Covid isn't killing me. The governments reaction to it is.

The mutant virus variant is simply the HOW of the "surge" we're having. It's spreading rapidly all over the world because it spreads much better than the original variety. This takes very little time as a rule -- weeks, not months.

I think it's a good thing because all this time the governors and mayors have been blaming the people, punishing the people. It's your fault! Your fault it's surging, because you must not be following the RULES, the SCIENCE!! But of course it's not our fault, it's the fault of the virus, which is getting better and faster at how it reproduces.

I think an important thing to realize in life is that sometimes we don't lose ---- the other guy just wins. That is, we're not doing anything wrong: we just got hit with something we couldn't dodge.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
Sure buddy. Sure.

Describe in detail your credentials in the field of respiratory protection, including but not limited to the jurisdictions where you are credentialed to testify to such as an expert witness. Also include where you received your training, when you last were trained, and how current said training is. Be specific.

Microbiology/geochemistry/geology. Worked in level 2/3 hood for the spooks. Also, went to school in medical technology. Constantly trained every 6 months. I'm not really too concerned with viruses. I contracted giardia and crytopsporidium while taking samples in the Rio Grande River.
Took about three months to get over those nasty protozoans. I get concerned when I see hazmat suits with oxygen.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
Sure buddy. Sure.

Describe in detail your credentials in the field of respiratory protection, including but not limited to the jurisdictions where you are credentialed to testify to such as an expert witness. Also include where you received your training, when you last were trained, and how current said training is. Be specific.

Microbiology/geochemistry/geology. Worked in level 2/3 hood for the spooks. Also, went to school in medical technology. Constantly trained every 6 months. I'm not really too concerned with viruses. I contracted giardia and crytopsporidium while taking samples in the Rio Grande River.
Took about three months to get over those nasty protozoans. I get concerned when I see hazmat suits with oxygen.

Sounds like little experience in epidemiology and population health which is more relevant here.

No one is saying that COVID is the most deadly or contagious virus ever, but it has enough of both to wreak havoc in communities that don’t actively mitigate it.

Masks aren’t intended to be a cure all, but when combined with other actions can have a significant difference.
I worked in microbiology/geochemistry/water chemistry before drilling oil.
I get that you used to dig ditches for water pipes and now you dig ditches for oil pipes...but I don’t think that qualifies you to dispute CDC guidance for masks.
The mutant virus variant is simply the HOW of the "surge" we're having. It's spreading rapidly all over the world because it spreads much better than the original variety. This takes very little time as a rule -- weeks, not months.

I think it's a good thing because all this time the governors and mayors have been blaming the people, punishing the people. It's your fault! Your fault it's surging, because you must not be following the RULES, the SCIENCE!! But of course it's not our fault, it's the fault of the virus, which is getting better and faster at how it reproduces.

I think an important thing to realize in life is that sometimes we don't lose ---- the other guy just wins. That is, we're not doing anything wrong: we just got hit with something we couldn't dodge.
Well, you're doing something wrong if you don't wear a mask, wash and socially distance
Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.
yet it's as normal as any year.....
Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID
simply NOT TRUE!!!

From January 26, 2020, through October 3, 2020, an estimated 299,028 more persons than expected have died in the United States.** Excess deaths reached their highest points to date during the weeks ending April 11 (40.4% excess) and August 8, 2020 (23.5% excess) (Figure 1). Two thirds of excess deaths during the analysis period (66.2%; 198,081) were attributed to COVID-19 and the remaining third to other causes†† (Figure
C4all, the point is dying OF covid vs. dying WITH covid


I worked in microbiology/geochemistry/water chemistry before drilling oil.
I get that you used to dig ditches for water pipes and now you dig ditches for oil pipes...but I don’t think that qualifies you to dispute CDC guidance for masks.

The former was working in a level 2/3 hood. The latter, my current, is drilling oil. Hydrocarbons pay much more.
These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.

Im not sick and I'm not putting anyone else at risk. If I were sick, I'd stay at home.

We have been dealing with this for a year. How is ignorance stll so prevalent?

These are all highly respected doctors and researchers in biochemistry and microbiology.
That is no substitute for being a multiple casino bankrupt and faded reality-tv performer when it comes to matters of medical science and public health.

I don't wear one nor will I start to wear one. There is proof beyond doubt when you look at the virus and contrast it with pore spaces in the fabric of masks. All the rest is just the liberal media, politics, agenda, and propaganda.
The virus isn't just floating around in a vapor cloud. It is in droplets. The masks stop the droplets. You aren't risking yourself by not wearing the mask, you are selfishly risking others.

Im not sick and I'm not putting anyone else at risk. If I were sick, I'd stay at home.

We have been dealing with this for a year. How is ignorance stll so prevalent?

There is no empirical evidence to support that claim.
The mutant virus variant is simply the HOW of the "surge" we're having.
Is there any data to support this or is this just making a hypothesis?

Well, no --- but what else could cause the "surge"? Same exact thing (same even to the month, August, that the surge started) happened in 1918. You could say, like the politicians who want so badly to blame you and me for an epidemic, that it's our fault, but ------- the mutant causes fully 70% faster transmission, an obvious evolutionary advantage, and so it is spreading wildly and fast. There has to be a why or how that the surge is happening: this is it, and this was it in 1918.

It's not us at fault. It's the germs.
Only killing 1% who catch covid, is killing 3.3 million people in the United states.

99% surviving this virus, is 1% of Americans not surviving....seems small, but when the 1% or 2% killed by this virus is 3.3 to 6.6 million American people dead from it.... It's not as small as you think.
yet it's as normal as any year.....
Statistics Show that the Number of People who Died in the U.S. in 2020 will be the SAME as Previous Years, in Spite of COVID
simply NOT TRUE!!!

From January 26, 2020, through October 3, 2020, an estimated 299,028 more persons than expected have died in the United States.** Excess deaths reached their highest points to date during the weeks ending April 11 (40.4% excess) and August 8, 2020 (23.5% excess) (Figure 1). Two thirds of excess deaths during the analysis period (66.2%; 198,081) were attributed to COVID-19 and the remaining third to other causes†† (Figure
C4all, the point is dying OF covid vs. dying WITH covid
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Great bar graph. Now, wait: when an epidemic is raging, most or many deaths ARE due to the epidemic. So there is nothing improbable about the rightside bar. You could say that COVID is simply getting these people before their "underlying conditions" get them. I don't see anything inherently improbable about that.

However, if you want to say that dying of COVID is not the same as dying with COVID, I too would like to see the number tightened up. That won't happen for a few years, when they can do the analyses.
They have done a good job at putting the fear of God himself into people.

99%+ survivability and they have us locked down as if the Walking Dead were roaming the streets.
By this point we COULD have had herd immunity but instead we fucked around long enough to give the virus time to adapt and mutate.
Would more have died up to this point? Likely so
Would more have been saved in the long run by preventing suicides/overdoses and all the other social bullshit that the government has IMPOSED ON US? Likely so as well.

And now we're likely to get round 2 of the government mandates thanks to their own ineptitude.

And don't give me that herd immunity is not an answer bullshit because since the vaccine became a reality that's all they've talked about.

Instead we're gonna have a "Biden" response to it if the new strains make it here.

God help us

GMU; my kid brother works in a medical clinic in Spokane Wa(specialist clinic not a GP clinic). He told me yesterday that C-19 victims have a 98.2+ percent survival rate, which CLOSELY VERIFIES your statement of 99+ percent survivability for C-19 virus victims. The 98.2 percent survivability rate MAY be just for Washington state as Washington state has a high percentage of elderly folks within it's borders as it is a good to better retirement state due to low cost of living(east of the Cascades mtn range NOT west of the Cascades). I also have heard the 99+ percent C-19 survivability rate multiple times(USA only?) which also backs up your quote of 99+ percent survivability rate for C-19 victims.

My kid brother also told me that there is a $4,000.00 payout(???) to medical doctors(???) who report each new case of C-19 afflicted patients? I definitely got the 98.2 % right in the above paragraph, but not so sure about this $4,000.00 payout or whatever it is called? The $4,000.00 figure IS correct though for sure, but the workings of it has me confused. We had a hundred forty eleven things going on all @ one time in the house so my memory @ best is fragmented. He also mentioned $40,000.00 cost/payout/insurance reimbursement(???) for hospitals that treat C-19 patients with an inhalator(???) As I said the monetary figures I have stated above are correct it's just how the figures are used that have me confused.

It came across to me that there is BOTH $$$$$/Power Politickin' involved to the max. I will attempt to get a clarification from my kid brother on what & how those two financial payments/reimbursements mentioned above are doled out.
but what else could cause the "surge"?
Uh, holidays where people travel and spend time together indoors.

So you are one of those who blame the people, not the virus.

Because you can make laws against the people, make their lives more miserable than they would have been without government in the picture at all, but there is nothing you can do to stop the viruses: they laugh at your "science," your laws, your tyrannical, illegal, unconstitutional dictates. Only people are made miserable and hungry and oppressed by those.
My kid brother also told me that there is a $4,000.00 payout(???) to medical doctors(???) who report each new case of C-19 afflicted patients? I definitely got the 98.2 % right in the above paragraph, but not so sure about this $4,000.00 payout or whatever it is called? The $4,000.00 figure IS correct though for sure, but the workings of it has me confused. We had a hundred forty eleven things going on all @ one time in the house so my memory @ best is fragmented. He also mentioned $40,000.00 cost/payout/insurance reimbursement(???) for hospitals that treat C-19 patients with an inhalator(???) As I said the monetary figures I have stated above are correct it's just how the figures are used that have me confused.

It came across to me that there is BOTH $$$$$/Power Politickin' involved to the max. I will attempt to get a clarification from my kid brother on what & how those two financial payments/reimbursements mentioned above are doled out.

They get more money if they say the patient has COVID. They get even more money if they use those murderous ventilators. This is a conflict, and is why I don't really trust the numbers of either hospitalizations or deaths.

Number of "cases" are irrelevant, since they are wholly human activity, and have nothing to do with viral activity at all. And besides, they have a bad false positive rate, so I've read.

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