COVID cost Trump the Presidency

A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
So let me get this straight? You are celebrating the crash of our economy and the spread of a Satanic Pathogen unleashed by China?

Trump will be your president by December 24th.

We give Glory to God, while you mock righteousness, the law, and morality.

If God is done with America, then Biden will be illegitimately thrust to power like Hitler was in 1933 when he lost the election despite massive fraud but was illegally appointed Fuhrer over a ONCE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of GERMANY.

I admit, DemNazi America has a nice ring to it, but only if you are EVIL, and you are EVIL
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?

Of course it makes sense to you, but you're dumb as a rock. Trump's failure to deal with the virus was just the most recent of many failures by that fat orange bastard. At first I said "last of many failures", but he still has time to fuck something else up.

Hiden biden's solution is to do everything that Trump already HAS done you feckless toad.

OK Boomer.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
What about his disrespect of john McCain? That cost him Arizona.

The former governor of Michigan Republican Rick Snyder endorsed Biden. Said trump didn’t have the temperament to be potus. Lots of moderates agreed and turned Michigan blue.

Trump really only had 2.3% growth in 2019. Did you forget his trade war with China?

trump wasn’t that great before corona but corona didn’t help
Well COVID 19 was just another thing to hang your hat on but their is a list of grievances

Some believe he is a racists and but he never called out racist organizations. I can understand that you don't want to hurt your chances with a part of your base. So Mums the word. I will miss his lack of ethics.

The constant lies which were so obvious that you would think that your talking to a 10 year old who swears they didn't eat that cookie

How can we forget the wall forever tarnishing Pink Floyds song "Another brick in the wall".

COVID 19 has increased the debt of the US but Trumps early tax breaks for the rich and cuts in inheritance tax also increased the budget deficit

The obvious promotion of his properties for official government events. The number of golf trips to his resorts which made him money. You can play golf, make money with all the government people staying there, and free advertisement. On what planet does having a world summit at your business that you own a good idea?

Using presidential pardons on his know accomplices, yeah nothing to see here

Personally I just wanted to see him contest the election like some have done in the past but it never has changed anything. So maybe they will have to drag him out. If they sell tickets for that event, I hope they pick a day that I can be there for that "Kodak moment."

Still the best is to come as all the legal entanglements will go ahead full steam and he will need the help of his donors for those damn legal bills. Well I would bet the lawyers will be calling him. I wonder if the secret service will still have to protect him in the court house.

The election charges of fraud. Where was all this fraud when he won 4 years ago.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
100% IMO.

But excuses are for pussies.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
So let me get this straight? You are celebrating the crash of our economy and the spread of a Satanic Pathogen unleashed by China?

Trump will be your president by December 24th.

We give Glory to God, while you mock righteousness, the law, and morality.

If God is done with America, then Biden will be illegitimately thrust to power like Hitler was in 1933 when he lost the election despite massive fraud but was illegally appointed Fuhrer over a ONCE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of GERMANY.

I admit, DemNazi America has a nice ring to it, but only if you are EVIL, and you are EVIL
I see it differently. You want the corporations to rule not we the people
Well COVID 19 was just another thing to hang your hat on but their is a list of grievances

Some believe he is a racists and but he never called out racist organizations. I can understand that you don't want to hurt your chances with a part of your base. So Mums the word. I will miss his lack of ethics.

The constant lies which were so obvious that you would think that your talking to a 10 year old who swears they didn't eat that cookie

How can we forget the wall forever tarnishing Pink Floyds song "Another brick in the wall".

COVID 19 has increased the debt of the US but Trumps early tax breaks for the rich and cuts in inheritance tax also increased the budget deficit

The obvious promotion of his properties for official government events. The number of golf trips to his resorts which made him money. You can play golf, make money with all the government people staying there, and free advertisement. On what planet does having a world summit at your business that you own a good idea?

Using presidential pardons on his know accomplices, yeah nothing to see here

Personally I just wanted to see him contest the election like some have done in the past but it never has changed anything. So maybe they will have to drag him out. If they sell tickets for that event, I hope they pick a day that I can be there for that "Kodak moment."

Still the best is to come as all the legal entanglements will go ahead full steam and he will need the help of his donors for those damn legal bills. Well I would bet the lawyers will be calling him. I wonder if the secret service will still have to protect him in the court house.

The election charges of fraud. Where was all this fraud when he won 4 years ago.
Joe can move in tomorrow trump is never there.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
A big brick, referring to his handling, but just one of the bricks in the wall.

People were willing to ignore the other imperfections as long as the economy prospered.

But once his leadership was challenged, he failed miserably
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
What about his disrespect of john McCain? That cost him Arizona.

The former governor of Michigan Republican Rick Snyder endorsed Biden. Said trump didn’t have the temperament to be potus. Lots of moderates agreed and turned Michigan blue.

Trump really only had 2.3% growth in 2019. Did you forget his trade war with China?

trump wasn’t that great before corona but corona didn’t help
I am certain you are right!
If he would have just been honest about it and not spread misinformation and not ignored the threat by having stupid rallies. Also never showed any empathy, but he’s incapable of that.

COVID was an opportunity for Trump to show leadership
People flocked to Bush after 9-11

But Trump put getting elected over protecting the American people. His attempts to pretend it would go away before the election only made it worse.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?
China attacked itself with a “medical weapon”

Why would a country that invented a virus attack itself first?
Easy enough to drop it somewhere else
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?

Of course it makes sense to you, but you're dumb as a rock. Trump's failure to deal with the virus was just the most recent of many failures by that fat orange bastard. At first I said "last of many failures", but he still has time to fuck something else up.

It was a biological weapon, get ready for more..just like Aids was
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Do you think that Sleepy Joe's Beijing partners will release the antidote to the Corona Virus now?
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?
China attacked itself with a “medical weapon”

Why would a country that invented a virus attack itself first?
Easy enough to drop it somewhere else
When you have a billion chinese it doesn't matter
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?
China attacked itself with a “medical weapon”

Why would a country that invented a virus attack itself first?
Easy enough to drop it somewhere else
When you have a billion chinese it doesn't matter

Why would you unleash a biological weapon on your own people?

Give me an explanation that makes sense
So the Chinese Virus got Beijing Biden the “win”? What a surprise.

Trumps inept handling of the virus got Biden the win
What inept handling? You think the President can magically keep a flu virus from spreading in the country? His handling of it was about the same as Europe, and no Dem can articulate how it could had been done better.
COVID could have guaranteed Trump a second term.

If he declared COVID the enemy and put everything aside to fight the enemy. America would have thanked him.

Instead, he decided COVID would not stand in the way of his second term. He claimed it was not a threat. That it would just go away. That protecting his economy was more important than protecting Americans.

It failed miserably
So the Chinese Virus got Beijing Biden the “win”? What a surprise.

Trumps inept handling of the virus got Biden the win
What inept handling? You think the President can magically keep a flu virus from spreading in the country? His handling of it was about the same as Europe, and no Dem can articulate how it could had been done better.
Yes i do

The US has four percent of the worlds population. The world has 1.2 million deaths. By population, we should have 44,000 deaths instead of 125,000 deaths

Blame inept handling
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?
China's response was a bit disappointed because 4 more years of Trump would lead to a further downfall of the US.

Yeah, a strong USA is a huge threat to the chinese so I am not surprised they have bought the US president. The evidence is plain as day. And this ain't over yet.
Are you really this stupid?

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