Covid Enquiry kicks off - bad news for the tories

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
This is the enquiry that they set up and are now taking to court. Pretty much everyone is represented and already the hapless tories are getting a good kicking.
Today we learned about the chaos in govt and the lack of preparedness.

This was not an accident.

Services were run down to save money leaving many people vulnerable.
There was no plan for a pandemic
There was no stockpile of PPE.
Hospital wards had been closed to save money
There was a lack of equipment.
The govt failed to react to initial reports
Johnson didnt take it seriously and missed all the meetings.
Scientific asvice was not followed
Political imperatives were more important in shaping policy.
Communication was poor.
Clinicians found out things from the nightly briefings
Trust brokedown between central andlocal govt
Fraud in govt contracts was evident on a grand scale

And people died.

It promises to be uncomfortable for the tories and scary for the rest of us.If the govt cant keep us safe what is their point.
Tummy Tainted sticking to Deep State info provided by the MI6 front rag , The Guardian .
You Communists are so patently disingenuous, Tummy . Never let facts stand in the way of jingoistic Fake News

Day 2 sees the govt respond. It doesnt get better for them. There seems to be an industrial amount of buck paassing going on.

There as no resiliance in iour systems. Healthcare had been cut to the bone. They opened up dozens of covid wards in makeshift car parks. But then found out they didnt have the people to staff them.

When you put people in govt who arent serious then you get disasters.The majority of this shower came from journalism and special advisers. They cared more about the optics than the actual results.

So people died.

He said South Korea reported 680 Covid deaths for every million in the population and Singapore 294, whereas the UK reported 3,038, the US 3,344 and Italy 3,150.

It gets worse for our joke govt. People were dying while they were getting pissed every night. More worrying is that we havent moved forward at all. The same thing could happen tomorrow.

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