fucking mask on and don't go near me.

Anyways, the point is you are a Republican and like every other issue we argue, you are going to lean right on this one. Trust me, if we were the ones who didn't trust the government and if we didn't think the vaccine was safe, you mother fuckers would be calling us unpatriotic for not taking it. Well even 56% of Republicans are smart enough to get the vaccine. That puts you in the 25% of voters who are conspiracy theorists who also btw think the election was rigged, even though it's so fucking obvious Trump was going to claim that in 2016 until he won, and without evidence is claiming it in 2020 and that's another moon bat shit crazy thing you have also swallowed.
Let me know when you get covid.
i am about as republican as you are bobo.....its called trust....and neither party has done a good job of instilling that trust in this vaccine.....your problem is you eat up everything the democrats tell you,my problem is i dont trust either one of the parties...and as often as we have conversed over the years you would think you would know me a little bit me were i have ever said the election was rigged? me were i have said trump is a great guy?....and when you cant unlike you i will accept your apology....and by the way, i bet i got vaccinated months before you did....
i am about as republican as you are bobo.....its called trust....and neither party has done a good job of instilling that trust in this vaccine.....your problem is you eat up everything the democrats tell you,my problem is i dont trust either one of the parties...and as often as we have conversed over the years you would think you would know me a little bit me were i have ever said the election was rigged? me were i have said trump is a great guy?....and when you cant unlike you i will accept your apology....and by the way, i bet i got vaccinated months before you did....
I don't eat up everything Democrats tell me. But I notice you eat up a lot of what Republicans say.

I don't completely trust anyone either. But I don't deny science, democrats, the facts and the media because Republicans haven't brainwashed me like they have you. I know which way you lean. So do you.
Republicans have spent decades brainwashing you not to trust. And they've confused you with misinformation. If you just follow the scientists advice you would logically conclude it's wise to take the vaccine. If you are brainwashed republican you don't trust and you are confused. So, die. No sweat off my balls. Free choice. Don't wear a mask. You republicans have shown that like we did with polio and small pox, we don't have good citizens anymore who collectively understand we need to wipe out a thing that is killing too many of us.

Republicans can argue anything. Cigarettes don't cause cancer, they argued that. Lead is not harmful. They argued that. Global warming isn't real. They argued that. They did so because the lobbyists pay them to deny as long as they can. So it's no surprise they would be on the side of

a. Don't wear a mask
b. Go to rallies and don't social distance.

Forget take the vaccine. Fine if you don't want to take it. Your right. But put a fucking mask on and don't go near me.

Anyways, the point is you are a Republican and like every other issue we argue, you are going to lean right on this one. Trust me, if we were the ones who didn't trust the government and if we didn't think the vaccine was safe, you mother fuckers would be calling us unpatriotic for not taking it. Well even 56% of Republicans are smart enough to get the vaccine. That puts you in the 25% of voters who are conspiracy theorists who also btw think the election was rigged, even though it's so fucking obvious Trump was going to claim that in 2016 until he won, and without evidence is claiming it in 2020 and that's another moon bat shit crazy thing you have also swallowed.
Let me know when you get covid.
scum demonRATS have spent decades brainwashing you not to trust. And they've lied to you with misinformation. If you just follow the scientists, not the QUACK-fake-i, advice you would logically conclude it's not to smart, at this point, to take the 'vaccine', because there is NO VACCINE..... You scum demonRATS have shown that if you parrot your masters, and are a good little sheep, that the scum demonRATS will shit on you also

a. Don't wear a mask, wear a mask---this is the message the QUACK fake-i is spreading
b. Go to rallies and don't social distance--this is the message PIG-lousi spreads when it comes to the chinese parties, and then the TWAT denies (lies) about it

Let us know when you get MS, or CP, or some major health scare because you got the death jab.....AH-CHOO all over you and your family
scum demonRATS have spent decades brainwashing you not to trust. And they've lied to you with misinformation. If you just follow the scientists, not the QUACK-fake-i, advice you would logically conclude it's not to smart, at this point, to take the 'vaccine', because there is NO VACCINE..... You scum demonRATS have shown that if you parrot your masters, and are a good little sheep, that the scum demonRATS will shit on you also

a. Don't wear a mask, wear a mask---this is the message the QUACK fake-i is spreading
b. Go to rallies and don't social distance--this is the message PIG-lousi spreads when it comes to the chinese parties, and then the TWAT denies (lies) about it

Let us know when you get MS, or CP, or some major health scare because you got the death jab.....AH-CHOO all over you and your family
You're an idiot not worth responding to. Luckily it's only people like you dying. So we don't have a problem. Take off your mask. Go to rallies. Church. Lunch. The bar. Spring Break. God speed.
I don't eat up everything Democrats tell me. But I notice you eat up a lot of what Republicans say.

I don't completely trust anyone either. But I don't deny science, democrats, the facts and the media because Republicans haven't brainwashed me like they have you. I know which way you lean. So do you.
sure i lean right sometimes....but i bet on some topics i am more liberal than you are....i notice when i ask you to prove shit you say about me you change the this........But I notice you eat up a lot of what Republicans say. me something they said i "ate" up?.....and bobo explain this to me....if i said i dont listen or trust can they brainwash me? i brainwashed arguing against them in the pot threads?....i notice you are never in those i brainwashed when i am defending unions against them in those threads?....once again i never see you in those i brainwashed when i am arguing against them on health ins?....once again never see you i brainwashed when i say to some of them trump is an asshole?....your problem bobo is you ARE brainwashed by the democrats....even though you try and tell us you are not.....
sure i lean right sometimes....but i bet on some topics i am more liberal than you are....i notice when i ask you to prove shit you say about me you change the this........But I notice you eat up a lot of what Republicans say. me something they said i "ate" up?.....and bobo explain this to me....if i said i dont listen or trust can they brainwash me? i brainwashed arguing against them in the pot threads?....i notice you are never in those i brainwashed when i am defending unions against them in those threads?....once again i never see you in those i brainwashed when i am arguing against them on health ins?....once again never see you i brainwashed when i say to some of them trump is an asshole?....your problem bobo is you ARE brainwashed by the democrats....even though you try and tell us you are not.....

You didn't ask me to prove anything. I denied I swallow everything Democrats say and I said back that YOU swallow a lot of what Republicans shovel out.

What are you more liberal than me about?

If you argue for not wearing masks, you're brainwashed.

Glad you agree with me a lot on those other subjects.
You didn't ask me to prove anything. I denied I swallow everything Democrats say and I said back that YOU swallow a lot of what Republicans shovel out.

What are you more liberal than me about?

If you argue for not wearing masks, you're brainwashed.

Glad you agree with me a lot on those other subjects.
You didn't ask me to prove anything.
in other threads i just went by them...
YOU swallow a lot of what Republicans shovel out.
and i asked YOU to prove that....well show me something....
What are you more liberal than me about?
pick a topic and we will find out.....
If you argue for not wearing masks, you're brainwashed.
show me were i have ever argued against....and on this subject if a vaunted medical center says they help and another vaunted center says they dont help.....who should i believe and why?...
You didn't ask me to prove anything.
in other threads i just went by them...
YOU swallow a lot of what Republicans shovel out.
and i asked YOU to prove that....well show me something....
What are you more liberal than me about?
pick a topic and we will find out.....
If you argue for not wearing masks, you're brainwashed.
show me were i have ever argued against....and on this subject if a vaunted medical center says they help and another vaunted center says they dont help.....who should i believe and why?...
You didn't ask me to prove anything.
in other threads i just went by them...
YOU swallow a lot of what Republicans shovel out.
and i asked YOU to prove that....well show me something....
What are you more liberal than me about?
pick a topic and we will find out.....
If you argue for not wearing masks, you're brainwashed.
show me were i have ever argued against....and on this subject if a vaunted medical center says they help and another vaunted center says they dont help.....who should i believe and why?...
We must roll back not only the Trump and Bush tax breaks for the rich and corporations but also the Reagan tax breaks too.

As of January 20, 2021, an average of around 1,133 people per day have died from COVID-19 in the U.S. since the first case was confirmed in the country on January 20th the year before. On an average day, nearly 8,000 people die from all causes in the United States, based on data from 2019. Based on the latest information, one in seven deaths each day can be attributed to COVID-19 between January 2020 and January 2021. However, there were even days when more than every second death in the U.S. was connected to COVID-19. The daily death toll from seasonal flu, using preliminary maximum estimates from the 2019-2020 influenza season, stood at an average of around 332 people.

COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death across all of 2020, but in December 2020 and early 2021, the illness surged and briefly became the number one leading cause of death in the U.S., far surpassing even cancer and heart disease deaths in those months.

COVID-19 is currently the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. in June 2021​

Average daily deaths in the United States from COVID-19 (June 2021)​

342 a day? Is that right? That's a lot.

But that's a lot of Republicans not collecting social security and not warming the planet. Silver lining.
And your point being since I have never argued the number of dead...although I should. I mean other than a poor attempt to try to change subject.
Facts say those being vaccinated are coming down sick with covid............
from a vaccine that isn't supposed to have the covid itself in it.

Want to argue my comments sealy?
Vaccinated people can get sick but 99% of the people dying now are unvaccinated. I can't help it if you don't like the news.

And how do you know the facts? Where are you getting the facts from?

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