COVID cost Trump the Presidency

A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Wow, a silly flu and libbers went nuts.....didn't he pay you enough to stay at home and hide from it??
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
COVID doesn’t care who it infects

But refusing to wear a mask and socially distance sure makes it easier.......Ask Trump and his family
Check with Biden after a few months of having to meet foreign leaders, congresscritters, governers, etc. The point is, you WILL be exposed no matter how careful you think you are.

Biden will maintain the same safety protocols as he always does
Hide in the Whitehouse basement?
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Most his policy is a failure and the economy wasn’t going to be that good this year. He’s the same old repub crap. Tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits. We couldn’t afford another year.
How do you know the economy wasn't going to be good?

Do you ever post anything that's even remotely credible?

What "tax increase," shit for brains?

Gore is planing to increase taxes by about $2 trillion a year. He's also planning to destroy the fossil fuels industry. Only a complete brain damaged lunatic believe that will would the economy.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Wow, a silly flu and libbers went nuts.....didn't he pay you enough to stay at home and hide from it??

1.2 million dead and counting is far from silly
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Wow, a silly flu and libbers went nuts.....didn't he pay you enough to stay at home and hide from it??

1.2 million dead and counting is far from silly
Not on the global listing of death is simply another infectious disease we have to be aware of.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Yet, according to a graph I just saw on MSNBC, Trump won white votes by a 57% to 42% margin? I think you're right about the virus; if Trump had allowed professionals to deal with the pandemic last March, he might well have won a second term. What does that tell us about America 2020?
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Yet, according to a graph I just saw on MSNBC, Trump won white votes by a 57% to 42% margin? I think you're right about the virus; if Trump had allowed professionals to deal with the pandemic last March, he might well have won a second term. What does that tell us about America 2020?
It wasn’t that hard

Trump just had to act like a leader.
Let the Science call the shots, make tough calls, show compassion

He didn't have it in him
It wasn’t that hard

Trump just had to act like a leader.
Let the Science call the shots, make tough calls, show compassion

He didn't have it in him
The next authoritarian wanna be fascist the right vomits up won't be nearly as stupid as Trump:

"In 1986, Pompeo finished first in his class from the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he majored in engineering management.[9][13][14]"

Mike Pompeo - Wikipedia.

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