COVID cost Trump the Presidency

A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Denial? Missinformation?? Not every expert was saying the same thing. There are many experts who believe lock downs are wrong on a healthy population and more at risk people should be targeted for protection.
The real missinformation was done by the news media, and yes, Democratic Governors were all to willing to kill the economy in their states as long as it takes to get rid of Trump even go as far as to let their cops stand down to allow more chaos.
Blaming everything on Trump is disingenuos
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Denial? Missinformation?? Not every expert was saying the same thing. There are many experts who believe lock downs are wrong on a healthy population and more at risk people should be targeted for protection.
The real missinformation was done by the news media, and yes, Democratic Governors were all to willing to kill the economy in their states as long as it takes to get rid of Trump even go as far as to let their cops stand down to allow more chaos.
Blaming everything on Trump is disingenuos

The threat of COVID was quite clear
Most of the worlds leaders understood it. Trump denied it.

Cost him the Presidency
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
It was a mistake for Trump to bank on the economy alone to win reelection.

It was as if Trump were saying to himself “Yeah, I’m a jerk, but the economy is strong.”
Trumps problem is he saw the economy as his main priority. Protect the economy and if old people die, it is an acceptable trade off.

He failed to realize that COVID calls the shots. Until you control COVID, your economy will be crippled

Trump kept insisting on freeing the economy while COVID was still surging.

It cost him his presidency
People hated Trump to cause massive voter fraud on a scale Richard Daily would be proud

That is what losers say when they can’t admit defeat.
Trump LOST....He deserved it

Trump made his point, Democrats committed voter fraud on a massive scale..

Again Richard Daily would be proud, even blago is admitting this .

Do you have proof or is it just a belief. Trump won 4 years ago where is this voter fraud.

Voter fraud would have to be major for it to have any effect on a national election . It can also go both ways Demo and Repub as it has been reported.

Assuming that it was the demo is just pandering to a reason that could explain why he lost instead of excepting that he WAS the worst president
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy
It was a mistake for Trump to bank on the economy alone to win reelection.

It was as if Trump were saying to himself “Yeah, I’m a jerk, but the economy is strong.”
Trumps problem is he saw the economy as his main priority. Protect the economy and if old people die, it is an acceptable trade off.

He failed to realize that COVID calls the shots. Until you control COVID, your economy will be crippled

Trump kept insisting on freeing the economy while COVID was still surging.

It cost him his presidency
People hated Trump to cause massive voter fraud on a scale Richard Daily would be proud

That is what losers say when they can’t admit defeat.
Trump LOST....He deserved it

Trump made his point, Democrats committed voter fraud on a massive scale..

Again Richard Daily would be proud, even blago is admitting this .

Do you have proof or is it just a belief. Trump won 4 years ago where is this voter fraud.

Voter fraud would have to be major for it to have any effect on a national election . It can also go both ways Demo and Repub as it has been reported.

Assuming that it was the demo is just pandering to a reason that could explain why he lost instead of excepting that he WAS the worst president
4 years ago, Trump was claiming voter fraud was 3 million illegal aliens voting for Hillary. He never backed it up

Trump will threaten but never pursue his claims of voter fraud this year


Because if he goes into an actual court with these claims, he is committing perjury.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Denial? Missinformation?? Not every expert was saying the same thing. There are many experts who believe lock downs are wrong on a healthy population and more at risk people should be targeted for protection.
The real missinformation was done by the news media, and yes, Democratic Governors were all to willing to kill the economy in their states as long as it takes to get rid of Trump even go as far as to let their cops stand down to allow more chaos.
Blaming everything on Trump is disingenuos

The threat of COVID was quite clear
Most of the worlds leaders understood it. Trump denied it.

Cost him the Presidency
Trump built the wall, Trump baned travel from shit hole countries he was trying to stop it and your ilk fought him in court
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Denial? Missinformation?? Not every expert was saying the same thing. There are many experts who believe lock downs are wrong on a healthy population and more at risk people should be targeted for protection.
The real missinformation was done by the news media, and yes, Democratic Governors were all to willing to kill the economy in their states as long as it takes to get rid of Trump even go as far as to let their cops stand down to allow more chaos.
Blaming everything on Trump is disingenuos

The threat of COVID was quite clear
Most of the worlds leaders understood it. Trump denied it.

Cost him the Presidency
Trump built the wall, Trump baned travel from shit hole countries he was trying to stop it and your ilk fought him in court

Actually, his bans were haphazard

When Trump banned travel from China we had 15 cases of COVID
Now we are over 8 million cases

His ban didn’t work did it?
I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Spot on, I agree. He could have easily hit it out of park. If he would have done those things the country would have rallied around him. Maybe not everyone, but I believe a slight majority would be in his corner.
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I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Spot on, I agree. He could have easily hit it out of park. If he would have done those things the country would have rallied around. Maybe not everyone, but I believe a slight majority would be in his corner.

Let’s face it
Trump can’t show empathy for the sick or those who have lost loved ones.

But he could have come on as a strong leader who is making tough choices for the good of the country. America would have loved him for it.
I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Spot on, I agree. He could have easily hit it out of park. If he would have done those things the country would have rallied around him. Maybe not everyone, but I believe a slight majority would be in his corner.

It would be difficult for anyone to criticize him when it's a GLOBAL pandemic. I think people would have given him the benefit of the doubt if he acted reasonably.

Easily one of the biggest mistakes of his term.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
Americans have overwhelmingly condemned Trumps leadership during COVID

The vote showed it
They were not voting on the economy
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

Thank Cuomo and the N.E. shitforbrains who ignored all they were told.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
Americans have overwhelmingly condemned Trumps leadership during COVID

The vote showed it
They were not voting on the economy

If you have exit polls please share.

If you are just guessing (your MO), then shut the fuck up.
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
Americans have overwhelmingly condemned Trumps leadership during COVID

The vote showed it
They were not voting on the economy

The economy was the number 1 issue

Corona was number 3

So yes they were voting on the economy...Like they do just about every year

Much more likely the lack of stimulus package hurt the democrats in the end. Nancy is such a dipshit
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
Americans have overwhelmingly condemned Trumps leadership during COVID

The vote showed it
They were not voting on the economy

If you have exit polls please share.

If you are just guessing (your MO), then shut the fuck up.

I got that from a journalist on LRC. You can google it.

It was teh economy. Just like it always is

You can show me the exit poll with corona lol. Which you pulled right out of your asshole. I got my take from a guy who does this for a living. *shrug*
A year ago, Trump was cruising to victory with a record economy.
People were saying......He may be a jerk but the economy is strong.

Then COVID hit

Trump proved to be inept in leading the country during a crisis. His denial, misinformation, refusal to accept responsibility and failure to insist on strong social measures (masks) led to massive US infection rates

The shutdowns crashed Trumps vaunted economy

If anything Covid might have won him the presidency

No one blames him for the economy, in fact Americans report record high numbers of felling they are better off.

No one seems to blame him for corona either. Certainly no one informed (looks at Europe)

Mask mandates are not popular neither are quarantines lol
Americans have overwhelmingly condemned Trumps leadership during COVID

The vote showed it
They were not voting on the economy

The economy was the number 1 issue

Corona was number 3

So yes they were voting on the economy...Like they do just about every year

Much more likely the lack of stimulus package hurt the democrats in the end. Nancy is such a dipshit

If it was the economy....
Trump would have won

His self proclaimed economic miracle was brought down by COVID
I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Trump should have also led by example by endorsing wearing a mask, social distancing, and advocating for the implementation of health and safety guidelines.

Had Trump been honest with the American people, he’d been reelected in a landslide.

But Trump is incapable of being honest.
I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Trump should have also led by example by endorsing wearing a mask, social distancing, and advocating for the implementation of health and safety guidelines.

Had Trump been honest with the American people, he’d been reelected in a landslide.

But Trump is incapable of being honest.

Ever since the “hoax” line, he had to keep doubling down on his claims to avoid backtracking.

It got ridiculous. Ultimately he was contradicting his own experts and politicized a hatred for Fauci.

It couldn’t have been easier for him to act reasonably and let the actual health experts take control of the situation. He wouldn’t even need to do much other than listen to the experts.

He missed by a mile.
I agree.

He needed to be honest with the American people. Be honest, be re-assuring, and let Dr. Fauci handle the details.

"My health experts inform me that this virus is dangerous. Rest-assured that we are doing everything we can. We have assembled teams and we are working day and night to make sure that the American people are safe. Wash your hands and try to take reasonable precautions as we navigate through this together. Here is Dr. Fauci to answer your questions."

If he does that, he wins this election.

Trump should have also led by example by endorsing wearing a mask, social distancing, and advocating for the implementation of health and safety guidelines.

Had Trump been honest with the American people, he’d been reelected in a landslide.

But Trump is incapable of being honest.

Ever since the “hoax” line, he had to keep doubling down on his claims to avoid backtracking.

It got ridiculous. Ultimately he was contradicting his own experts and politicized a hatred for Fauci.

It couldn’t have been easier for him to act reasonably and let the actual health experts take control of the situation. He wouldn’t even need to do much other than listen to the experts.

He missed by a mile.

It’s the Scorpion and the Fox fable – it was not in Trump’s nature to act reasonably and let the actual health experts take control of the situation, even if it cost him a second term.
If it is one thing that cost Trump the presidency, it would be the simple mask.
As Americans across the nation donned masks to fight COVID, Trump stubbornly refused to wear one. Not wearing masks in public became a MAGA symbol of support.
To seal the deal, Trump naturally became infected with COVID and spread it to his family and staff.
To America, this symbolized his inept leadership during COVID

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