COVID cost Trump the Presidency

A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
The president cannot avoid coming into contact with a lot of people if he expects to be an effective president. QPJ faces a LOT more opportunity to get infected than he did hiding in his basement.
Yep, he's bound to get COVID. he can't hid in his basement any longer.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
That's irrelevant, but QPJ had better NOT be infected because he couldn't fight it off nearly as easily as robust TRUMP!. The guy is frail.
Wouldn't that be ironic if Biden caught COVID and died?
I'd really be afraid for his life if he caught it. The guy just doesn't seem very healthy.
I'll be cheering all the way to his funeral.
You know as well as I know, that if Hillary would have won - if the Covid statistics were EXACTLY the same... the media would cover it very differently.

Hillary would have been crucified by the media, especially the right wing media

By any measure, our COVID numbers SUCK
With 4 percent of the worlds population, we should have less than 48,000 deaths. We have almost five times that.

Stop blaming the media
We test more than others and we count more people who died of other things as covid deaths than other nations.

We also have the native americans who are dying at 5% of the infected on reservations and others groups that test just about has high but the media and government are hiding the stats as best they can.
Oh STOP the nonsense

You are not going to convince anyone that Trump had stricter standards on COVID than the rest of the world

Trump stopped travel and YOUR response was to call him racist.

All of your people were saying do nothing. ALL OF THEM.

Those are facts. We all know you hate facts.

What good did Trump stopping travel from China do?

We went from 15 cases to 8 million
Didnt seem to work did it?

Prevented more infected people from coming here. Once YOUR experts figured out that it was a real threat....WEEKS after Trump did, then they all said he had been correct. Your propaganda media refuses to report that.

Once the experts caught up to Trump they all said 2 million dead, at least. Well guess what, the number is far less. Thank Trump for that.

Cuomo and his fellow traveler governors who ordered rest homes to take in covid cases are the real culprits here, but yet again, feckless liar you ignores their actions and tries to blame Trump.
There were 15 cases nationwide when Trump put out his ban

If the ban worked, those cases would have gone to zero like Trump promised

Instead it grew to over 8 million

Not very effective

The problem you have is the virus operates the same as the flu. Thus, no lockdown will ever work. The only viruses where a lockdown can work are hemorrhagic fevers.
Those diseases operate incredibly fast, so if you do a lockdown they will actually burn themselves out in a week or three.

This virus doesn't work that way so a lockdown is useless. H1N1 under obummer/biden had over 60 million cases. They stopped counting. We just got very lucky that it wasn't as virulent a strain.

Once again Trump acted while your experts did nothing, or worse told us to do things later shown to be wrong.

YOUR experts changed their minds multiple times. You seem to ignore that. Why?
Trumps travel ban had no impact in stopping the spread

Citizens from Wuhan are now allowed to travel around the world. Americans are banned from international travel

That is because of Trump
Do you ever post anything that's actually true? Whenever any right winger submits a post, your response is always little more than "nuh uhn!"
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
China's plan all along.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff

Like what! You silly people crack me up.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

So, china attacked us with a biological weapon so that they could get their bought and paid for politician as president. Makes sense to me. I wonder if the Democrats knew about the chinese attack plan or not?
China's response was a bit disappointed because 4 more years of Trump would lead to a further downfall of the US.
What downfull are you referring to?
4 more years of them being able to take advantage of Trump.
Trump's leadership in handling the pandemic has been quite bad but his biggest mistake politically was telling Woodward he purposely downplayed the virus. Politicians lie to us all the time but aren't dumb enough to admit it.
Well, consider the source. It may be that he doesn't realize that lying to the public in a health crisis is a bad thing.

Dr Fauci lied to the public during a health crisis. Was that a bad thing?
You know as well as I know, that if Hillary would have won - if the Covid statistics were EXACTLY the same... the media would cover it very differently.

Hillary would have been crucified by the media, especially the right wing media

By any measure, our COVID numbers SUCK
With 4 percent of the worlds population, we should have less than 48,000 deaths. We have almost five times that.

Stop blaming the media
We test more than others and we count more people who died of other things as covid deaths than other nations.

We also have the native americans who are dying at 5% of the infected on reservations and others groups that test just about has high but the media and government are hiding the stats as best they can.
Oh STOP the nonsense

You are not going to convince anyone that Trump had stricter standards on COVID than the rest of the world

Trump stopped travel and YOUR response was to call him racist.

All of your people were saying do nothing. ALL OF THEM.

Those are facts. We all know you hate facts.

What good did Trump stopping travel from China do?

We went from 15 cases to 8 million
Didnt seem to work did it?

Prevented more infected people from coming here. Once YOUR experts figured out that it was a real threat....WEEKS after Trump did, then they all said he had been correct. Your propaganda media refuses to report that.

Once the experts caught up to Trump they all said 2 million dead, at least. Well guess what, the number is far less. Thank Trump for that.

Cuomo and his fellow traveler governors who ordered rest homes to take in covid cases are the real culprits here, but yet again, feckless liar you ignores their actions and tries to blame Trump.
There were 15 cases nationwide when Trump put out his ban

If the ban worked, those cases would have gone to zero like Trump promised

Instead it grew to over 8 million

Not very effective

Do you think it's possible that Pelosi telling the public there was nothing to worry about and to continue to act as if nothing was wrong had ANY affect on the expansion of the virus? I mean, I know you don't because you're a mindless lib, so instead I'll pose the question to anyone else...
You know as well as I know, that if Hillary would have won - if the Covid statistics were EXACTLY the same... the media would cover it very differently.

Hillary would have been crucified by the media, especially the right wing media

By any measure, our COVID numbers SUCK
With 4 percent of the worlds population, we should have less than 48,000 deaths. We have almost five times that.

Stop blaming the media
We test more than others and we count more people who died of other things as covid deaths than other nations.

We also have the native americans who are dying at 5% of the infected on reservations and others groups that test just about has high but the media and government are hiding the stats as best they can.
Oh STOP the nonsense

You are not going to convince anyone that Trump had stricter standards on COVID than the rest of the world

Trump stopped travel and YOUR response was to call him racist.

All of your people were saying do nothing. ALL OF THEM.

Those are facts. We all know you hate facts.
he did not stop travel. lol.
You know as well as I know, that if Hillary would have won - if the Covid statistics were EXACTLY the same... the media would cover it very differently.

Hillary would have been crucified by the media, especially the right wing media

By any measure, our COVID numbers SUCK
With 4 percent of the worlds population, we should have less than 48,000 deaths. We have almost five times that.

Stop blaming the media
We test more than others and we count more people who died of other things as covid deaths than other nations.

We also have the native americans who are dying at 5% of the infected on reservations and others groups that test just about has high but the media and government are hiding the stats as best they can.
Oh STOP the nonsense

You are not going to convince anyone that Trump had stricter standards on COVID than the rest of the world

Trump stopped travel and YOUR response was to call him racist.

All of your people were saying do nothing. ALL OF THEM.

Those are facts. We all know you hate facts.
he did not stop travel. lol.

Oh? Then what were you feckless toads whining about then?
You know as well as I know, that if Hillary would have won - if the Covid statistics were EXACTLY the same... the media would cover it very differently.

Hillary would have been crucified by the media, especially the right wing media

By any measure, our COVID numbers SUCK
With 4 percent of the worlds population, we should have less than 48,000 deaths. We have almost five times that.

Stop blaming the media
We test more than others and we count more people who died of other things as covid deaths than other nations.

We also have the native americans who are dying at 5% of the infected on reservations and others groups that test just about has high but the media and government are hiding the stats as best they can.
Oh STOP the nonsense

You are not going to convince anyone that Trump had stricter standards on COVID than the rest of the world

Trump stopped travel and YOUR response was to call him racist.

All of your people were saying do nothing. ALL OF THEM.

Those are facts. We all know you hate facts.
he did not stop travel. lol.

Oh? Then what were you feckless toads whining about then?
take a nap, dotard. a meaningless partial travel restriction for some people accompanied by racist rhetoric, followed by nothing is no way to treat a pandemic.

A nationwide travel ban from China took effect on January 31, 2020, with a few confirmed cases in the United States. This ban was only for non-U.S. citizens who had been in China within the last 14 days and were not the immediate family member of U.S. citizens or/and permanent residents.

For this, the aforementioned mindless libs used this as an opportunity to accuse the president of being 'racist' and 'xenophobic.'

Pelosi visits Chinatown on February 24th, almost a FULL month later. Watch the video and YOU TELL ME how many people are wearing masks?

And in hindsight, this might be my favorite;

Photos taken at a rally on March 9
The photos in the posts were taken at a rally in Detroit on March 9, ahead of the state's primary and before pandemic-related public health restrictions went into effect in the United States.

The rally took place two days before the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, and four days before President Donald Trump declared the virus a national emergency on March 13, per The American Journal of Managed Care.

So Trump takes action on the virus in January, and it takes the WHO another month and a half to declare covid a pandemic! Meanwhile, liberals, who would tell you now that THEY would have handled things differently, WEREN'T WEARING MASKS AS LATE AS EARLY MARCH!?! And the mindless rubes like RightWinger here, buy those lies hook - line - sinker. Because ORANGE MAN BAD.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
Most his policy is a failure and the economy wasn’t going to be that good this year. He’s the same old repub crap. Tax cuts, increase military spending, drastically increase deficits. We couldn’t afford another year.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
COVID doesn’t care who it infects

But refusing to wear a mask and socially distance sure makes it easier.......Ask Trump and his family
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
COVID doesn’t care who it infects

But refusing to wear a mask and socially distance sure makes it easier.......Ask Trump and his family
Check with Biden after a few months of having to meet foreign leaders, congresscritters, governers, etc. The point is, you WILL be exposed no matter how careful you think you are.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
COVID doesn’t care who it infects

But refusing to wear a mask and socially distance sure makes it easier.......Ask Trump and his family
Check with Biden after a few months of having to meet foreign leaders, congresscritters, governers, etc. The point is, you WILL be exposed no matter how careful you think you are.

Biden will maintain the same safety protocols as he always does
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
And now the reporting shifts from hatred for TRUMP!'s handling of a pandemic to sympathy for Biden's. "Oh, it's just so HARD!". Just like it did on the crash in '08. Nothing was too terrible to say about W, nothing to smarmy to say about Obama.
The virus is far from over

Lets see how Biden reacts vs Trump

One thing we know......
Team Biden is not infected with COVID
Team Trump is
Yes, it's much harder to get infected when you hide in your basement with your crack smoking son.

Biden respects the virus and takes proper precautions

Trump mocked the virus, caught it and infected his family and staff
Because viruses can tell when they are being mocked and retaliate. Likewise, they can tell when they are being respected and don't infect.
COVID doesn’t care who it infects

But refusing to wear a mask and socially distance sure makes it easier.......Ask Trump and his family
Check with Biden after a few months of having to meet foreign leaders, congresscritters, governers, etc. The point is, you WILL be exposed no matter how careful you think you are.

Biden will maintain the same safety protocols as he always does
He won't be able to hide in his basement any more. That's his biggest protocol.

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